Mother’s Day weekend was just extra special this year! I think for the first time, my kids really and truly understood that I do a lot for them each and every day and that they should really appreciate it :). I am going to thank their teachers, my mother and my husband for that reinforcement.
My Mother’s Day treat started off with Muffins with Moms in Smith’s preschool class on Thursday. Smith was so excited about this little breakfast! He talked about it all week and once we were in his class, he waited on me hand and foot!
Muffins with my boy 🙂
Smith answered his questionnaire about his mama…it was all food related. Obviously, we do a lot of cooking at our house!
I came home with a vase, a beautiful card and I ate a yummy cinnamon muffin. It was so special!
Kensington brought me a Lemon Sugar Scrub that her class made for their moms. I really loved this idea! She knew I would be excited about my scrub and I totally was!
On Friday, I took the kids to the library and then we had lunch outside at Sonic. Smith told me it was the best day ever. I kind of thought so too.
And then apparently while I was ordering lunch, they took some selfies. My kids :).
After Sonic, I came home and baked pie with my little ones.
And then on Saturday morning after tee ball, I came home and cooked some more…with this little tee ball player and his Ninja Turtles :).
We spent Saturday afternoon at my parents’ house with my grandparents. I just love my mama and Grandmother so much! By the way, my Grandmother pointed out that the older we get, the longer our shorts get…and apparently the wider our stripes get too :).
On Sunday morning, the kids came running down stairs with their Mother’s Day gifts for me. Smith picked me out a bracelet and earrings…orange. And then he drew me a roller coaster on my card…also orange. 🙂
Smith also told me to sit down and he was going to show me how he could write his name freehand. Smith never shows any interest in writing. Math, yes. History/Bible things, yes. Science, yes. Writing, no. He told me that he has been saving his name writing for Mother’s Day :). He must have written it 20 times for me yesterday morning :).
Kensington made me a card and then picked out a cookbook and colorful hair bands for me. All perfect!!
Andrew gave me these 8×10 pics he had taken one day of the kids in his office just for fun. Love those silly kids and their Mother’s Day mugshots :).
They made me a mama :). This is us on our way to church.
And then the Sox played the Rangers yesterday afternoon, so while the kiddos napped, my dad and I went back to see the Sox play again. Love hanging out with my dad!
After the Sox game, I met Andrew and the kids for Mexican food. Both of my kids walked in wearing their pajamas. I asked Andrew why he didn’t get them dressed and he told me they looked fine. That’s a dad for you :). They were all snuggles and cuddles during dinner.
The perfect Mother’s Day!
Don’t forget about Meal Planning Monday today!
I have so many simple and yummy recipes for your family this week. It’s the perfect May menu!
Happy Monday!
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
This post was too cute! I love the gifts they picked out for you, and I love that Andrew brought them to dinner in their pjs! But my favorite part? Your grandmother's observations about y'alls shorts and stripes. SO funny!!!!!!!
Mariela says
Your family is adorable! And your husband bringing the kids in their pjs! My husband does this too, or he will pick a very mismatched outfit for my daughter haha 🙂
Blue-Eyed Bride says
Love this, Shay! So many sweet memories from those sweet kiddos. And your grandmother's comment and that picture cracked me up!
MorganizewithMe says
What a beautiful Mother's Day!!! And I love that Andrew brought them to the restaurant in PJS -something my hubby would totally do!
Narci says
Aw! So glad you had such a sweet Mother's Day! 🙂 and, the PJs are perfect! Love!
Rebecca says
Ok, first of all you come from GREAT stock~your mother and grandmother are beautiful, no wonder you are so lovely!
I had to laugh when I read your hubby brought the kids to dinner in pjs~made me think of the time my hubby took our then 18 mos old girl to get ice cream with friends in her Sunday School dress with tennis shoes and a big floppy straw hat, then took pictures! I was horrified but now love the picture, it is so precious to me. She grew up to be a fabulous mom to 3 precious sons. Glad you had such a great Mother's Day!
Lexy says
I seriously love that Andrew brought the kids to dinner in jammies! Too funny!
Ashley @ Fancy Ashley says
Love all of this! The gifts were so perfect! Cracking up over the kids in their pajamas! That would totally happen around here! Love the pic of you, your mom and your grandmother! Sweet memories and beautiful ladies! Happy Monday, friend! xoxo
{Hi Sugarplum!} says
It looks like a perfect day…so glad you enjoyed it! Why do I always try to figure out what restaurant you're in based on the booths?!?
Courtney says
Please tell me more about that cute white watch in the adorable picture with you and your kiddos. 🙂 Happy Mother's Day!
Dani {Adventures of a Pharm Girl} says
I am cracking up at Smith's list and your grandmother's observation haha. Its so true for all of us!
So glad you had a good mama's day! Thanks for sharing!
x Dani
Lana says
Your son is so smart – putting a ? for his mama's weight :). Your mom and grandma are so beautiful – just like you! Looks like you had an amazing Mother's Day. Have a great week!
Mix and Match Mama says
Those shorts are from Gap! Love them!!
Jaren says
Such sweetness in this post! I love it when something simple gets "this is the best day ever" response! My little man told me that Saturday night because we made smores and hotdogs over the fire outside. It just doesn't get much better than that.
Tiffany {A Touch of Grace} says
What a perfect day! So sweet that Smith saved his name writing for Mother's Day. Thoughtful little boy you have there. 🙂
Chic Coastal Living says
Happy Mother's Day! The best gifts are those from the kids when they were younger! Finger prints and drawings! So much fun!!
DetroitDuchess says
So sweet that Smith saved writing his name just for you! They are adorable.
Anonymous says
Hey Shay!
Completely random question- but out of curiosity, were you ever in a sorority in university? What are your thoughts on sororities?
Mix and Match Mama says
I was not in a sorority but if I had to do it over again, I would have been. I think they are a great way to meet people and get connected in school.