When I read my friend Aubrey’s blog this morning, I gasped! She blogged about my one true talent. On our second date, I showed Andrew my incredible talent by singing him the “50 Nifty United States Song”…yes, I remember learning this song in the 3rd grade and have carried it with me all of these years. When Kensington was only a few days old, I sang it to her for the first time, and now we sing it on a regular basis.
I know my mom and dad are beaming with pride because even though I didn’t become that rocket scientist or brain surgeon…I have retained my 50 states in alphabetical order (they have heard my lovely rendition a million times).
I couldn’t just leave Aubrey a comment on her blog, I had to share this on mine as well. It’s so nice to know that at least one of my other friends is dedicated to becoming that kind of mom who teaches their young child the 50 states in alphabetical order at an early age :). The song is just so darn catchy (and helpful as an adult)…I bet you’ll want to learn it too!
Aubrey…we are soul mates!
Aubrey says
I think we could be long-lost twins! The similarities are practically endless! I wish we lived close enough to hang out. We could sing our dorky songs and sip coffee and go gaga over twinkle lights year-round. And our precocious little girls would sing along…or roll their eyes at their crazy mothers!
Now I am 100% POSITIVE that Baby #2 is a girl. 🙂
The Emerson's says
oh my goodness! Now I know two more people who know this song! I am always singing it with my daughter, and my husband totally doesn't believe that it is a song, and insists I am the only one who knows it. while i am flattered he thinks I could make up a jingle, I can't take credit for the fifty nifty 🙂 thanks for sharing!
Ashley says
I learned a completely different state song than your friend in elementary.
'When I was small I studied, U.S geography. The teacher said, “Would you stand up and list the states for me?” My knees began a knockin’, my words fell out all wrong, then suddenly I burst out with this silly little song…
*states in alphabetical order*
I sat down all out of breath and the teacher said, “That’s great!
I’m quite impressed you were the best at listing all the states.
But if you want to get an A for that silly little rhyme
Stand back up and sing that song but do it double time.'
You probably didn't need to know all that, but now ya do 😉
Tab & Erika says
We'll have to sing it together the next time I see you. I didn't learn it in school…but learned it while I was teaching my 3rd grade class. I'll have to start working on that with Ebby Lee…we're apparently all ready behind! ha!
Lori says
"Al-uh-bam-uh, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut…"
Baby Easterling says
I love that song! I sing it to the kids in my class all the time. Do you remember the preposition song from 6th grade English, Ms. McCuller's class? That's another random educational tune that gets stuck in my head!
abby says
Love the nifty version! And I also love the one where you "clap-clap-clap" throughout. It impresses Kevin that I know these. I think its sad that he didn't learn them. 🙁