Hey there Tuesday! It’s time for Show & Tell!
Twice a month, we all link up with Andrea and show & tell ya something. If you missed it in 2015, here they are all…
(I was in China for the first two, so I wasn’t able to participate.)
And our first Show & Tell of 2016 was earlier this month…it was Introductions and Resolutions. You can see that post here.
Now today is one of my favorites to do each year because I love, love, love reading everyone’s confessions. They are hysterical! Last year when we did this, my momfessionals (confessions from a mom) were this…
1. I do not enjoy giving my kids a bath.
2. I strategically wait and do my laundry during bath time so that Andrew will bathe the kids…while I watch TV and fold laundry. He’s now figured this out…
3. Five second rule, five minute rule…just eat whatever you dropped and stop goofing around at mealtime.
4. I love the carpool line.
5. I will do anything and everything to keep my kids awake in the car. If they nap for even a minute in the car, it screws them up for the rest of the day!
6. I’m not above hiding from my kids to avoid hearing them tattle.
7. Homework with my kids…is not my favorite.
8. When my kids were younger, we would get in the car early and sit on the driveway so I could get stuff done while they were strapped in their car seats. I pretty much made my car my home office ;).
9. I hate Chutes and Ladders.
10. I’m awful at remembering to wash my kids’ sheets.
11. If you need a Band-Aid, don’t come to my house.
12. I’m so not a crafting mom. My poor kids. They’re lucky if we have Scotch Tape around.
13. I love long lines at the grocery store. When else do I have five minutes to flip through a magazine and read about the Kardashians?
To read the entire post and expanded explanations about all of these click here.
Now, let’s face it…my entire life is probably one big momfessional. I’m not limiting myself to following that I thought of this morning when writing this post. I love my kids, I do my very best every single day…but when we all boil it down, I’m basically one big mess in charge of three crazy kids…and we’re just surviving on prayer and coffee.
1. Ashby often wears Kensington’s underwear. I get both girls dressed and do their hair in Kensington’s bathroom (which isn’t near Ashby’s room)…and often, I forget to bring Ashby’s undies (because she sleeps in a Pull Up, so she needs undies in the morning)…and because I’m lazy in a hurry, I often steal a pair out of K’s drawer for her to wear. One of these days, I’m going to need to stop doing this…
2. I don’t like glitter. Like really don’t like it. One of my biggest pet-peeves is receiving a card in the mail with glitter on it…because the glitter just goes everywhere. It’s on the counter, on my hands, on the kids’ hands…I dislike glitter and if my kids receive a card in the mail with glitter on it…it might accidentally fall in the trashcan.
3. I don’t make Ashby eat breakfast. Ashby is not a breakfast person AT ALL. She would prefer to skip it every single day…and so after about a year of making her eat it, I finally threw in the towel. I always give it to her and give her about 30 minutes to eat it…if she eats it, she eats it…if she doesn’t, she doesn’t. You can lead a kid to breakfast…but you can’t make them eat it (well, you can but that just wasn’t fun for either of us…).
4. My kids can’t tie their shoes. Listen, I know that they should be able to since they’re 6 and 7…but they can’t.
5. As long as I’m living, I’ll hate this book. You know that book As Long As I’m Living, My Baby You’ll Be? Yeah…we have three copies (because when I was pregnant, everyone gave it to us) and I seriously DO NOT LIKE IT. I know, I know…I’m a horrible person…but that book is weird. At the end, the grown man takes a ladder and breaks into his mom’s house to rock her like a baby? Why am I the only one that finds this odd???
6. I forget to do Smith’s laundry. Smith is so neat and tidy that I never find his clothes laying the house…they’re always tucked away in his hamper in his closet…and because of this, I always forget to wash his clothes. I remember that I need to wash them when it’s 7:00 AM and the only jeans I can find for him to wear to school are a size 4T. During baseball season, when he has multiple games a week, I have to keep two post it notes out reminding me to wash his clothes. Bless his heart. I always forget.
7. Don’t talk to me while I’m backing out of the garage. Okay, so because of how my driveway sits, I have to back out of the garage and not turn around and drive out…and because our driveway curves, I can’t back straight out (or else I’ll run right into the house). So basically, I have to back out and turn at the same time in my big ole Texas SUV…and every single morning, I’m positive that I’m going to hit the house. So, my kids know they can’t talk to me while I’m backing out. They can talk…just not to me. I seriously have anxiety every single time I back out. And if Andrew is out there for some reason watching me? I feel like I’m going to puke. (He could parallel park an 18-wheeler in NYC without breaking a sweat.)
So, these are a few of the momfessionals I thought of this morning. I’m sure when my kids are older, they’ll have hundreds more to add to this list ;).
Next time on Show & Tell Tuesday we share our to win our heart. And to see upcoming topics, look below…
Today on my foodie blog…
Speaking of winning people’s hearts…this recipe right here will.
Have a great day friends!
beaner says
That book, I hid it in my closet so my kids would never ask to read it. Thankfully I only got one copy! I also don't like Goodnight Moon, I know everyone does but not me! Hid that one too!
Sara and Steve says
I hid ours in a closet too!!! Would've donated it if it didn't have a lovely handwritten note to my daughter in it. Lol
dear willow, says
creepiest book ever. and i HATE goodnight moon! goodnight mush? gross!
Page Zettlemoyer says
I can't stand that book either! I love my kids more than anything, but still can't imagine sneaking over to their homes and spying through windows.
Alicia says
I also was given 3 copies, and I'm pretty sure it's the creepiest book I've seen. No, no, no!
Sarah Kuykendall says
You just made me feel so much better about my kids not being able to tie their shoes! And I totally hear you on the driveway thing!!
Amy J says
I have 4 kids – my youngest can't tie his shoes either (8!). Not sure how this happened, but I think living in Natives for several years might have something to do with it. I am glad to hear I'm not alone. 🙂
Natalie says
That book is horrible.
Samantha says
Totally understand the backing out of the driveway! My drivewY is long and skinny. I have to be at just the right angle to get out of the garage and down the driveway. I feel ya!
kcsandpiper says
The Nordstrom Kids Shoe department offers a shoe tying class (at least here in Florida). It is the only way I finally got my kids tying their shoes. I don't know why it is so magical but they both left tying their own shoelaces and we had tried everything on our own with no luck. It's free and usually on Sunday before the mall opens.
Kirby McCasland says
Husbands should be required to wear blindfolds when we drive. Mine's a State Trooper and I hate, hate, hate, driving him anywhere. Puke inducing, for sure.
Elise @ Her Heart and Home says
Hahaha I love this!!! I feel the same way about my husband. He still makes fun of the way I back out of the driveway and could parallel park with his eyes closed!! 🙂
Erika Slaughter says
A shoe tying class?!! That's genius!!! And…I LOL'd at the book.
Tamara Rodrigues says
Loved reading this list. Glitter cards drive me crazy too! It takes me forever to pick a box of Christmas cards because I take forever inspectIng them to make sure there is no chance they have any glitter on them. I curse people who send us glitter cards! Oh and the kids' sheets….yup! Lol!
Seunghye Huggins says
I'm with you on #2, I hate glitter. Especially having two girls everything seems to have glitter on it. An I hate really hate clothes with glitter on it. One wash and glitter is all over the rest of the clothes you washed it with.
Heather Forcey says
Oh thank heavens someone else hates that book as much I as I do. I refuse to keep copies in my house. And yes, I hate it for the same reason…it just gets creepy at the end with the son rocking the mom. No thank you! Your confessions were great!
Brooke Rice says
That book is creepy! I told my mother this a few months ago and she thought I was crazy! I am so glad someone agrees!
Elaine Welte says
I've always hated that book too. But I did hear the meaning behind it, and it's a little sweeter but still weird. We don't even own a copy. And my girls get their undies mix d up all the time! But at least they're clean.
Narci says
So funny!! And, yes! Please don't talk to me while I'm backing out! Same here!!
Danelle says
Since my kids are always changing clothes in the bathroom anyways, I just moved their underwear drawer from their bedrooms to a drawer in their bathroom!
Chasing Pure Simplicity says
I did this with jammies! We have four kids, so I stack them in fours and keep them in the bathroom! There are no rules when it comes to getting kiddos dressed for the day/night!
Emily says
I keep socks in a drawer in the powder room downstairs!
kelly says
I keep socks in the kitchen in my desk area in the big drawer that's supposed to be used to hold files.
Alicia says
That's a great idea! Move 'em to where you need 'em.
HeidiMcGBlaue says
Great idea! Moving my kids pjs today to our bathroom! Thanks for the idea.
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
You know I feel you on the backing up thing. Chris just better walk his happy little butt back in the house if he doesn't want to see me hit the house and/or have a panic attack.
Aubrey says
Oh my word. I am 100% with you on every. single. one. of these. Ella is my kid who doesn't eat breakfast and Kate is the one whose laundry is perfectly placed in her hamper, but neither of them (8 and 6) can tie a shoe. My driveway only curves a teeny tiny bit AND I have that camera thingy, but I hate it so much. I actually just throw all my girls' panties into one drawer (except for Annie's 2T's). And that book. WEIRD.
Andrea Munding says
Yes that book is awful!
Kelly Heard says
These are great! Thank goodness my 6 year old isn't the only one that can't tie his shoes. I seriously think teaching them is harder than potty training. Lol
Dustie Day says
Oh girl the backing out of the garage cracks me up! I had anxiety about it as well and decided to just start backing into the garage so I can just drive out. Yes, may seem odd but it does make life easier now that I'm used to it.. My husband hung a tennis ball so I know when I hit that, I'm good. Because with a backup camera and beeping, it beeps the entire time I'm backing in. This way, there is also less chance that I'll back into the garage door when I leave. Oh yeah and when my husband is watching, it takes me at least 3 times to get it right ??
Caravan Sonnet says
Hahaha! These are so fun to read!!! 🙂 Never have read that book but it sounds so creepy! :/ Happy Tuesday!
🙂 Rebecca
Bree Kelchen says
You are not the only one who hates that book! I think it's called I'll love you Forever. I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds it creepy.
Jules says
I recently read the story behind I'll Love you Forever by Robert Munsch and it make me look at the book very different. Here is what he says :
“I made that up after my wife and I had two babies born dead. The song was my song to my dead babies. For a long time I had it in my head and I couldn’t even sing it because every time I tried to sing it I cried. It was very strange having a song in my head that I couldn’t sing.
For a long time it was just a song but one day, while telling stories at a big theatre at the University of Guelph, it occurred to me that I might be able to make a story around the song.
Out popped Love You Forever, pretty much the way it is in the book.”
Unknown says
I was going to share this quotation too! Definitely made me look at the book differently with a deeper appreciation for parents who have said good bye to their children.
Jill B says
Same here! I read the interview with the author in the past year and now it makes me tear up every time I read the book. The illustrations are not beneficial to the storyline, though, and definitely turn people off from the book. If they redid the book with the same story but new illustrations I think it would be much sweeter and less creepy!
Marti Detrick says
Wow! Thanks for sharing the background of this story.
Alicia says
What a heartbreaking story. I have to agree with Jill B tho, the illustrations are not helpful.
I Like Ike says
My seven year old doesn't tie his shoes either! None of us eat a normal breakfast, most days and that's the worst book in the world!!
kimm atwood says
Olivia just started tying her shoes and she will be 8 in March !
Allison Ezell says
I laughed out loud at the book comment! I have ALWAYS thought that book was super creepy and even skipped pages when reading it to my kids…the mom driving across town in the middle of the night to rock her grown son is SO creepy! I seriously thought I was the only one! 😉
Amy Lawrence says
I agree about the book. That mama needed to cute the cord! That relationship got a little strange!
Jessica Simmons says
I'm so glad to hear others agree on that book! I find it very weird and both my mom and mother in law gave us copies with hand written notes and ball crying every time they read it!
Tara G. says
I find that book in #5 strange at best. My husband drives big cargo planes…he can parallel park like no one's business. I'm proud and jealously nervous at the same time.
Kelly says
I'm not sure if you've heard about this yet but since I know how much you love Nordstrom I decided to give it a go. I worked in the Nordstrom kid's shoe department during one holiday season and every Sunday we allowed the kids parents to sign their child up for a fun kids shoe tying event. If was really neat. We had a poem we showed the kids and a balloon and a free drink coupon for the Nordstrom cafe. It took a situation that can be frustrating and not very exciting for the child and turned it into an event! I live in St. Louis but I'm sure a lot of Nordstrom's provide this.
Thank you for pouring so much of your life and heart into your blog. I don't have a family of my own yet but when I do I know how to enjoy every moment and create a great home-life for our family, thanks to you and your generous blog!
Mandy S. says
I feel so much better about my son not being able to tie his shoes at 6!
Also I did hit my house backing out of the garage last winter 🙁 I was so proud of getting the back half of the SUV out without hitting that I forgot about the front half and turned too soon!
Erica Ladwig says
I can't stand that book either! I mean, why would someone want to read it?? It's so depressing and creepy!
Angela Betlewicz says
hahaha! NO you're not weird! THAT BOOK IS CREEPY! I have an only boy child and I would never sneak into his house and walk him sleep. SO creepy!
Unknown says
I definitely agreed with you about that book until I read this article (http://blogs.babycenter.com/mom_stories/09192013-the-sad-story-behind-i-love-you-forever/) when I learned the story behind it. SO sad! However, yes, maybe he could just walk in the front door vs. the ladder idea 😉
Kristen Salazar says
My almost 7 year old can't tie his shoes too. He learned last year, then school needed and he lives in slip on shoes and forgets. Been too lazy to teach him. I'm reminded everyday that he needs to learn when I pick him up from school and his shoes are untied.
Leigh (Balancing By Faith) says
Haha – love this!! My hubby cannot stand the book either — it seems like a "traditional" book you have to look, but agree it is really odd. Hopefully your kids will be like mine and just magically learn to tie shoes one day – both of mine did!
Kathleen says
I totally second the shoe tying class. I live in FL and it helped my daughter. It is fun and it works!!!
Michelle Peay says
My kids are 8 and almost 6 and they can't tie their shoes either! And I totally agree with you on the book!
TorontoSAM says
I love your comment about backing out of the driveway. We back into our driveway and my husband seems to be able to do it with his eyes closed, I am forever backing up, going forward, backing up, going forward until I'm lined up.
I hate crafts; I should have remembered that for my post. My son loves doing things with glue and paint and I stand over him ready to grab said glue or paint so it doesn't make a mess. He can do crafts at school, let's do a nice clean activity like watching TV 😉
Katie Compton says
Love these! 2. I hate glitter too… and I taught Kindergarten for 10 years. Glitter is the herpes of the craft world. 4. Velcro was invented for a reason. and 5. That book is soooo creepy!
Heather Hoisington says
You made me morning!! These are hysterical & so similar to some of mine! Loved it!!
Simply A Rough Draft says
Those are great! I agree about that book! Even when I read it as a kid I thought it was off!
Nicolet says
1) my son just learned to tie his shoes this past summer. At 7-1/2 years old. I still buy him Velcro gym shoes and tie his cleats for him. #nopatience
2) that book is THE worst! When I was pregnant, I made it a tradition to buy a new book for my baby every week. Everyone kept telling me to buy that one. Ick! No way! It's very odd. And I made it very clear that if anyone bought it for me, I'd return it or get rid of it somehow.
The Queen says
Dying at number 7 – I get the same feeling! And when I park, I have to turn the music down and take off my seatbelt…my kids notice and try to take off their seatbelts early so now I have to force myself to keep it on!
Therese says
OMG, backing out of the driveway is such a nightmare. My house sounds like yours. I agree, it is also worse when my husband is watching. I hate it!
Cami says
My son cannot tie his shoes and he is 9…also #5 YES! I hate that book. Sooooooooooooo creepy!!!
GypsyAccountant says
Have you thought about backing into the garage so you can pull out facing forward?
Pam B says
That book is definitely weird. I have 2 sons age 2 and 7 months. As grown men if they ever feel it's normal to sit on my lap I have failed.
Adlanta says
Shay, I agree on the book!! I always thought it was so creepy but then I read that the author and his wife had lots of miscarriages and a stillborn and the book was to the children they lost.
Stephanie Jennings says
I am totally the same with the glitter cards. If we received a card for Christmas with glitter, I took a screen shot of it and texted it to my husband to see it, because in the trash it went. As for the shoes, my kids learned last summer – I just gave them a new shoe and showed them a few times and they sat and practiced for hours. Cheap and educational entertainment ? I am terrible at reverse driving, too. Yikes!!! Have a great week 🙂
Emily says
This made my day. I hit my garage TWICE. My garage is back behind the house and there's a little place where you pull back in the driveway to turn around before you drive out. Well, my husband drives a big truck and parks in the pull back and told me that I should just make a 25 point turn because his car will not fit in the garage but he doesn't want my giant SUV in the circle driveway in front of the house. It was SO HARD to make that turn that I hit the garage twice. Now I park in the circle every day and have no panic attacks.
steph says
Hahaha! I totally agree with you on that book. It was a gift 18 years ago when my oldest son was born and almost every female was oohing and awing over it. It's a good book except for that last part…. kinda creeps me out. The shoe time thing always seems to be a struggle. What bothered me was that they wanted to try it themselves right before we left the house which always delayed us leaving. It helped when I started giving them their shoes 15-20 min before we left and this really works. Both my boys tied their own shoes by 6 from doing this.
Kate says
I think it would be interesting if you did a momfessionals post on finances one day! Like how to merge money vs. keep it seperate (without getting too personal of course)!
Jenny says
I love these posts! They just crack me up!
Chef1123 says
I am so glad you mentioned #5. I can't stand that book either, but always get a funny look from people when I tell them that.
It's nice to know you are human. Sometimes bloggers can really make me feel inadequate!
Kristina Briggeman says
That book is the creepiest thing ever! Mom's all over the place are like "I'm bawling", "tears running down my face" and I'm like "that is terrifying and WEIRD". And my kids took forever to learn to tie their shoes! My son (11) would still let me if I'd do it ?.
Cathy's World says
This made me laugh. I can't back up in our car. I always find a spot when I'm out shopping that I can pull all the way up so I can just pull forward when I leave. I HATE glitter. I want in banned. I will not allow it in my house. I have learned to open cards over the trash. There is always that one speck of glitter that gets on your face by your eye. You try to get it off but it won't budge and everyone tells you it's there. I have always loved that book, but now that you put it that way, I may feel a little different. 🙂
Courtney Bartlett says
Yes yes yes! So many of these are relatable! My kids are 6, 4, and 2 and I'm totally guilty of keeping them in their car seats for as long as possible. I think that book is super creepy too. I remember reading it as a kid and liking it, but when I read it as a grown up I'm like, "ooh, this is weird." Does your SUV have a back up camera? When I got a minivan that was a must have for me because I knew there would be no way I'd be able to drive it without it. AND I hate glitter too! And two of the three kids are girls and of course they LOVE it! So don't feel too weird about these confessions because I don't think you're weird at all! Or if you are, then I am too!
The Nelson Happenings says
I thought I was the only parent that had a child at the age of 8 that couldn't tie her shoes. Love this and thanks for sharing !
Jessica says
Thank you!! I hate that book too! You're the only person I've come across who agrees with me!!! It's too weird!!!!
Erica says
Now I don't feel so bad about my daughter who is Kensington's age, not knowing how to tie her shoes. 😉 Lets face it, so many shoes for girls don't even have laces anyway. And I'm sure you will probably want to stay far away from the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique on your trip-"fairy dust" everywhere haha! Love reading these momfessions! 🙂
Lindsay at Lindsay'sSweetWorld says
#5 – DYING!!!! I actually LOVE that book, but I always thought it was so creepy how that guy drove over, used a ladder, and broke into his mom's home to rock her. And why doesn't she wake up TERRIFIED?! I mean seriously!
kelly says
I have ALWAYS HATED that book!! I sooooo love love love that you do too! #creepy
Emelie Larson says
You should read the true story behind that book. If I recall it has nothing to do with loving your kids or parents or anything. It is a stupid book!
Kati Matthews says
Oh,Shay… these made my morning. Every.Single.One of them! "As Long as I'm Living, I'll Hate This Book". I'm dying. Have a great sweet friend!
Kelli says
I HATE glitter too and I LOLed about the book. hahahah
Brady Wilhelm says
Try reading "Wherever you are; my love will find you." It's a great, sentimental book without the somewhat creepy illustrations. Although I LOVE the "I'll love you forever" book, I can totally see how some would not and how the story line is a little different. And my husband hates glitter–it's how I get even with him when he's made me a little angry 🙂 I casually sprinkle a few pieces of glitter on his pillow and it drives him NUTS!
Cori Wilburn says
I absolutely cannot stand that "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always" book. It has always given me the creeps! I'm so glad that other moms feel the same way!
Sarah E @ theteacherswife.com says
I'm totally with you on #5 – that book totally weirds me out! I don't ever want my son to rock me! Love reading about the quirky stuff b/c it makes me feel more normal!! 🙂
farmwife03 says
I agree with most of these things!! Glitter is of the devil and I have a "thing" with garages (I've hit ours more than once) so backing in or out, especially while the hubby watches, is so nerve wracking!! I am going to say something on the shoe tying though. If you're kid can't tie their shoes that is a-okay, really, it's not a big deal. BUT, if you know your child cannot tie their shoes, PLEASE don't send them to school in shoes that tie. As a first grade classroom aid I tie SO MANY shoes throughout the day. We (the teacher and I) just started a rule that if you need your shoe tied then you must ask a classmate to tie it (gives them all practice). My daughter can tie but isn't very good at it so she wears tennis shoes that velcro. I'm not going to send her to school in shoes she can't take care of. Okay, I'll get off my soap box now 😉
Mama 2 Four says
Too funny!!! I'm with Ashby on the breakfast thing, I'm not ready to eat until lunch time! My appetite really kicks in about 9:00 P.M. Late night snacks are the best!;-)
Jennelle says
Yes! My kids know not to speak to me when I'm backing out of the garage, a parking spot, anywhere. Ha ha!
ClintandGina says
Our Nordstrom in Austin has shoe tying class. It is once a month on a Saturday morning and my neighbors swear by it. It is FREE And the kids even get a prize. Maybe Dallas has one too. P.S. I HATE when my husband watches me back out of driveway.
MissyD says
Love your post! Totally with you on #2. Glitter is evil! Hate it! And the book is definitely creepy when you think about it. Love your blog!
CMB says
i hate that book too! Amen! 🙂
Jenny Lindner says
So right there with you on all of them! That was a good laugh… I'm not the only one! 🙂
Megan says
Haha!!! These are great. Poor Smith!! And the undies cracked me up! I doubt either care…. For now. I'm gonna have to be thinking about mine!! I'm sure there are a lot!!
Laci Murray says
I love this!! That book creeps me out too! Thought I was the only one. No talking to me when I'm backing out either, haha!! I have to turn the radio down to concentrate in traffic or looking for a destination. I just can't handle chaos. My kids know I'm crazy and that is ok with me!
Stephanie says
We have friends that for the past 25 years send us a Christmas card that has an envelope FULL OF GLITTER!! I now always open it over the trash!! 🙂
Cristin says
I am totally with you on backing up and parallel parking. I hate it. I mean, thats why God created valet. LOL. We have a 30 foot 5th wheel trailer and I do all of the driving when we travel (this year we're doing 5000 miles)…and when we get to a campground, I jump out and my husband backs the trailer in to the spot. He also hitches it up. I like to think that I can't go backwards well is because I am such a forward thinker Hahahaha.
Jeanie says
Oh, my goodness, that was funny!
Susan Williams says
I.hate.glitter! I teach high school science and I tell my students that glitter is the herpes of arts and crafts – once you get it, it never goes away. Good life lesson lol! And that book is creepy, especially with those illustrations!
Andrea says
Oh, that book! I was just talking about how creepy it is with a friend last week. You are NOT alone! I received it as a gift from my church preschool ministry when my oldest was born. I thought I was doing the sweet new mom thing by rocking my baby and reading this book. I was about 3 pages in when it started taking a weird turn. It made its way to the trash can shortly after! I am not one to throw out a book, but I didn't even want to donate this particular title!
Christi says
I've never read that book. Ashby knows to eat when she's hungry. The kids will eventually learn to tie their shoes. My girls knew early on but my son struggled due to physical delays. As a person who works at a school, it's not uncommon. Plus there's Velcro and slip on shoes. As for the underwear, just stash a few pairs in K's room or bathroom!
McFarland Family says
I feel ya on the book…pretty creepy. I have never been a fan.
Michelle N. says
The book is creepy.
Don't even asked how old my son was when he finally cared enough to tie shoes. Older than he should have been. Much older. I figured he'd get it by the time he graduated high school and until then whatever.
Breakfast. My daughter doesn't eat breakfast. Maybe a smoothie on a good day. But she's never hungry when she wakes up, it usually like 9:30 before she wants food which is now a problem since she's in 6th grade. But she deals.
dee says
I really don't like glitter either! Love this list!
Michelle N. says
The book is creepy not precious.
Don't even ask how old my son was when he finally learned to tie his shoes. Older than he should have been, much older. But I figured he'd have it by the time he graduated high school so I let it go. FYI, he's 14 now and does tie, so it will happen.
Breakfast. My daughter nor I are breakfast eaters. Maybe a smoothie for her on a good day. She's not hungry when she wakes up and if she is she will get left over supper before she will eat "breakfast" food.
Kathy Martens says
Love this post and all of your confessions!!! The book is called "Love You Forever" and it's written by Robert Munsch, who is a beloved children's author in out native Canada. I think the illustrations are meant to be more of an allegory as to how our children are always, and always will be, our children no matter how old they are. As to the son rocking his mom, my father passed away four years ago. He was a strong, active man who golfed in the summer and curled in the winter. A week before he entered the hospital he was in a curling bonspiel-two weeks after that he was immobile, attached to a ventilator, unable to communicate. Shortly thereafter, he was gone. I remember going to visit him in the hospital and being shocked at the change in his physical appearance. He went from being such a strong man to almost a child, looking so small and frail in the hospital bed. Truthfully I would have done, anything, anything to ease his pain-including rocking with him and singing to him if that is what it took. That's the story the book is trying to communicate-the unbreakable bond between a child and parent that surpasses age. My heart was so broken..so I think if we look at the book from that perspective, and ignore some of the creepy illustrations, it's really quite beautiful, and the song that goes with the words is a lovely lullaby.
Mal says
DYING ? These are so fab and you are a great mama!
Krista says
Love reading all of these. My sister just texted me a pic of her car from this morning because she hit her house backing out of garage. This is the second time she's done it. Whoops.
Laura says
That book…I'm so glad you said that. I've been hiding that feeling for awhile thinking I was the weird one for getting creeped out by it. Also my third is not a breakfast eater either and I had to just let go of the notion that everyone should eat breakfast. Lastly the car – this is the one area in my life where I think my husband enjoys watching me squirm. I always feel like a 16 year old that just got her license every time I paralell park or try to back up. Thank you Jesus for back up cameras on suburbans, I feel slightly safer now.
Chase says
Shay I don't believe you are one big mess for a minute. 😉
Staci says
That confessional about backing out and you [maybe] puking while Andrew is watching…made me LOL so hard. I even told my boyfriend and he laughed. So typical of us self-conscious women!
Kelly Giles says
Some great confessions here! I can't wait to see what I'm going to be like if I become a mum!
Cassie {Hi Sugarplum} says
Love love love this!!! And sheaffer is the same about her driveway…if we happen to be on the phone when she's backing out, she has to say, 'hang on' and put the phone down!! Cracks me up every time!
Beautifully Seaside // Formerly Chic Coastal Living says
I'm with you on the backing up! I just bought a new car (no ore minivans for me) and it's hard to see what's behind me so it takes me forever to drive backwards 🙂 LOL!
HeatherAnnJ says
So funny and relatable! Did you know in Nashville they call carpool "hook-up"? It's like the only place in the world that calls the carpool line that?!
Also, that book I'll Love You Forever was written because the man and his wife had to babies stillborn ;(. He sang the song to them. And yes, I find it still a little creepy but knowing the true story changed my thoughts a little bit!
Have you ever tried backing into the garage? I have the same problem and finally started backing into the garage!
Hope you have a great day!!! We are having a snow day here!
DetroitDuchess says
I hear you on the driveway! We have a very narrow space with the house and the neighbor's fence on both sides, you have to angle the car just right. I am always Austin Powersing it when my husband is watching, haha!