In this world, there are coffee drinkers and then there is everyone else. Some of you know exactly what I’m talking about and some of you don’t get it at all (you would be in the second group). Coffee is more than just a drink, it’s an experience…every.single.time.
I love coffee. Really and truly, if I were to be doing my Fifty Two Shades in order of importance, my first post would have been Jesus and my second post would have been coffee :).
I decided to wait and do my coffee post at the beginning of September for two reasons…first, it’s getting cooler outside and that just demands coffee, and the second reason…
…Starbucks’ Pumpkin Spice Latte is back for the fall!
Today just seemed like the perfect day to celebrate coffee!
So, how do I get my coffee? Well, I drink at least two cups a day. My first cup is always right when I wake up. As soon as my alarm goes off and my eyes pop open, I head straight to my coffee. I get excited about my coffee in the morning! We use our Keurig Single Cup Platinum Brewer at home…
Here’s why we love our Keurig:
1. It allows everyone in the house to drink whatever they want without having to brew an entire new batch of coffee. If some people want flavored, if some people want tea, if some people want decaf, if some people want stronger coffee…you get to pick that and not brew an entire pot.
2. You get a fresh cup of coffee every time. I like to drink coffee throughout the day (especially if it’s cold or raining outside), so I keep getting fresh cups of hot coffee and not stale, old, made it a few hours ago coffee.
3. It’s so simple to clean! You only have to wash your coffee cup! When you brew a pot of coffee, you have to wash out your coffee pot and your filter…but not with the Keurig…just your cup!
I like to buy my coffee from Coffee Giant.
My grandparents told me about this website years ago and I’ve been hooked ever since. They ship quickly and their prices on coffee (especially the K-Cups that go into a Keurig) are great! It’s much less expensive than buying in stores like Walmart or Target and they have an unbelievable variety! Right now, I’m drinking a lot of Green Mountain’s Pumpkin Spice and Andrew drinks Donut House’s Chocolate Glazed Donut.
Some of our other favorite K-Cup flavors are:
Hawaiian Coconut (which is seasonal)
I love my coffee with one Truvia and some creamer but this time of year, I’m excited about this…
Ahhhh…it’s such a wonderful site to see my favorite fall and holiday creamers in the grocery store :).
So, my first cup of coffee is brewed at home in my Keurig with some Coffee Giant Coffee and creamer. But my second cup a day always comes from…
Starbucks :).
I’m Shay and I’m an addict. I have no plans of reforming. I enjoy this dependency too much.
Nine months out of the year, I get a tall nonfat Caramel Macchiato every day. Is there really anything better than that green and white cup? Yes, there is…
…the red cup. (All of you Starbucks lovers out there know what I’m talking about!)
The other 3 months a year, I’m a nonfat Pumpkin Spice Latte girl.
My name is Shay…and I love coffee.
Next week, it’s Fifty Two Shades of Shay: Decorating your House for Fall!
Happy Tuesday!
And if you missed my first Meal Planning Monday yesterday, click here to see it! I’m trying to simplify your dinner routine one meal at a time.
I’m also giving away one free entry in the Workout Mama’s online bootcamp!
Click here for a chance to win!
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Find me on Instagram @mixandmatchmama
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
The fact that I'm in the second group makes me thankful that you are willing to still be my friend. I don't understand coffee AT ALL. But However, I do enjoy a caramel mocha frappacino light…..or a cappacino chocolate chip ice cream from Braum's. 🙂 Can't wait to see your fall decorating tips!
Tricia says
Today is a perfect example of why I love reading this blog. You celebrate the "little things" in life and everything is an experience. I love starting my day with this sweet reminder.
jen says
LOVE coffee too, and loved this post-so fun to read. We have a Keurig but I prefer our Cuisinart Grind and Brew! Looking forward to fall decor! Mine is up too! Yay for fall!
Carmen says
LOVE coffee!! I agree – it is so about the experience…from the simplest cappuccino ,to the spiced and flavoured…coffee is just…wonderful! 🙂
marielazs says
Isn't it amazing how just a simple cup of coffee can make your morning brighter? haha Heck! it can make my whole day brighter 😉 Love the red cup!
Angela says
Love it! I just fell in love with coffee a year ago and I can totally relate–it's an experience! I love your Starbucks addiction…hey if I could afford it I would be there every day, too!
Tara G. says
Raising my hand for the second group…but my mom drinks it like it's going out of style. 🙂
Paula says
Hi! My name is Paula and I too am addicted to coffee! I love coffee. I love creamer. I will scream itbfrom a mountain top with pride! PSL….true love!
Paula says
*it from* My fingers also add letters.
Kelly Jo says
I love coffee. My hubby gives me a hard time about because I have a HUGE latte factor! I spend so much money on coffee… I can't help it, though! My favorite thing to do is to pay for the person behind me in the drive thru! My baristas have said that sometimes the chain goes for 15-20 cars!
Paula says
That is awesome
Kel says
I am so happy to see someone else willfully admit that they hit Starbucks every day. And with no apologies! That would be me. 🙂
Ashley says
Iced tall non-far cinnamon dolce latte fan here. Except in fall when I'm a tall non-fat salted caramel mocha! Happy fall!! Counting down till the red cups make their lovely appearance 🙂
The Rimke Chronicles says
You must have a drive through one then? I couldn't imagine schlepping my kids in and out of the store. What time do you get your second one normally? I wake up at 5/5:30 and by 9 I could really use a second cup, even though I haven't started the habit yet. My friend jut got an espresso machine, have you ever considered getting one? She makes the BEST lattes. Do you get your second cup before or after the gym?
Thank you!!!!
Mix and Match Mama says
I get my second cup around 12:30 (after the gym). I have a latte frother at home that I use a lot too (mostly on weekends), but there is just something about driving through Starbucks!
Alison @ Get Your Pretty On says
Thanks for the recommendation on Coffee Giant. I will definitely be ordering some K-cups from them soon! I'm a two cup a day girl myself (usually Donut Shop) with hazelnut creamer. My fave Starbucks drinks are the non-fat Pumpkin Spice Latte and the Peppermint Mocha at Christmas. Can't wait!
Carlin Smith says
Last year our local Wal-Mart started carrying Peppermint Mocha creamer year round. It might have been my most exciting discovery of the year! I have been contemplating if I could freeze it or not!
Jennifer Cannon says
I love cofee too!!! Really, wouldnt survive with out it!
However, i hate the fact that it yellows your teeth! How do you keep yours so white?
Liz says
I am a coffee lover through and through. Your first group all the way. The Starbucks K-Cups are fabulous and it's about all we drink at our house. You should try the HEB San Antonio blend K-Cups though. I think they call them cafe ole or something similar. Anyway, they taste EXACTLY like the Starbucks Christmas blend. So cozy!!
Sabrina says
I feel like I need to give you a high five for this post. Ha!! I love coffee too. I agree with you-coffee is an experience. Especially that first sip–it's a sweet bit of bliss!
Happy Tuesday! I love your 52 Shades of Shay series! 🙂
Liz/happymommy says
I speak your coffee language for sure!!! We have a Keurig also and LOVE it…best thing ever! I also have 2 cups of coffee every day, one as soon as I get up and then another late morning. My fav at Starbucks is a tall non fat no whip white choc mocha….THE BEST and Pumpkin Spice in fall is so my jam, had one this morning!!!
Tammy Nelson says
I'm a coffee LOVER too !!!! I have a Keurig and love it and right now for fall I'm drinking Pumpkin Spice. They make a Gingerbread flavor too and it's simply amazing 🙂
Jaren says
I LOVE coffee too! I'm always sad for people who don't love it as much as me. I feel like they are missing out. I can't even imagine going grab a cold soft drink in the morning! I've never tried the Pumpkin Spice, but I need to give it a shot.
Tab & Erika says
Hey Friend!! I LOVE that you LOVE coffee so much! I'm TRYING! I really am! Right now, I'm still at 75% creamer and 25% coffee…probably not good for me AT ALL!! Can't wait for next week's tips! The kiddos and I are going to decorate while Tab is gone this weekend!! XOXO
Sheri at The Loopy Ewe says
Wow – so glad to learn about Coffee Giant. Thanks so much!
A Wedding Story says
My life began when I had my daughter and became addicted to COFFEE! Okay that is dramatic, but, I love the stuff so darn much. I wake up excited every morning to make a pot with my simple cheapo coffee pot. Maybe one day I'll do something amazing and someone will bestow on me a Keurig. Until then, I'll keep brewing away!
kristinwithani says
Every day? I covet your Starbucks budget.
For me it is a weekly treat.
Winter: venti quad soy latte
Summer: quad over ice in a venti cup with a splash of cream
How I wish I liked sugar in coffee. For me it just ruins it and it turns in to a dessert.
I get one PSL a year and ask for one half pump of syrup. That's enough. They put four in a venti usually!
All that said, c'mon Fall.
Tiffany {A Touch of Grace} says
As a Starbucks employee I thank you for your faithful patronage. 😉
And working here, I try to stick to just 1 cup a day, but sometimes it's soooo hard not to have more. Especially when we have 4 coffee kitchens on every floor to make your own. 🙂
KK Couser says
Coffee is the best! Am I the only one who likes plain ol' black coffe with milk? I just can't get on board with the sweet stuff!
Allison says
Amen!! I'm right there with ya!
Anita says
My go-to is a skinny vanilla latte all throughout the year, but my exciting moment is when the skinny peppermint mocha comes out! Counting down the days now…
Jenny says
I found your blog recently and am loving it! I dream of having a Starbucks close enough, but unfortunately the closest one is about 2 hours away! :/ Makes for one happy Mama when I finally make it to one! 🙂
kmn says
I drive thru every morning too for a caramel macchiato. Everyone knows me (and my kids) by name 🙂
Anonymous says
I too am an addict. I go to bed EVERY night thinking about my morning cup of java! The best is when my husband has a pot brewing and ready as soon as I wake up. Pure joy!!
Allison says
Oh you had me with this one. I go to bed at night looking forward to my morning cup of Joe. But with all due respect, I was let down when you at the very mention of your flavored coffee and creamers. My husband and I would (jokingly) put you in group 2. 🙂 When you can enjoy the beauty of coffee without the added flavor, you will know what us in group 1 are talking about. My husband said it's like you call yourself a wine lover but drink wine coolers. 🙂
Come join us in the dark (unflavored) side. Ill make you a deal—I'll try your Flavored stuff if you try my Starbucks Verona.—your life will be forever changed.
Mandy says
I love reading about your "shades"! I always learn something new (hadn't heard of Coffee Giant). Can't wait to see your Fall decorating ideas next week!
Shoshanah says
I do love a Starbucks PSL. But my all time favorite is their gingerbread latte (or gingersnap is what they're calling it now), but still… it's the first coffee drink I remember ordering back in college and I'm still obsessed!
Charla says
I want to give the inventor of the Keurig a big ol' hug. Out of my MANY kitchen contraptions, my Keurig is the most used and beloved. My go-to Starbucks drink is either a nonfat vanilla latte or a nonfat raspberry mocha. Delish! Holiday time has me jonesing for the nonfat salted caramel mocha and the nonfat caramel brulee latte. All decaf if it's after 2pm or I'm up all night!
Jenna {Real Simple Girl} says
I didn't start liking coffee until last year when I finally tried Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Lattes. Now I'm hooked! I even have a Keurig, and love all the flavored coffees and creamers! The PSL is my favorite drink at Starbucks during the cooler weather, but when they don't have it, I never know what iced drink to get. So far I haven't found my favorite. Do you prefer the caramel macchiato iced or hot?
Kristin says
At what point do I go to counseling for addiction to your blog? I just bought all flavors of coffee you recommended from the site you recommended, I made quick mexican casserole for dinner tonight as you recommended this morning, I wore my hair naturally wavy for about the 15th straight day using bumble and bumble surf spray because you recommended it and who has time to blow dry anyways? I mean, I'm afraid if I tell people they will start to think I have a problem. Love it all, Shay. Thanks so much! If my kids weren't sleeping I'd be on my way to Target for creamer :).
Big Pitt Stop says
Totally thought of you Sunday morning when I was at my parents neighborhood Starbucks and saw the "it's here early" sign.
Aubrey says
COFFEEEEEEEE! I'm an addict too and Nick has recently taken it to the next level and started savoring his morning beverage of choice BLACK.
I would be so bold as to say that there are actually THREE groups of people: those who don't do coffee and just don't get it, those who guzzle crappy coffee all day long without tasting it or enjoying it, and those who savor the multisensory experience of their 1-2 cups of coffee each day. We're in the last group and we're the best. 🙂
Mandy S. says
The red cup arrival always makes me way more excited than one should be over a cup! Thanks for the coffee giant recommendation.
Mandy S. says
The red cup arrival makes me more excited that one should be about a cup 🙂 Thanks for the coffee giant recommendation!
Louise says
I bought a Keurig simply because I could.not.wait for the 8 minutes for my coffee to brew. I need immediate coffee upon waking.
We were on vacation last week at a small hotel that we stay at every summer. The rooms usually have the regular old coffee pots in them. The manager upgraded mine to a Keurig. Talk about customer service. It made such a difference in my vacation.
I laughed about your praise the Lord with your coffee creamer flavors. There is a open storefront near my house- and I said to my son, "pray a Starbucks goes in there" He closed his eyes, folded his hands and said, "Please God, put a Starbucks there for Mommy." I was joking, he was serious!
Jennifer Cannon says
The red cup is a blessing!! That is when the clouds part and the angels sing!! Hallelujah!!!!!
Mod Commonplace says
Never apologize for being addicted to coffee:). It really is a whole lifestyle :).
Here are my tips and tricks for Starbucks "that you would never know exist" if you ever need to branch out of your Fave's routine!
katie elizabeth says
Oh my goodness. I feel like this post could have been one of 52 shades of Katie 🙂 haha. Down to the types of drinks you order, this is me exactly. So glad to know I'm not alone and will be thanking the Lord for creating coffee beans every day of my life 🙂
Anonymous says
Your two catagories made me giggle. I have three catagories. You fall in to the middle one. First are the real die-hard coffee drinkers who appreciate coffee in its truest form…black. They can throw down coffee or espresso black. That is me. Then there are "coffee" drinkers who like a little coffee with their flavor…then there are the ones who just do not get coffee at all. I do find myself at the Starbucks for the red cups though. They make my heart go pitter patter.
Jackie says
I get buy my coffee from but I'm always excited about trying new brands that come recommended! :]