My post yesterday was on Quick & Easy Back to School Slow Cooker Suppers! Listen…the slow cooker is our best friend this time of year. I always feel like super mom when I come home after a busy afternoon of school pick up, dance and baseball and dinner is ready and waiting! To see all of my simple suppers, click here.
Spending the summer with my kiddos. I miss them when they’re at school! I know they’re having fun (and to be honest, it is really nice to go to Target with only one child…) but, I do miss them and have been thinking back to our fun summer!
Boo. I’m having my third mammogram in six months next week. I had a little concern back in February and they checked it out with one mammogram. And then another. And then a sonogram. And they were 100% confident everything was okay…but they wanted to do a six month follow up, so that’s next week. You know I’m a big fan of skin checks for skin cancer…but girlies, if you’re of the right age (most say over 40), then I recommend you getting annual mammograms too! Listen, I’m dreading it because it’s not exactly super pleasant but it’s seriously not that awful either. And as we all know, IT CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE!
Celebrating fall and Christmas with this girl! She makes regular old boring days special, so I can’t even imagine how much fun she’ll make the holidays!
I know I mentioned this on Friday…but I’m now obsessed with Friday Night Lights.
This would be the perfect binge watching show for fall! Love, love, love!
Right this very second, I’m listening to Nat King Cole. #becauseimsecretlyeightyyearsold #ilovestandards #noshame #okaymaybealittle
Um, well, it’s 5:17 AM as I type this and so I’m wearing this right this very second…
Kimberly says
I share your excitement about Fall 🙂 However, my husband and I are currently living abroad in Bangkok, and I'm sensing that they don't celebrate Fall here quite the same way it's done in the US! You are going to have so much fun introducing Ashby to all of your Fall traditions!
Very European
MorganizewithMe says
I'm excited to check out your Back to School crock pot recipes…yum! I too love fall!!!
Not A Mom says
Thankful for your crock-pot recipes, I had been trying to find some but I wasn't too happy with what I had found so far so thank you thank you! Kensington is officially grown if she doesn't want a party, I remember those days especially with my American Girl Doll 🙂 I love that fall quote too! It's almost time! Ek!
Linds @ Not A Mom
Meagan @ The Clanahan Fam says
So glad you are encouraging people to get mammograms if they have a concern or they are of age. Yes, not super fun but honestly it's not that bad. I've had 3 now and a sonogram (I'm 35), which is exactly 3 more than my 65 year old mother. Gah. I wish she would read something that would encourage her to go! Thanks for sharing your experiences 🙂
Erika Slaughter says
Can Kensington's birthday get here any sooner? Ebby Lee can hardly wait to celebrate with Grace and Kara (when doll was found she changed her name)!!! And bring on the cooler temperatures Texas! We're ready!!
Jamie Allen says
i love the fall so very much. it really is the gateway to all the fun you mentioned. michigan has had an unseasonally odd summer. we saw the high eighties low nighties for maybe two seperate weeks. yesterday i was closing windows because it was chilly in the house. and i love magazines! what are your favorites? do you keep them all?
kat says
Please tell me how you maintain such an great tan. Your legs looks amazing!
Mix and Match Mama says
Haha! Thank you! I wear SPF 30 every single time I'm outside, but because of my skin tone, I still tan naturally. I'm just outdoors a lot during the summer with my kiddos!
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
Ashby is going to LOSE HER MIND this holiday season. She might just burst with joy!!!!!!! Can you imagine her riding around in her pj's looking at Christmas lights with y'all with a hot cocoa in hand?????? OH MY! She's going to love i!
Mama Of Boys says
Eeshk, the excitement, they've just started stocking Halloween things in TKMaxx and it's taking all my self restraint not to run over and load the trolley every time we visit!!
Love the ankle boots and the plaid shirt, am getting the slow cooker out as soon as we get back from our last minute summer holiday (school here doesn't go back until 10th Sept!) and ordered the Kissing Hand the other week especially, thanks for the tip xx
Donna says
I want to spend my weekend with you guys, mexican, ice cream and swimming sounds like the perfect late August weekend!
Eileen says
September 1st is most definitely the best day of the year! My favorite time of year is September 1st – December 31st. It will be so much fun to experience all of your favorite fall things with Ashby. Enjoy!
Ashley says
Hi! I just love your look in the first picture of you with your kids. Do you mind sharing the details? It seems simple but look so cute on you! Thank you.
Caravan Sonnet says
Thank you so much for sharing and hosting this link up! It is so fun to connect with so many other lovely ladies in bloggy world through this!! Ahhh Ashby is going to be SO excited! What a beautiful gift of love that you have given her! What a joy to follow that adventure with y'all!!
Blessings, Rebecca 🙂
Katie {The Mishaps & Mayhem of a Solitary Life} says
Love, love, love FNL!!! And I can't wait to start cooking in the crock pot!! Kensington's birthday is going to be perfect…can't wait to read the blog about it! Sweet girls!!
Rebecca Jo says
Lifting prayers for your next mammogram. Those always make you hold your breath till you get the results back.
Yep… that shirt, I'd never take it off. Love the color!
Lauren Boswell says
I went into TJMaxx yesterday and I almost danced seeing all the fall decor! I understand your excitement completely!
I need to start making some of your slow cooker meals for school. We have been eating leftovers or sandwiches this week!
I can't wait for your travel page to be open for new clients! Will you send out an announcing its open for 2016? My husband and I are planning our 5 year anniversary trip and I keep telling him "Shay Shull has to be our travel agent, she knows how to travel alone or with kids" hope to get to work with you in the upcoming year! 🙂
Patty says
Fall is my favorite time of the year and September 1st, I decorate for fall. 🙂 My birthday falls on Labor Day this year. My sister and niece and nephew and a friend are taking me to Pigeon Forge, Tn. (we live close by) to eat at Paula Deen's new restaurant that opened a few months ago. I am excited about that. I know that Ashby is going to love all the holidays coming up and I am looking forward to reading all it!
Kathy Olson says
I always celebrate Sept. 1st also and I love my fall and Christmas magazines. Surely my Southern Living is on its way!
Ramona says
What a sweet post! I have loved reading about what's up in your world! Thanks for sharing your life with us! 🙂
Candice Ibarra says
We would go to the American girl doll museum in NYC every year for my cousins birthday. It's always what she wanted to do she loved it! They have such a cute little cafe to eat lunch that I would definitely recommend going to! Not sure if they also have it in the Dallas one as well!
Jenna Rist says
I also love fall and all things pumpkin, so when I saw that there are now Pumpkin Spiced Latte M&M's, I knew I had to share the love! I can almost taste how good blondies would be with these!
Life on Bradberry says
Shay you need to do a post on how to take a great selfie! 😉 You and your crew have mastered that skill!!
Kjlb37 says
I ordered those booties AND those jammies (except gray with stars) from the Nordstrom sale. Love, love, love. Fall is my favorite season, family, food and football. Can it get any better than that?;)
Leigh Clark says
Ohhhh your sweet kiddos in their car parade are TOO Cute!! Can you not picture them as teenagers doing the exact same thing!?!?!
Nina Fullerton says
I live in Oregon and it looks just like all of your quintessential fall pictures during the autumn months! If you ever have a chance to visit, you would love the pacific northwest during fall!
Queen In Between says
I love fall too….5 out of the 6 of us have birthdays in Sept/Oct and growing up it always was the very best time of year with high school football, my birthday & Halloween. Ready for some cooler temps! I also bought those BP booties in 1/2 size up and agree they are perfect. Prayers for a clean report!
Kelsey @ The Peacock Roost says
I am in LOVE with that red plaid shirt! I may have to splurge for that one 🙂 This time of year is going to be so exciting for little miss Ashby! Hope your mammogram goes well! Glad to see Kensington & Smith are loving school so far and I can only imagine how much fun she and Ebby Lee are going to have on her birthday.
Erin says
Can you tell me if those distressed shorts run true to size? I just ordered some but now I am questioning if I ordered the correct size?? The shorts that you have on with the booties/flannel shirt. 🙂 Thanks!!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes!! They most certainly do!
Amy DeVito says
I have to say that your blog is one of my favorite blogs to read. You and your family are so beautiful, caring, and sweet and I love reading about your the adventures of your life. I hope this Fall & holiday season are the best yet for your family as you celebrate as a complete family of 5. Love & hugs to you all!
Amy @ http://befilledwithj0y.blogspot.com/
Holly says
Love your style Shay and love your blog! I'm a new "frequent flyer"- Holly @ Pink Lady 🙂
Elise Welch says
I am so excited for the holiday season!!!! If you ever need new music to listen to, I highly recommend Tori Kelly!! Her music is great (as her voice) and she is a christian!! My fav for months!
Lindsay at Lindsay'sSweetWorld says
Nat King Cole… YES, YES, YES! Standards is my very favorite genre of music… in my What's Up Wed post today I talked about how I've been listening to Rod Stewart's Songbook album… if you love standards you need aaaall of those albums. Every single one of them is fantastic! I've been listening to at least one of them at least once a week for the last 13 years. Seriously.
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh girl! I have them all!!! I listen to them all the time!! Do you listen to Steve Tyrell??? Buy all of his too! He produced all of Stewart's Great American albums…you'll love them! (He also did all of the music in Father of the Bride).
Lindsay at Lindsay'sSweetWorld says
Yes, girrrrl, I LOVE Steve Tyrell SO. MUCH. I got that album years ago because I wanted Give Me the Simple Life and On the Sunny Side of the Street from Father of the Bride II, and the rest of the album is fantastic! He has THE BEST voice. I swear, if you're ever sad or stressed or mad, you can turn on one of those songs and your mood will instantly change.
I've never met anyone my age who was as obsessed as I am with standards, so it's good to know you're out there! ;o) I swear, that's all I listen to at home. As a matter of fact, "You Go to My Head" by Rod is my top played song in iTunes other than Let It Go which is always on repeat in the car for the kids – LOL.
One more album for you to check out (if you don't have it already) is Piano Lounge by Atilla Fias… it's those same fabulous songs performed by a jazz quartet and it is phenomenal! It's just instrumental so there's no singing, so you feel like you're in some fancy jazzy bar in NYC or something when you listen to it. You should definitely check it out.
Meghan Moellman says
Sounds like your sweet family is up to lots of fun things! Can't wait to check out all of your yummy slow-cooker recipes! Nothing better than coming home after a busy day to a dinner that's already prepared! And Kensington's American Girl birthday sounds so fun! Can't wait until my little one's are old enough to enjoy those types of things, too (:
Sabrina says
I have had the best summer this year and I'm kind of sad for it to end, but I know that Fall brings cooler temps and that has me so excited for a new season. I'm getting ready to trade my shorts in for jeans and my sandals in for booties and the beach for football and tailgating! Bring on FALL!!! 🙂
Tiffany Bagalini says
I didn't know you ran a travel agency business! Very awesome!
Rachel - Floral and Fudge says
I've always joked that September 1st is my least favorite day of the year because it's the day after my birthday, and all the excitement has faded away. But I'm sure if I lived in Texas, September would take on a new meaning 😉
I love your red plaid shirt!
Sorry that you have to have a mammogram recheck. 🙁 I'll pray for peace for you about it!
And the photo of the three kids in the "Mustang" is adorable 🙂 🙂
Erin Peyerk says
Love crockpot meals!! The Kissing Hand is such a sweet story! I used to teach Kindergarten and that was always the first book we would read on the first day of school. 🙂
Marisa says
Excuse the unsolicited advice (I have never posted on the blog of someone I don't know)…but a breast MRI is another detection method you and your doctors could consider. It has different sensitivities than mammograms. Not fun, but not painful…and well worth the knowledge if necessary. It is more expensive than a mammogram, but insurance should cover the majority.
Elizabeth Birenbaum says
Oh my gosh, that picture of Ashby with the pumpkin?! SO CUTE! You guys are going to have the best Fall and Winter with her this year!
The Rohman Family says
I have those booties…can't wait to see you style them some more!!
Beautifully Seaside // Formerly Chic Coastal Living says
I love everything you posted here! I need to watch Friday Night Lights! I heard so many great things about that show and I need something good to watch since until The Bachelor starts again. XO
Love on the Lake says
I'm new to Blogger – could you please tell me how to "link up" for stuff like What's Up Wednesday and Friday Favorites? Thanks
Caitlin Davies says
Hi! I am looking for new Jean shorts for this summer and I love the look of the ones you posted here. Would you mind sharing a link for them?