Life lately has been eventful…but not necessarily in a good way. We’ve had a crazy week and this mama is just happy to be on the other side of it. Let’s recap…
My next resume will say “professional chauffeur”, and I don’t mind one bit. I’m always dropping someone off or picking someone up. This is Kensington just about to step out of the car to head into school. Love those three smiles.
Because Kensington is in school every day, it’s typically just Ashby, Smith and me. These two are so sweet together. Smith has turned into one rock start big brother!
They help me get my stuff out for my class at the gym. My little cone heads :).
See the rain? We’ve had more rainfall so far this year then we had in all of 2014. It’s pretty much rained non-stop for 8 weeks. Ashby loves to sit up near the window and play while I make dinner. Sweet girl.
Headed to Smith’s Pre-K graduation!
Such a special kid :).
Flowers will never be the way to my heart…my hubby surprised me with coffee during the day. That’s true love.
Kensington and I eating popsicles and checking on our veggies after we walked home from school.
On Thursday evening, I was making dinner and randomly snapped this picture of Ashby. About 10 minutes after I took this picture, everything got a little crazy.
Ashby has a Vascular Malformation (which means her heart created more veins on her right side going down her right arm into her right hand). The biggest concern for Ashby are blood clots. These aren’t the kind of blood clots that are fought with aspirin. These clots form because she has an abundance of blood trying to get through her arm and her blood can get stuck and stagnate therefore forming a clot. They’re concerned about clotting all over her right side but the doctor told us at her last visit that up near her right armpit is the most dangerous place because that’s where the top of her right lung is.
Well…right after I took this picture of Ashby, she turned around and said “ow Mommy” and pointed to this egg-like bulge coming out of her right armpit. We have been instructed to take her to the ER any time we think she might have a clot, so we immediately took her straight to our local ER.
Let’s talk about how amazing God is and the blessings that came from this situation:
The ER doctor that was on call when we arrived is a great guy we know from church. He is perhaps one of the most serious and intense (while sweet at the same time) guys I know…and I about cried when I realized he would be seeing her.
They called in a radiologist and sonographer to do a sonogram that lasted an hour. I held Ashby the entire time they looked around and they seemed very convinced it was a blood clot. Meanwhile, I noticed on her chart that was open in front of me that at the top, it said Emergency Care level 1 2 3 4 5 and on her chart 4 was circled. In my mommy brain I was thinking “four!”. That’s really close to five and I’m assuming gunshot victims and such are fives…so a four is pretty freaking close and I don’t want my baby to be a four. You know…I was all rational and stuff while I sat there…
The radiologist and ER physician really couldn’t see through Ashby’s “normal” in order to gauge what the bulge was. They showed me with the sonogram one particular spot where you and I would have one vein but Ashby had at least 30. So, at this point, I had already called Ashby’s doctor at Scottish Rite but it was 9:00 PM and they said they wanted to call him back themselves before they transferred her to Children’s Medical Center in Dallas. Thank you Lord for modern technology. They were able to get Ashby’s doctor on the phone at home and he was able to discuss the sonogram they just did on Ashby AND view her MRI we just had done on Tuesday at home. He reviewed both things and determined that she had a very swollen lymph node that was surrounded by a cluster of veins. He told them to discharge us and send us to his office first thing the next morning. Even though he wasn’t seeing patients the next day, he showed up to check on Ashby. Thank you Jesus.
So…we went home around 10:00 and then went straight to Scottish Rite Children’s Hospital the next morning for him to look at her. It was determined that she had a massive lymph node under her arm but no clot. We were also able to go over her MRI with him at that time (2 weeks earlier than expected) and formulate a game plan for the future.
After we left Scottish Rite, we had lunch with these two and a massive amount of gummy bears. Thank you Jesus for the health of my kids.
And then on Saturday, Ashby was like a kid in a candy store :).
A diner brunch with my little family.
You have to indulge those boys ;).
Look at her looking at Kensington. True love.
Speaking of true love…this was my view from the recliner in our play room.
Kensington’s new bulletin board arrived on Saturday, so she spent Sunday afternoon fixing it up.
And on Sunday night, we introduced Ashby to Play-Doh. She only ate a little bit of it…I consider that a win.
We met Erika and Narci at Chick-fil-a on Monday and they were having craft time. My girl seems pretty proud of that American flag, right?
No rain! We enjoyed a sunny (and HUMID!) afternoon outside.
Love these three.
That’s life lately.
Today on my foodie blog, we’re celebrating Grilling Season!
Click here to see my favorite recipes from the grill.
Erika Slaughter says
You did have a stressful week!! Love how God was all over that situation. He was watching out for her AND giving your mama-heart some peace in the mids of it all. XOXO
kimm atwood says
So glad ashby is ok!!!
Anonymous says
Love reading your blog! Thankful your precious one is doing better too! Random question. Do you not get a latte anymore from Starbucks? I've never tried an Americano. Is it good? Whatever you recommend is always great!
Blue-Eyed Bride says
Praising God that your sweet baby is okay! Continuing to pray for her and her doctors. What a blessing that she is part of your family and that some of the best doctors in the country are now treating her! Can't believe Smith is off to kindergarten!
Meghan Glidden says
So glad she's ok!!!!
I know exactly which dr- he helped my son (who has autism) when we came in and was amazing. He also mentors a student at my school (the church sponsors our school) and is great with him too!
What a stressful week- hoping your weekend is relaxing!:)
Narci says
What a crazy week! So thankful that doctor was there that night and that our sweet girl is okay. Glad you guys have a good plan for going forward!! Also, Ashby with that American flag is so sweet! Love it!!
Jenny says
Healthy kids really are a blessing. Again, so moved by your story and your willingness to share it with all of us. Glad your daughter is okay and your son does seem like a rock star big brother. The kissing pic is sooooo sweet!
Anonymous says
Thank The Lord for the doctors who were able to care for sweet Ashby. I am glad that she is able to have a sweet caring family to care for her as she hurts. John 16:33 ❤️
Melissa says
So thankful Ashby is ok and for sweet and caring doctors who go above and beyond. It's never easy to have a kiddo in the hospital so enjoy an extra cup of coffee this week and kick your feet up : )
All three of your kiddos are so darling!!!
Rebecca says
Love so many thing about this post. First and foremost that The Lord watched out for Ashby and you and that you have an amazing dr who goes beyond. I had one of those in CA when my baby was 10 and I know what that can do to calm a momma's heart in the middle of the crazy. I love K put both her siblings names on her new, darling bulletin board, I love the blue and white balloons in the corner of the family room, I love the play-doh fun going on and mostly I love all the precious smiles from you and your kids. It is truly apparent that you know you are blessed! Have a wonderful weekend!
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
Whew! That was one scary couple of hours! And I have to say, THANK HEAVENS you didn't tell me in the middle of it all that she was a "4". You know me, and I'm pretty sure I don't think my heart could have taken it. Thank you God that she was so well taken care of during it all! And thank you God that she wasn't still in China when all of this happened! She was right where she needed to be. And that picture of her in the candy store? CANVAS MATERIAL.
Lindsay D. says
Thank you Jesus for you and your husband and that you are Ashby's parents!! That she has her forever family!!
devycakes says
so so many prayers for your family and your sweet ashby! I feel for this baby who had to wait years for a family and now has to go through this. At least she has a mommy to hold her and make her feel safe. 🙂
Paula says
Stressful week, yet God was all over it! Glad you have a game plan! That must give peace!
Those loving siblings kisses! PRECIOUS!
Laurie S says
Wow what a week. God had His hands (and heart) in the details for Ashby's medical scare, from the ER dr to coordinating conference calls with her doctors and getting the MRI results sooner. So glad it was not a blood clot but a lymph node issue instead. How Wonderful and steadfast is His love for us.
Love the pictures of your kids. Now that is love. Take care.
Lindsay at Lindsay'sSweetWorld says
Thank goodness sweet little Ashby is OK! You guys did the right thing by getting her to the ER so quickly. Unfortunately we know all too well about health scares with little ones… our three year old used to get croup so bad that he would stop breathing and it was terrifying. But God is good and He looked out for us every single time.
I hope y'all enjoy your long weekend!
<3 Linds @
Anonymous says
From what you described, you stayed way more calm than I would have if I saw a 4 circled! Glad Ashby is ok, and praying you all continue to get great care!!
Three Gals and a Guy says
Oh my goodness I am so happy to hear that Ashby is ok. My heart dropped for you all! He really is looking out for you all. 🙂 Enjoy your weekend, hopefully it's less eventful!
Heather Forcey says
Wow! So sorry for the tough week. What a scare for you as a mom at the hospital, and praise be to God that Ashby's condition was not a clot! The picture of her in front of the jelly beans is priceless!
Marty says
I love how God is in even the smallest details of our lives…working things out for our good and His glory. I am so thankful Ashby is okay and is doing well. I love that you are using your blog to tell of God's faithfulness in all circumstances. 🙂
Laci Murray says
So glad God was watching over your sweet family that night! Thank God for modern technology and Dr's with the wisdom and guidance to calm us mama's down!
thebusybrunette says
What a scare you had! I would have been a wreck. I'm so glad to hear everything is getting better. My goodness… poor Ashby! I'm sure you and Andrew and Kensington and Smith have been giving her lots of love. Here's to some better days for you all!
"The Busy Brunette"
melissabunny100 says
That would be scary…you are such a great mom!
Sarah E @ says
What a stressful week for sure, but I'm so glad God gave you glimpses of his mercy in the midst of it. Ashby is such a strong little thing and I'm so glad she has y'all to advocate for her getting the best treatment possible. Hopefully it will be a lowkey weekend! Hugs to you!
Angela Ellingson says
So glad Ashby is ok! How scary. So great her doctor was able to save her from being admitted. Did they figure out why the lymph node is swollen? Praying the game plan for her care leads to miraculous improvement for her. So happy she has such a wonderful family! Hugs Mama.
Anonymous says
So thankful that Ashby is OK. I love reading about your family! Your hubby needs to teach mine to do some coffee surprises too. 🙂
Whitney {Gracefully Mama} says
Wow! So thankful that Ashby is okay and you all have a great support team. It's so scary when things like that happen with our littles. Hopefully like calms down for you a bit. 🙂
Jamie {the celebrating momma} says
Thank you Jesus for divine favor when it comes to hospital visits!
It has been raining like crazy here as well. I am ready for sunshine and pool water – not rain water. 🙂
Debbie says
I am so glad to hear Ashby is okay. God is so good! I live in the suburbs of Houston and it has been raining here since last November. No kidding! We are very grateful that we are no longer in a drought. However, we'd like to see the sun a little more than an hour or two here and there. Have a wonderful holiday weekend!
Rebecca Jo says
The candy shop picture needs to be framed 🙂
Whitetail Lane Farm Handmade Goat Milk Soap says
I feel like a professional chauffeur everyday!! Only 4 more years till my first born can drive!!
Mattie @ Northwest Native says
So happy everything worked out in the end! Scary though! That picture of Ashby and Smith is so cute! And I love Ashby's polka dot shorts and striped shirt outfit…does that come in adult sizes? 😉
Heather says
I know you feel like the lucky one to have Ashby but she's also so fortunate to have a mom and dad who can understand her medical needs and take care of her appropriately. We have a son who is a 4 on the ER emergency scale too.(He has adrenal insufficiency) No one wants to be in that position but I'm grateful every time we are there (Sunday was the last time) that the doctors in our ER know him and care about him and can treat him quickly and with great skill. God bless you all.
The Resourceful Mama says
You blog made me tear up today. Thanks for sharing! I have a son with some special needs (he does not like me sharing about it). His symptoms are worse right now and he is such a trooper. He says it is ok while I am in the closet crying. And he is ok. He is able to function as any kid his age. We don't have to worry about ER visits or calling the physician after hours. I am so glad Ashby is ok. Our peditrician has gone above and beyond for us. We are so grateful and feel blessed to have him as our doctor. I found your blog back in January as you were getting Ashby and have loved following you. She is darling as are her siblings. Have a lovely day!
Anonymous says
What a crazy week!!! Love her face in front of the Jelly Bellies!!! Too funny. Google kool aid play doh or jello play doh… all stuff you probably have in your kitchen. Worst part if she eats it…it tastes salty!! LOL!!! But it smells so much better then regular play doh & it stays so soft!!!
Those lymph nodes. How scary especially with her condition. We had to deal with a lymph node last week behind the ear. Dr. said it was from the spring cold or allergies. We went to chiropractor got adjusted & 2 days later it was gone!!! Yay!!! I LOVE our chiropractor!!!! She is the BEST!!!
PS Have a nice Memorial Day weekend!!!
Leigh says
That is a stressful week! So thankful Ashby is okay! I love how God gives us the doctors we need when we're the most scared and fragile.
Jaclyn Johnson says
Hi Shay! I'm so happy that Ashby is ok! I've been praying for you all since you started your journey to China to pick her up and I'll continue to do so. Enjoy a FUN long weekend!
Anonymous says
What a sweet, sweet family. I love the caption "like a kid in a candy store." Her face says it all! May God continue to hold all of you in his tender loving hands.
Kim Seltzer
Anonymous says
Mama- God bless you and your family. I hope Ashby's situation improves immensely.
Jane from Oz
Aubrey says
What a week! I wish I could give you a big ol' hug after that one. From one mama who knows how it feels to worry about a child's life-threatening health issue to another. THANK GOD for modern medicine and prayers that it gets easier with time.
Clatk says
My girl has a vascular and lymphatic malformation also (cysts in neck and oversized jugular) and we spent last Memorial Day weekend in the ICU at Children's in Dallas. They ultimately performed a never-done, miraculous surgery that rendered her jugular useless, and I was so UNBELIEVABLY thankful for doctors and nurses who loved my Sadie so much that they gave their holiday weekend time to make a plan to better her life. It is so humbling. SO thankful Miss Ashby is okay and praying as you move forward in these scary moments.
Cynthia says
I love receiving your posts everyday…I have been following with great interest your posts on Ashby…esp her health. I am an NP in a busy cardiology practice and was beyond grateful that Ashby's doctors and you all are so attentive to her care. Glad that it just turned out to be an enlarged lymph node 🙂
Anonymous says
Glad Ashby is ok and looking so sweet and happy in all those pictures!
Jeanie says
So glad that everything came together and worked out so well for Ashby! And you!! What a frightening time it must have been.
Anonymous says
Enjoy your blog. I think it is so touching how you have adopted Ashby and helped her to adjust. How you and your husband care about her health and want to help her is such a blessing! It is very admirable. I wish her and the rest of your family the very best of health and a very happy future!!
Anonymous says
I'm so glad that Ashby is ok! That must have been really scary. I'm an ER nurse and can tell you that a level 4 patient is considered "non-urgent." Every patient is given a triage score from 1-5, 1 being the most critically ill. Don't freak out next time you see a 4! 4's are a good thing. You never want to be a 1. Ever.
Tara Smith says
So glad everything turned out ok!
Beautifully Seaside // Formerly Chic Coastal Living says
God bless her! Being a mom is sometimes so tough and if we're worried about our kids it's the hardest thing. Sometimes when I feel like I'm about to panic over my kids I say over and over again, Thank You Jesus in my head and out loud. I'm going to pray that the Lord gives her a miraculous healing that the doctors will even say, it had to be from God. You are the sweetest and thank you for sharing your story here with us. I wish we lived closer! I would love to chat over coffee 🙂
Sarah Shaneyfelt says
I loved reading this update! I have really enjoyed following Ashby's progress! Thank you, Lord, for your provision over her and her health!
Anonymous says
Crazy question….is there any way you can tell me what your brick is?! We are building and looking for a particular brick and I cant find what I want! Your's is perfect!!! ? I'm so thankful Ashby is doing well, will continue praying for your sweet family!!!
Thx! Abi Byrd ( )