Yesterday was a super busy, super full day. My aunt called to check on me and was surprised I hadn’t put myself into labor just on how busy we were. We started off the day by checking out 3 pre-schools with Erika and Ebby Lee for this fall. Then, Kensington and I went to Carter‘s house for a play date. Finally, we finished off the day by having dinner with some friends and their kids. Whew…I’m tired just thinking about all of that getting in and out of the car 9 months pregnant with a one year old.
Besides Ebby Lee, Kensington spent a lot of time with the boys yesterday…Carter, Jaxson and Nathan (we missed you Luke…sorry you weren’t feeling well). Maybe she is getting herself prepared for a baby brother??? She learned yesterday that boys play with a whole different set of super cool toys.
Sheaffer, Chris, Scout, and baby Carter says
OMG! Every time I look at that pic of Carter and Kensington I think "Oh my gosh…Chris and I were "those" parents….those parents that THINK that their baby is SO cute!" 🙂 Seriously, could he look any more like a tiny old man in that picture? We had fun yesterday, and we can hardly wait to meet the new little one! Yeah!