We have almost made it to the end. Tomorrow, we have our Consulate appointment and then Wednesday, we pick up Ashby’s Visa and fly back to Beijing to spend one night before flying home on Thursday. Whew. I’m ready.
One quick thing…I have been absolutely blown away by the emails from you sweet people wanting to know more about adoption for your own families. BLOWN AWAY! I have received hundreds of them. Hundreds. There is no way that I can personally respond to each one (though I wish I could!)…it would just be impossible. Once we’re back home, I will do a Shade of Shay on this and hopefully answer most of your questions. If for some reason, you still have a question or two, then you can email me then and I’ll get back to you. I typically answer every single email that is sent to me, but there is just no way that I can tackle all of these. I’m sooooooo happy that so many of you are opening your hearts to the idea of adoption.
One other thing, several of you have asked about Kensington missing two full weeks of school…due to the Christmas break, she will actually be missing exactly one month of school (December 19 to January 19). I am so grateful to her sweet teacher and administrators for being so encouraging and supportive of this family event. They were cheering us on and encouraging us every step of the way :). They provided Kensington with plenty of school work to be done while she’s gone and we’ve faithfully completed it each and every evening over here in China. That being said, we’re more than ready to head back home and jump into our new routine…we all miss the routine of regular life.
Here is Miss Priss yesterday morning at breakfast…trying so hard not to smile at me. Trust me, this girl is all smiles…she just likes to play the game of “I bet you can’t make me smile” :).
After breakfast, we went to what the Americans call the Pearl Market and bought each girl a strand of pearls that hopefully, they’ll have forever and always remind them of this trip to China.
He really wanted a watch…not pearls. So, we went to hunt down a little watch for him.
We stopped by a little embroidery shop where we purchased three pillow cases for Ashby’s room at home. They were so sweet and gave the two big kids fans.
Smith said he is saving his for his daughter one day. (I mean…isn’t he just the sweetest?!?!)
We found Smith a watch and took a street selfie. In only 24 hours, we have taught him how to tell time on it (big hand, little hand kind of time). Kensington has no interest in learning how to tell time…she assumes that’s a skill she won’t need in life. Sigh.
We walked to Shamian Island to look around. Everyone looks thrilled right?!?!
I just love these two 🙂
After lunch, we hit up Starbucks again and then headed to the room for Ashby to nap. I’m currently reading this book and it is so good! If you’re a mom, get it :).
We found a restaurant online that we wanted to try for dinner, so around 5:00, we loaded up and headed out in a cab. The taxi driver assured us that he knew where we were going…but 30 minutes later, he pulled up to an industrial building and said “you’re here” and we said “ain’t no way”. By this time, Smith was sound asleep and Kensington was really car sick. We told him to just take us back to the hotel and around 6:00, we showed right back up where we started. This time, Smith was super cranky because we woke him up, Kensington was moments away from puking and shaking really badly and Ashby was crying because she was hungry. We called it quits and just ate dinner in the hotel.
Andrew took this pic at 2:30 am. Bless his Dallas Cowboys loving heart. He woke up at 1:45 to watch the Cowboys play and ordered room service. He went to sleep again at 5:00 to a Cowboys’ loss. This guy is such a fan. The kids and I slept right through it.
My crew this morning. I love how Smith is laughing with Ashby about Mickey Mouse :).
Before bed last night, Andrew and I were talking about how much Ashby needed a family to love on herself. She didn’t just need to receive love, this girl has so much love to give! She is already so into giving us kisses and hugs. She is snugly. She laughs at everything we do, she wants to do everything with us…she just has so much love to give. For 2.5 years, she has had no one to love and now, she has these four fools who are head over heels for her and she is totally into reciprocating the affection.
So much love to give.
We only packed enough clothes for 10 days (and we’re gone 18), so we’ve been having laundry done along the way. This is our last batch before going home!! There is a great laundry service here that will do all of our laundry so that when we get home, I just have to put it away. Woohoo!
Today, was the BIG day that my kids have been looking forward to since before we left…the Safari Park day…and it was cold and raining. It was 55 with a steady stream of rain all day long but since this is our last site seeing day of the trip, we had to bundle up and make the most of it. Listen…rain or shine, this place was AMAZING! I’ve been to many zoos in my life in several different countries and this zoo was hands-down without a doubt the prettiest and best zoo that I have ever been too.
He is ready to get wet and have fun!
Thankfully, every animal exhibit had some sort of covering so that I could snap a few pics between being soaked.
Not only is this zoo beautiful, the exhibits were so close to the people that you almost felt like you could reach out and you know…touch a giraffe or something. One of the biggest bonuses to visiting the zoo when it’s raining is that no one else is there. We had this zoo all to ourselves.
Me and the white kangaroos 🙂
This zoo is known for their panda exhibit. They are the only place in the world with triplet panda bears (born this past August). Look how close we are to these amazing pandas. The sign out front said that millions pass through this panda exhibit every year…but today, we were the only five in the entire exhibit. So cool!
He wasn’t impressed by us.
…and then chillen and eating them here.
We only saw two of the three triplet pandas (one guy wasn’t around today). Famous little guys :).
We stopped at one of the little zoo restaurants for lunch. All three kiddos picked sausage on a stick for their lunch.
Ashby took down her sausage!
And then on our way out, Andrew and a white tiger had a staring contest.
You can’t see the kiddos very well in this pic but I wanted to capture the lake in the middle of the zoo. Even though it was cold and rainy, we had the very best time! Tomorrow morning, we get down to business (finally!) and finish up all of steps that need to be done in order to get the heck out of here with Ashby. It’s been fun China…but we’re ready to be home!
Click here to see Day 16.
Macy Strozier says
Looks like y'all are enjoying it. I can't wait to see and read about Ashbys reaction of the plane, the new environment at home,ect. Hope y'all have a safe trip hope. God bless you.
Lauren D says
I'm LOVING hearing about your trip as it happens! Thank you for sharing! I'm missing your shayeveryday posts on IG, though! 🙂
Anonymous says
Love following your journey! Your family is such an inspiration. I wish you all the best. I have been praying for you guys. Can't wait to read tour next post.
Brittany Medland says
I can only imagine how ready to be home you are!! I wish you safe travels back and can't wait to see Ashby in her new home! 🙂
Amber says
Yay!!!! You're almost done and ready to head home!!!! I've enjoyed following this journey do much…and was SUPER curious about the laundry so thanks for posting that! Ha! ?
Kaileigh says
As far as Kensington missing school goes, I think that school is obviously super important but there are a lot of things that are taught outside of school. The trip to China and adoption of her little sister is a life experience that I'm sure she will remember forever!
Erin Blum says
Amen! ?
Chic Coastal Living says
So much fun! It's like Ashby's been with you forever! Love her sweet smile! God bless you on the rest of your trip and I'm looking forward to you returning home, because I know how awesome it was be for all of you and I can't wait till your parents meet her in person! Woo Hoo exciting things ahead for all of you! God bless you sweetie!
Megan says
Love reading your journey!! Praying for you! Can't wait to meet that sweet lil girl!!
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
With every post I read I just get more and more excited for y'all to just GET HOME ALREADY! It is so awesome to see Ashby already feeling like part of the family. I'm so excited to see y'all loving on her AND her loving on y'all!
Tara G. says
Love it!
The only test I ever failed was when my family moved to WI and my gym teacher made me take a written test that first day on the Packers….so I've never been a fan. Sorry for the loss, Andrew.
Erika Slaughter says
What a fun little adventure!! You guys are so close to the end!! Only 3 more sleeps!!
Melissa says
It has been so fun to follow along vicariously on your journey. The former kindergarten teacher in me was so relieved to hear K's teacher has been so great and that her schoolwork won't be a burden when y'all return. I was concerned about her missing so much school and actually asked my mom the other day what she thought you were doing about laundry…so those were two inquiries answered ; )
All three of your kiddos are PRECIOUS and I am so glad everyone is adjusting so well. Thanks for taking us along on this journey!
MorganizewithMe says
So fun to be along on you beautiful journey and I'm thrilled to know you've had so much interest in adoption. Thank you Shay for always being so inspiring and encouraging. xo
emma @ {from my little pink couch} says
Love seeing Ashby smile … so sweet!
Anonymous says
I love your blog and your hearts. I've loved watching your journey to adopt. When you do your shade of Shay, can you speak to my HUGE question of why do countries take so long for adoptions when they have so many children that need homes? I'm so curious why it takes 15 months or sometimes even longer. I just wish it could be a faster process. Ashby is so cute.
Narci says
We love you so much!! You are almost there!!! Can't wait to hug on you and your family! ❤️
kimm atwood says
What a wonderful family of 5
Anonymous says
Been following your journey and it's been an inspirational one! Little Ashby is just so cute! When you posted her picture for the first time my immediate thought was she looked like she was my youngest daughter's age. Sure enough, she is! My daughter was born on June 4, 2012 so they are only days apart. Many blessings to your family of 5! Can't wait to see all of the updates to come!
Polka Dot Blossom says
Wow. Ashby's smile is priceless. I am so glad y'all are doing so well together as a family as 5. I will be praying for your travels home and settling into your new normal! XOXO
Big D and Me says
Congratulations to your entire family – what an amazing experience – we live in the same town as you and have followed this journey – as a teacher this trip is far more important and worthwhile than anything her class will be doing – she is experiencing another culture – priceless.
Dana Vissage says
Loved this post, Shay! That smile of Ashby's is so incredibly sweet!
Hayley Chandler says
I can only imagine how ready y'all are to be home! I love seeing that Ashby is already adjusting so well to your family. Safe travels home
Anonymous says
What a fabulous journey. Thank you soooooo much for sharing your adoption process with us! I LOVE seeing your updates and beautiful pics of your good times together. Safe travels home to a lovely lovely family!
Kelly Kitchens says
Sweet post! Can you give me details on your neon pink shoes at breakfast please? =)
Paula says
I am so excited to read your updates! It sounds as if everything is going so well!
I bet just as much you want home, you have family and friends "patiently " waiting to squeeze you all! So exciting!
Praying these last few days go both quickly & smoothly!
Anonymous says
I am a teacher (with my own three kids) and trust me it is more than fine to miss school. (Especially in Kindergarten!) What your kids are learning on this trip (family bonding, sight seeing etc.) is WAAAAAYYYYY more important. Kensington has many years of school ahead. Enjoy this time as a family. But I understand how much you will be ready to get back to a routine.
Laura Fuller says
I am loving your posts about adopting Ashby. And, I'm glad you addressed the laundry issue. I have been worried about you having to do 18 days of laundry when you get home…
Susan Cardy says
So fun to see your pics!
Natalie Zambreski says
Ashby just gets cuter and cuter! You are so blessed to have had such an awesome school and admin that are so supportive of your family's journey! God's timing is SO perfect! K is learning so much through this process and through getting to experience China first hand, which is SO awesome!
PS – love your puffer jacket!
Gavan says
You are almost home!! I know you are all very ready to get Ashby home and settle into your new routine of life as a family of 5! Prayers for safe travel and a smooth finish to this long process of getting Ashby!
Megan Garrott says
I have loved reading about your trip to China and adopting your sweet Ashby! When I was in college, I went on two different mission trips to China. 3 weeks to Guangzhou and 8 weeks in Beijing. I have loved seeing the places that we went to while I was there again. Sweet memories! Safe travels home!
Laci Murray says
Ashby is just adorable and that smile, wow! How cute is she!!! That zoo looks amazing and your crew I am sure is ready to be home. What an adventure you guys have been on. How incredible.
Kimberly says
Seeing Ashby's sweet smile makes me so happy! It is so amazing the plan that God had for you guys all along. Congratulations to you all! I know it will feel so great to be home soon with your three children! God Bless!
Farris Family says
I love her smile! Thank you for sharing such a sweet story!!!
Nana3 says
and home you will be by the weekend. Maybe another vacation in the tropics maybe in order soon. In the past month you all have had so much on your plates. You all look wonderful and happy but ready to go home to. Ashby looks like she is adjusting well even eating good. She sure isn't picky and is going to love all your cooking when you get home. Enjoy the rest of your trip and safe travels home.
Kim Saffran says
Ashby has the cutest smile. Thanks for sharing your journey.
We live in Wisconsin, so of course we are Packers fans. But the catch made by Dez Bryant was awesome and it made us all sad when it was overturned. Just had to share, that my husband is from Burlington where Tony Romo is from and where his parents still live.
Alyson says
What amazing memories you are making with your family! Ashby is one lucky little girl! God Bless your family.
Whitney S says
All of your kiddos are so absolutely adorable & look so happy! It seems like Kensington & Smith are just so in love with their new little sister! I can't wait for you all to get back home and settled in your new day to day! 🙂 Safe travels.
Rebecca Jo says
I love you all are the kind of family that rain doesn't stop your plans of a zoo trip! 🙂
I bet you all are so ready to be at home with your own washing machine 🙂
Anonymous says
Meaghan says
Love following your trip! Makes me excited because we are finishing up our dossier right now and hope to head to China this year. Safe travels home!
Kristin's Chronicles says
Loving these posts and continuing to pray for y'all! ❤️
kristinwithani says
Shay, you didn't have to, but I'm so glad you took us on this journey!
Isn't Asia hotel laundry service the best? And so inexpensive.
Already praying for your transition home.
Heather says
I am curious about the adtoption process? I would love to read in your post about how you selected an agency, the steps to get on a wait list, and how you funded the very expensive process.
Stacey McDonough says
I have really enjoyed your posts and hearing about this amazing journey. Bless you for what you are doing! Ashby is so blessed! Safe travels…can't wait to here about the trip home and how she adapts to her new enviornment. It seems like as long as she has you four with her, she'll be great!
Leann says
Just wanted you to know that I am loving reading about Ashby and China! Ashby seems so happy in the pictures! You can just see all the love she wants to show for you all! Can't wait to read about her life with you all at home in the U.S. Thanks for sharing your adoption experience thus far. I have secretly always wanted to adopt so your story gives me more of an insight. Many blessings!
Ashley Miller says
Oh. MY. GOSH.! That picture of her smiling. What a sweet girl!!! Love following your travels!
Anonymous says
Just an idea…our young boys bought a strand of pearls there to give to their future bride. Well, we bought them for them but it was still a great idea. The price is so good and the thought so sweet. Safe travels home.
Nikkih says
It is so wonderful to hear about your journey and see Ashby's smiles! It warms my heart that she has a forever family to love on! God bless you – reading your posts brings happy tears!
melissabunny100 says
If you can imagine, I have been on vacation this past week, I am crying reading your posts, drinking at an island bar. People thought I was NUTS….I am so happy for you!! I can't wait for the Q and A post…I know I have a question!
Anonymous says
I have had the best time reading about your fam's adventures! Thank you for retelling them for all of us to share in the fun and excitement! The way Kensington is contemplating her sausage stick in the zoo lunch pic made me giggle. It's like she's trying to decide what she thinks of it. 🙂 Ashby is so lucky to have such wonderful siblings (and Mommy and Daddy!). What you said abot her needing a "love outlet" is so true! I'm so happy for her! Have a safe trip home!
Leslie LauBach says
I have been checking your blog constantly to see more pictures of Ashby's sweet face. Tears come to my eyes every time I see her smile. What you've done for this little girl is the most amazing gift and I know you view her as an equal blessing. You are the sweetest family and I wish you all the love in the world.
Stacie says
As a kindergarten teacher, I tell parents all the time to please not worry about missing school to travel. These are life experiences that will shape her forever, and my lessons on squares and triangles can take a backseat! It only gets harder for kids to catch up in school, so now is the time to do it. She will have so much to share with her class when she gets back!
Kim Taylor says
You have a beautiful family but I absolutely LOVE seeing the littlest Shull smiling!!! She is a DOLL!
Carey-Jane says
No wonder you are all so in love with that adorable little Chickie!! She's just as gorgeous as your other two:) Best wishes for the last few days and your flight home!
Lacy McMurry says
She is a cutie!!
Jen says
Ashby's smile is absolutely adorable!!! 🙂
Courtney Cammarano says
Please give my condolences to Andrew. I'm a misplaced Texan and a lifelong Cowboys fan. Dez Bryant was robbed — that was a catch.
Jeanie says
Each day seems a little more cheerful with sweet Ashby. So glad she loves you as much as you love her. Whenever I see her picture, I break out into a big smile. I can't wait for you to get home, too!
Lynn {A Taste of Country} says
I look forward to reading your blog so much every morning and get disappointed now when there is no post some weekdays..haha! I love seeing Ashby's sweet smile and how quickly she's opening up to your family. It's so cute that she returns all the affection..I bet you are soaking that up! Safe travels over the next few days..can't wait to read about the rest of your family meeting Ashby!
Becky says
Love reading your blog and your sweet story on adoption! It's beautiful 🙂
Valerie Cox says
Ashby is just precious, and she can rock a hairbow just like her big sister! The pictures where she is trying not to smile are the cutest! It would be so fun to do a post from the pictures on Kensington's camera. Seeing an event from a child's perspective is always so fun! Safe travels, Shull Family!
Anonymous says
Ashby is absolutely adorable!!! Such a sweet girl. I love hearing about your journey and seeing all the pictures! Thanks for bringing us along!
Denise Ross says
What an awesome zoo!!! Your family looks like you're all settling in together. Beautiful to see 🙂
Jaren says
I just love how you are inspiring so many people! She is SO STINKIN' CUTE!! Praying for safe travels as you guys head back home. Can't wait for y'all to return and bring Ashby home!!!!!
amoveableme.com says
I love these updates. I am seriously laughing about the Kensington and telling time thing… So cute! And I just love seeing Ashby smile 🙂
Cami says
Is this the longest trip you've been on? I am loving Ashby's smiles and fun personality shining through her pictures. You have a beautiful family of five!
Lauren says
I'm dying for y'all to get home, I know your family is bursting! I love seeing Ashby's sweet smile, boy, she has a lot of love to give away. Two years is a LONG time to have no one to love. I hope you get off your plane and go straight to a Tex Mex restaurant. I'll never forget when James and I came home from a summer in Africa in 2006, it was like 9:00 at night. My parents picked us up at DFW and we headed straight for Tex Mex…I ate my weight in Mexican food that night! 😉 It's funny that's what we crave when we can't have it. Enjoy these last moments of your trip! xoxo
Anonymous says
Oh no! Why weren't you all thrilled with Shamian Island? Did you not research know where to go?