Hello pantry.
When we were designing our new house, the pantry was high on my priority list. Andrew and I have lived in 4 other places during the course of our 10 year marriage and I have never had more than 3 shelves for a pantry. In our last house, I used the cabinets in my laundry room to store food…no room at all.
I knew I wanted a chandelier in my pantry (because why not?!?!), a Flemish glass door, and I knew I wanted open shelving like Monica and Rachel had on Friends…
…it just looks like some good cookin’ goes on in that kitchen :).
This is looking in with the door open. My walls are a blue-grey color and my counters are black granite. I had my friend Amy make me a piece of subway art with my favorite dessert recipes on it and I have a step stool for reaching some higher shelves.
That Chocolate Chip Bundt Cake in the center is the recipe that started the whole Mix and Match Mama brand :).
On one side of the pantry, I have our food items.
These are my baking ingredients…
…and putting chalkboard stickers on jars is about as crafty as I get :).
On the other side of the kitchen, I have cabinets and drawers underneath the counter for storage and then our most used appliances sit on the counter (with the exception of my Keurig…it sits out in the kitchen in my coffee bar area).
I keep our every day dishes and serving pieces in the upper cabinets.
And that’s it…my pantry.
It’s really and truly one of my very favorite spots in our house.
Speaking of food…
…my Meatloaf Burgers are on the menu tonight! Yummy and simple too!
And listen ladies…I was up at 4:30 this morning shopping the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale! For cardholders, the sale begins today (for everyone else, it begins on the 18th)!!
Don’t forget, this is new fall merchandise at a discounted price. I’m buying Christmas gifts galore right now (and maybe a thing for two for myself as well).
Happy Thursday friends!
Paula says
I love the subway art! Super cute!
I envy the panty…I don't really have one…
So, you keep everyday dishes in the pantry? And appliances like your blender that you use everyday?
Paula says
I also have jars for my flours & sugars! I love the chalk board look for labeling! Cute!
Dianna says
I love your pantry!! I am curious, what is in your kitchen cabinets since your dishes are in the pantry?
Jami says
This is just gorgeous!!! What a smart, beautiful design 🙂
Love your blogs & love following all of your besties blogs, too!
emma @ {from my little pink couch} says
Such a great space! & meatloaf burgers …. yummm!
Anonymous says
Can we please see your kitchen?!
Lindsay D. says
What a beautiful pantry you have! Thank you for sharing with us!!
I'm so excited for the Nordstrom Anniversary sale!! I look forward to it every year!! I hope you will share with us your favorites!
Mix and Match Mama says
Yup! I will do a post on my kitchen too! One room at a time!
Hilary says
Love it! It looks so clean and organized! We do not have a pantry either….our architect thought I was crazy at how detailed and excited I got with our future pantry. Thanks again for sharing Shay!
Stephanie Reynolds says
this is probably a stupid question… so I have spice containters with the chalk print on them… I keep rubbing it off with my hands when I grab them. DO you know of a chalk thats permanent? only asking because yours looks so clean and smudge free…??? help 😉
mommydontplay says
Stephanie, try some chalkboard paint pins. They only come off with water. You can get them at any craft store.
Kelly Stamps says
OH YES – that is a dream pantry!!! I love it!!!!!!!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Andrea told me to buy Bistro Chalk Markers off of Amazon and they stay on really well (but wipe cleanly with a damp towel). I love them!!
Sarah E @ theteacherswife.com says
I would KILL to have all that storage! So, do you not keep your everyday dishes in the main area of your kitchen? I love the chalkboard labels for your baking stuff!!! 🙂
The Yarbrough's says
ahhhh…I would love to have a pantry that big!!
Narci says
Rachel Embery says
Where did you get the labels?
Robyn Marrie says
Big happy heart LOVE the pantry! Thanks for sharing- I like yo style 😉
Tracy says
I love, love, love your pantry! Wow! The subway art is perfect! I would love a space like that for all my appliances.
Would you PLEASE show us your COFFEE BAR? I've been wanting to do a coffee area and need some inspiration!
Sandy P says
I am with the others that love the pantry, but I want to know what is in your kitchen cabinets.
Kathy Olson says
Love the door and chandelier – great choices!
Tab & Erika says
I'm BACK!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE your new pantry!! Love the sign, love the chandelier, love the color..love it!
Anonymous says
Love your blog!! And I love your pantry too. That is such a great idea to store your most used appliances on a counter in the pantry! Love love love!! Can't wait to see the rest of your house:)
Holly Morrison says
Now THAT is a pantry! It is gorgeous and you did a great job designing it!
Katy says
Wow!! Now that is a dream pantry;) Love it! I would have been super excited about it too!!
Jennifer Cannon says
My bags are packed and im ready to come just live in that pantry! Seriously beautiful!
Love it!! So glad your able to make your dreams a reality!
Shelly says
So functional!! I would have never thought to put plugs and appliances in the pantry but why the heck not? I always hate my kitchen counters being covered with stuff…problem solved!
Anonymous says
Where are your glass storage jars (and the chalkboard labels!) from? I'm moving and my baking ingredients will soon be on display- love the ones you have!
Mix and Match Mama says
I bought the glass jars and chalkboard stickers at the Container Store :).
dresselfamily.blogspot.com says
ooohhh Its gorgeous!!!..we built our House a couple of years back and I wanted a walk through pantry.. I can walk straight from my garage into my pantry.. so easy!….i also put the cutest glass door.. but for the love…i want a Chandalier!!!!!!….it's really great shay!!!!
melissabunny100 says
I love how you did this!! Perfect Planning!! You rocked it!
Colleen Sullivan says
I'm in love with your pantry! It is my dream space. We have no pantry currently and it drives me nuts. Everything is just stuffed onto 4 shelves and never ever stays organized, no matter how hard I try!
April Parrish says
Absolutely love your pantry! Love how you have a lot of the appliances in the pantry for easy access! I do not like my kitchen counters cluttered up with appliances and jars so this is perfect.
dresselfamily.blogspot.com says
shay, where do u get your Chandaliers from, and how tall are the ceilings on your main floor?
Mix and Match Mama says
My kitchen and pantry ceilings are 10 feet and the chandelier came from Lee Lighting :).
The Jacobs Family says
A gorgeous pantry with everything you need and love! Perfection!
Christy says
LOVE your pantry!
live compassionately says
So beautiful! I am definitely envious – the house my hubby and I currently live in is the first place that has had a somewhat decent pantry space so I know exactly what you mean by zero storage! So happy for you all – your new home looks like it is so beautiful!
Valerie says
Oh my goodness!! I'm obsessed!! Can't wait to see your kitchen!
Amber Sanders says
I am in love with your pantry. It is my dream to have a large pantry someday when we finally build our house. Thanks for sharing lots of great ideas I could use someday. I just LOVE your blog and can't wait for the holidays so we can see more of your house. I do love the way Andrea shared more photos of your pool on her blog today. Gorgeous!!
Sharon Simmers says
I am so jealous of your pantry!! I want one! Ha! Love your blog! No wonder you and Erika are such good friends!
Anonymous says
whats your house sqft inside? Texas is the place to be.. such good value.for your.money… colorado.. expensive!
dresselfamily.blogspot.com says
ooh I forgot to ask…
do your dishes get dusty with the open shelves, do u have to rise every time.before use?
Anonymous says
What a great pantry !! I am loving that it seems like y'all were very thoughtful about every part of your new home, and so worth all the time and energy that went in to building! Thanks for being willing to open up your sweet home for all of us to see. 🙂
Barberbabble says
Love your pantry and your blog! Would you be willing to share the paint color on the walls outside the pantry? I am looking for a "greige" and would love to know the color. Thank you for doing what you do! It's so much fun to read about your family adventures!
Mary says
Where did you get your awesome cake stand with the dome!? Love!
Marty says
We went from a really large pantry in our old house, to a very small pantry in our current house. I am a really content person and don't usually want what other people have, but your pantry?
Anonymous says
Do you toast your bread in pantry or take it out to the kitchen every time you use?
Mix and Match Mama says
I toast my English muffins and whip up my smoothies right there in the pantry :). And the kitchen paint color is Sherwin Williams Kilim Beige. XO
Anonymous says
Will you be sharing your nordstrom anniversary sale purchases 🙂 ? Love everything about the pantry!!
Aubrey says
I NEED a pantry. I hate appliances on countertops and I'm kind of a hoarder when it comes to food. My measly 3 (ONLY THREE) kitchen cabinets simply do not cut it! Euro kitchens are the WORST! (Unless you live in a gorgeous old house in France, that is.)
Anonymous says
I love your pantry! Genius idea to put counter and cabinet space in there. What do you use for everyday dishes (where are they from)? I want to change my dinnerware out because our dishes keep breaking with hairline fractures. Can't wait for more house posts!
realmommypreneur.com says
Your pantry is amazing! That's the kind of pantry that makes you want to cook. Thanks for sharing! Awesome blog by the way!
Tara G. says
Hmm…that's so fun and pretty that I think you could just host a party right inside! Too bad your door is see through or you'd have another hiding place when you need a mom sanity moment (I kid…with just a hint of truth in that!)!! I think your stone for the stove is just classic and classy.
Jeanie says
Oh, would I love to have that pantry! No room at all in my 1955 kitchen.
Deena says
Beautiful and so well thought out! Thanks for the tour. I'm enjoying your lovely new home.
Elise @ Cheers Yall says
Most amazing pantry ever. I am obsessed!!! xx
Ashley @ Fancy Ashley says
Gorgeous pantry!!! I LOVE it and the chandelier is so fab!!!! Such a great space!!! xoxo!
Unknown says
Love it! Come design my house please 🙂
I would have never thought to put counter space and toaster and blender in the pantry, very smart. I also love the look of the open shelves, you'll have to report back if it results in a ton of dusting!
Thanks for sharing!
Blakeley says
I love the color of your pantry. Does the blue-gray color have another name and brand?
Rachel says
Wow you took a pantry to a whole new level!!! I just set up a coffee bar in my house and would love to see yours! Thanks so much for sharing! You did a great job 🙂
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
Okay. It's 12:51 a.m., and I'm just now reading your post. The new post will be up in 4 hours and 8 minutes. I have so much to say about your pantry, but since it's late I'll say two things: THE DOOR! and THE CHANDELIER! Sigh. I want both of them. Wait. three things. THE SUBWAY ART! I love it all.
Polka Dot Blossom says
A post on your pantry AND the Nordstrom Anniversary sale? Let's just say waking up at 4:30 yesterday, I had a lot of incentive to get up! Thanks so much for sharing. It is BEAUTIFUL!
Kim Taylor says
Well that was worth the wait! OH EM GEE I love your pantry! I can just imagine that your entire house is amazing because I love your kitchen, pantry and closet! Thank you for giving us a peek into your sweet life <3 I love your recipes and I love how you just ix and match !!!! Have a great weekend with your sweet Smith! 🙂
Julie and Scott Cooper says
Amazing pantry and sneak peaks of your new home so far.! I love your blog and look forward to it each day. What a cute family!
Jaren says
Such great taste Shay!!! Love all the storage for non food items!!
Anonymous says
Hi Shay,
It might drive me a little crazy walking back and for the things I use everyday but the idea of a glass door and countertops for a pantry is just fantastic. Both are simply stunning! Can't wait to see the kitchen :-).
Morgan says
I live the idea of housing small appliances on a pantry counter! Brilliant.
Chic Coastal Living says
I love your pantry!! You did a beautiful job designing it!
MorganizewithMe says
I LOVE your pantry! The fact that you have your appliances tucked in there along with the open shelving just makes it perfect!!!
Emmy says
I.am.obsessed!! It's gorgeous, and practical. Love it!
Jen Fisher says
I love it all! I want it all! The door, the shelving, the COUNTER TOPS in.a.pantry! LOVE! I love that you store your most used appliances in there. I bake a lot too and would love to have a place to store my Kitchen Aid mixer out of the way to have "cleaner look" on countertops in my kitchen. The SHELVING! LOVE! All my cake decorating supplies would have a great home! I'm so glad you built your home before me. You have awesome ideas!
Anonymous says
Love your pantry? Can you please tell me the actual color on the wall?
Haley @ Cupcakes and Sunshine says
dream pantry!! It is wonderful! the organization makes me so, so happy too! 🙂
Anonymous says
What are the dimensions of your pantry?