So, this is my post about my MacBook :).
About a month or so ago, I told you guys that I had recently needed to purchase a new laptop and decided after much research (a.k.a. asking all my friends what they thought), to embrace the fact that it is an Apple world that we live in and I should get a MacBook instead of a PC laptop. And because you all know me so well…you know that was a scary decision for me. #ihatestufflikethis #olddognewtricks
So…after I told you ladies that I bought a Mac, I immediately did what I always do and asked you for advice :). I had so many people offer advice and many people ask me to review it once I had a handle on things just like I did my Apple Watch. (By the way, if you missed my Apple Watch review, click HERE. I love my Apple Watch. It’s like my favorite thing EVER!)
So, today…a few thoughts on my new Mac now that we’ve been acquainted for about 6 weeks.
Setting up my MacBook was easy! You open it, hit power and follow the prompts. It basically just asks you to enter your Apple ID and then everything populates just like if you were to get a new iPhone/iPad. This made things so simple! If you already have an Apple ID, then getting started takes all of two minutes.
Now, disclaimers of sorts: I still use my desktop PC most of the time. I like to have a laptop to take with me, carry around the house (because I often like to work from other rooms besides my office), travel with, etc. My other laptop had been a PC, so even though I replaced my laptop with a Mac, I still use a PC for my big desktop. Also, the last time I used a Mac before now was between 2000-2003 when I was in college and it was required for the journalism department (so A LOT has changed!). That would also be the time that I literally wrote the word “google” down on my spiral notebook cover because they said that word would be important some day…ha!.
So, here are things I love about my MacBook:
1: It’s so light and small! My other laptop was big and bulky but this one only weighs about 2 pounds, so I can toss it in my purse and hardly feel a thing. It’s like carrying around a thin book. I’ve now flown with it on two round-trip flights and it was so easy to pull out and set on my airplane tray.
2: It starts right up when you hit power. My other laptop took a minute to actually turn on but this one powers up in about 10 seconds.
3: If there are problems, you can head straight to the Apple Store and have someone there help you.
4: Just like your phone or iPad, virus protection and security are automatically built in, so you don’t have to buy and download other software.
5: If you use the iCloud, then every picture you take on your phone automatically shows up on your MacBook. For a blogger, this is priceless :). No longer do I have to download pics from my phone to my computer and then blog…the pics from my phone are just right there.
6. You can text from it! Whenever I get a text message on my phone, it pops up on my computer and so I can easily text back without looking at my phone. Is it weird that I think this is my favorite feature? It’s just so convenient to be able to work and not look away. And bonus…this means I can text easily on flights too when I’m connected to WiFi on board. Bam.
7. It has iTunes so downloading movies, songs and shows is so easy!
8. It truly is “user-friendly”. Screens move around easily, the mouse pad thing (whatever that’s called) is very simple to use. It’s weird not to have a right click/left click option, but you’ll figure that out pretty easily.
9. I don’t use the calendar on my phone (because I love my actual planner too much), but if you did, then it would automatically populate on your MacBook too.
10. When the MacBook needs to update, it does just like it would on your iPhone/iPad. So, that’s really simple.
11: I was afraid when I worked on/viewed/opened Microsoft Office documents that things would get complicated but it really doesn’t. The Mac program opens it right up and makes it easy to modify/change/email/save the document even if it originally came to you in Microsoft format (like Word or Excel).
Things I don’t love about my MacBook:
1: I wish the computer screen was a touch screen. My other laptop had a touch screen, so out of habit, I often touch the screen. I was really surprised by this since iPads and iPhones are touch screens, wouldn’t my MacBook be too? It’s not.
2: You can’t insert a DVD. Okay, now Andrew thinks it’s silly that I want to insert a DVD (just use iTunes he says!), but I love watching old movies on my laptop while working on my desktop and you can’t do that with this one. There is no way to insert a DVD.
3. I have found that many things are easier if you use a shortcut rather than actually using the mouse pad. I had to learn a lot of the shortcuts (I found them on Pinterest, googled them, etc). So, that’s taken a little adjustment, but has been worth it.
Overall, I am thrilled with this MacBook! I was hesitant at first (and confirmed with the Apple Store several times that I could return it if I didn’t love it), but now, there’s no way I would return it.
As for other things, I don’t get too fancy with my computer using. I basically just need internet browsers, a Word-type document and email…so, I’m sure it can do a world of fancy things that just don’t apply to me, but for my basic needs, it hits all of them.
Now, I know I probably didn’t do this review justice…so if you’re a Mac user out there, please share your favorite things and not so favorite things today! This is a big decision and I know many of you are like me and think you might need to change to Mac but you’re hesitant at the same time. So, Mac people…please comment!
That’s my MacBook review :).
And psssst: the color of mine is “rose gold”…because I feel like you might want to know that.
Erika Slaughter says
You know I’m one of the most un-techy people out there BUT this post has me wanting a MacBook!!
Julia Jape says
For the DVD problem just buy an external DVD drive on Amazon! It is cheap and plugs right in! ????
Britanie says
You can get an external disc drive to use a DVD!! Should be right in the Mac Accessory aisle and you plug it into one of the USB Ports!
Julia Jappe says
For the DVD problem just buy an external DVD drive on Amazon. It is cheap and it just plugs right it on the side when you want to use it! ????
Lindsay Hilosky says
I love your new laptop! I have an iMac desktop but have my eye on that rose gold laptop as well because I need something portable! Look into getting an external disk drive – you can get one at the apple store or an Amazon (which would be half the cost)!
Amy Getz says
I keep hesitating on buying a Macbook because I’ve used PCs since college . . . this makes me think I can do it!!!
Denise says
I bought myself Mac tablet and I love love it! We have a Mac desktop and I wouldn’t buy anything else! I love that on my tablet that I am still able to watch all my Netflix shows when we are up at our cottage … we have no internet access up there but we have a “hotbox” that we take with us. I also love that I am able to text right from my tablet … great feature!
Elaine says
We love our MacBook Pro. Ours has a CD/movie player. I guess I assumed they all do?
Sandy Manning says
They used to but not anymore.
Erica says
This was already mentioned, but my husband is a Mac expert (like uses them for his business and can’t live without them) and he just bought an external DVD drive and plugs it right into this laptop. It works great.
Haley says
I am a MacBook fool! I tell my kids it is my favorite “toy” 😉 The text feature is by FAR my favorite (along with my pics syncing up) but have you talked on it instead of your phone? I love this also because sometimes I am in my bed with my computer and my phone is downstairs and if someone calls, it comes through the Mac! Apple is just fascinating to me! HAPPY DAY!
Kathy H. says
I was a pc user as well until I got sick of the fact that they’d would last me two years and then I’d have replace them. I took the leap and purchased an iMac and haven’t looked back. I’ve had it just over two years and still feel I don’t know all there is to know about it. I do love it though and suits my needs perfectly (same needs as yours). I would love to get a Macbook soon just to have the convenience of using it in other parts of my home and for travel. Enjoy it!
Sheaffer says
I wish i knew I could roll with the changes, but I’m still too scared!!!! You’ve done a bang up job, though. YAY, YOU!!!
Kelly says
More importantly: what did you think of Before the Fall? WOW- that book was crazy. Kept me guessing, that’s for sure.
Rachel says
Agree the texting and light weight is my favorite. I can be at a staff meeting or at my table working with kiddos, have my laptop open, and get a text and respond and anyone who sees just thinks I’m typing:-) Some times you just have to respond to that text! Plus my best friend who teaches right below me can send a “be quiet” text without having to come up and yell. Of course we then jump about 50 times to appease her.
Alice says
Thank you for sharing your experience. I’m about to switch to an iMac, and though I love all things Apple I’m nervous about it. This has me feeling a little better. Also, I noticed the book in the picture. I just started reading it too. 🙂
sk says
Super easy to guy an external cd/DVD drive from Apple and plug it in. #lifechanging ????
Ryan Warner says
I must not be a fancy user either because your favorite features are my favorite features, too! ????I have a Mac desktop at home and a Mac laptop for work (I’m a teacher) and I downloaded the google drive add-on to my computer and I save files to that folder and they show up on both computers. So easy and convenient! LOVE my macs. I am glad my laptop is an older one that has the CD drive…how else am I going to download all my old Christmas albums?! They do make external CD drives that just hook up to the USB and are easy to use!
Lauren says
Rumor has it the Macs launching this fall have touch screen.
I still say “apple c, apple v” when copy and pasting on PCs and I haven’t used a Mac in over a decade!
Jess Deisher says
I recently bought one as well, and I love it!! I don’t like having the cd/dvd port but there is apparently an attachment you can buy.
Britt Hensley says
I love my MacBook, and this post reminds me of the Sex & The City episode when Carrie’s laptop dies!! 🙂
Maggie K. says
Can you do a post about how you save/organize your photos on your Mac? My only negative about macs is iPhoto. I love the ease of My Pictures and all my folders on a PC.
Morgan Preston says
You can get all Microsoft office programs for your Mac. They look exactly like they would on a pc. It’s awesome. Google Microsoft office 365 and check it out.
Hannah says
Loving the rose gold color! So pretty 🙂
Annaliza says
I have a MacBook Pro that’s a couple years old and it has a DVD player. Maybe it was removed from newer models to lessen the weight?
Sarah @The Teacher's Wife says
I’m glad to know you like it (in case e consider one the next time we are in the market for a laptop)! I know what you mean about the CD ROM drives but I don’t think they even offer them anymore on most laptops. We have an external one that we use when needed. Thanks for sharing!
heidi says
I want one soo bad !!.. I’ve been doing family history for awhile and want my own laptop. My husband still is not an apple lover, I’m working on that, but when I was at the apple store and saw the rose gold it had me like ????.????????..come to momma haha.
My husband rolled his eyes lol
Katie says
I’m sure you’ve already figured this out in all of your research, but just in case…The right click/left click issue was one of my biggest pet peeves when I got my new Macbook until I found out that clicking the mouse pad “thing-y” with 2 fingers instead of 1 is how to “right click.” So nice!
Cynthia says
Upgrade your PC to a mac. We went all apple products and it is glorious. We saved all our old DVD’s to our library on our mac and now can airplay them anywhere or can load specific ones before a trip. We have apple tv and airplay music on our tv sound system when we entertain. We can do family slide shows thru airplay so grandparents can come over and watch on tv (with ease) the pictures from vacations. If I am watching something I can airplay it to my kids or husband on their ipads or iphones. We can share pics across devices through airplay. It rocks. Plus the photo organization in a mac is awesome. We even went with the apple router/time machine so all devices are backed up regularly.
Shay Scholtes says
I love, love, love my macbook! I got it when I went to graduate school and I haven’t looked back since. I think it just makes so much sense if you have an Iphone and Ipad- it all syncs together and super user friendly. I would say sometimes I have troubles with Iphoto- but that could be more user error than the computer. 🙂
Gentry Adams says
I’ve been an Apple girl my whole life and I swear by my Macbook! Once you get used to the differences from a PC they are a breeze to use! I did download the Microsoft suite (word, excel, powerpoint) when I was in school to make my life easier, but other than that Mac’s programs are the best! PS- I use Dropbox for all my Photos so that they move seamlessly from device to device 🙂
Kara says
Easy solution …. External CD/DVD …
Jan says
Mac is always the way to go with everything! My MacBook Pro is over 4 years old and going strong…does need to be charged more often but I’m retired and don’t carry it around much anyway. Mine does have the CD drive but I’m going for the MacBook Air next time anyway. I just hope they also come in rose gold.
Maryann Keller says
When I got my Mac desktop, the whole lack of right click/left click mouse use drove me crazy, too! And, of course, my 12 yr. old son showed me a way to make that work 🙂 I think it was in system preferences! Does this help?
Mare says
Hey Shay, what brand is the touch screen PC laptop that you have? Starting grad school this month and looking through different laptop options. Thanks!
Jenny says
I was just in an Apple Store yesterday trying to decide between a MacBook and the MacBook Air. The MacBook has the Retina display and the quiet keyboard. Any thoughts? Still deciding between buying from Apple or Best Buy too.
Lindsey says
Organizing photos is awful on a Mac…. What do you do about that??
Kara says
I actually bough the Microsoft Office package for Mac, so you have word, excel, etc. right on your Mac. I’ve also purchased the external disk drive, so that if I want to play a DVD, or burn a CD/DVD, I have that option. I don’t use it a ton, but I like having that option.
Rebecca Jo says
I’ve never realized the differences from a MacBook & PC … you make me want to entertain the idea of one now.
Debbie says
Shay, can you post a link for us to view your MacBook in the Apple Store. You know in case anyone wants to buy the exact same one. I love my old MacBook but am ready to upgrade to the air. :))
Debbie Lei says
Shay, you can set up right click/left click on the Mac!
– Go to System Preferences
– Trackpad
– Point & Click tab
– then select the Secondary Click and pick one of the three drop down options. Each sets up your trackpad to be the left click option as the PC.
I personally love the “Click or tap with two fingers” best! Actually, I love all the finger tapping and swipings. Mac laptops are the only laptops I have EVER used! :p
Stacy says
I think only the Macbook Pro laptops have the DVD drive. The simple Macbook and the Macbook Air do not. Maybe you can return it for a Macbook Pro and you’ll love it even more!
Wendy Aguillard says
I love all Apple products #applejunkie! From what I’ve heard, dvd players are going away…just like cassette tapes and 8-tracks! Sad but true. I bought a new laptop last year and there was no dvd player. I thought I might die but I’ve gotten used to it now.
Kristin says
Shay! I love it! I used to be the Business Manager at an Apple Store! My favorite part….command+P opens up a print dialog box and if you look in the bottom left it says “PDF.” You can save ANYTHING on your screen as a PDF, email a PDF, etc. So when I am doing a document in Pages (mac version of word), I always send it as a PDF because that is the easiest way universally for people to open! You can even do it on your open Safari window to easily send a PDF screen shot of the page you are on. Also command+option+shift+4 allows you to take a drag a box around something and take a screenshot of it. Then you just command+v to paste that screenshot in to an email, pages doc, etc.
kristin seifried says
Also, Apple stores have free workshops that are SOOOOO informative! For example, if you go to the website of your apple store, you can see a list of these free workshops and sign up.
Stephanie says
You absolutely can right/left click using your trackpad! If you go to System Preferences, then Trackpad, you’ll see an option for ‘Secondary Click’. Be sure that it’s turned on and select where you’d like to have it used (i.e. “Click in bottom right corner”) and you’re done! Quick fix and makes life way easier!!
Lindsay @ Lindsay's Sweet World says
Thank you SO SO much for this! I have been contemplating getting a Mac but I am TERRIFIED to make the switch from a PC. I have an iPhone and an iPad, though, and they are so darn user-friendly that I have always assumed that an actual computer would be as user-friendly. I will have to look more into it, but I’m glad to hear a fellow PC lover say that they like their Mac!
Marcie says
Shay! This is awesome! Thank you! I was wondering how you get your pics from your phone to show up on your Mac Book? Did you follow a tutorial or can you direct me. Thanks for this post!
Andrey says
I was a PC user 6 years ago, needed 2 monitors. After I bought MacMini, the combination of virtual desktops, correct implementation of full screen, and Magic Trackpad allowed me to dump the second monitor. I still think that is the coolest feature.
Angela Ellingson says
Well, I think you got the memo on the external disk drive. 😉 I’ve had Macs for years and I learned a few things from your review, so thanks!! 🙂
Dana Powell says
I LOVE my mac and will never go back. PCs constantly have to be updated and it seems like they have all kinds of glitches. The only downside for me is the cost. And Kristin up above has some great tips!
Liz says
I have had my Macbook for 6 years now & it still works PERFECTLY! It’s so great because its compatible with all of the programs I use while away at college & through internships. It’s perfect! As for the right click feature, it can be added (I had no idea how to do it but some techy wizard did it for me!). GREAT laptop choice!
Melissa Gartner says
Something I think is a positive of Macs is how long they last. I have had mine since 2009 and while it has definitely slowed down a bit, it is still in great shape! I can just keep downloading the newest updates and it’s like new! I have used almost daily for 7 years, too, throughout undergrad and grad school.
Sharon Krushcen says
Haven’t read all the comments, but I have mac book too and I have a dvd drive. You must have gotten the air edition.
Valerie says
shift key + apple button/command key + 4 key = screen grab, I use this a lot for random screen grabs of things I want to remember, but don’t necessarily need to print. It saves the screen grab right to your desktop!
Ann Marie says
How cool is this?! My words exactly.. “OHHHHH MY GOODNESS!!!!! That. is. amazing.” 🙂
Elise Welch says
I have a Mac Book Air and I bought a external DVD player for it. I am pretty sure this is the one I bought:
brett says
I love being able to text on my MacBook too! I used to work for a company where we used MacBooks and it was so convenient while working. I recently got a new job where we use PCs and I miss it so much!
Anna S says
You can set up the mouse pad thing to do a right-click like thing! If you go to System Preferences, Trackpad, make sure “Secondary Click” is checked off and if then select “Click with two fingers”. Anytime you used to right click on your PC mouse if you click the trackpad with two fingers it does the same thing!
Brittany says
I LOVE my MacBook! One of my favorite things is the search feature. It’s so easy to find saved files (especially if you forget where you saved them). And it’s just so compatible with everything else in my life…. phone, watch, apple tv. I love it!
Narci says
Love!! This is my next big purchase!! Thank you so much for all of the info!! Xo
Kelly Nortman says
I work from my school desktop and also my Mac and sometimes it’s hard to transition the two..then I discovered Dropbox!! I can drop something in a folder on my laptop and open it on my computer at school under the documents tab. It’s wonderful and has been a life saver! I have loaded it (for free) on all of my 2nd grade team’s computers and share a folder so that our documents for the grade are on each of our computers. I hope this is useful for you!
Catherine says
Yep I think someone else already replied about this but you can use your touchpad mouse for right click as well and customize it for a whole bunch of other things as well. It’s ib your system preferences file 🙂
Emily says
Love this post! Thanks for the info 😉
Kristin says
I just bought a new Macbook air last week and loved it! My old Macbook pro would be 7 years old next month and it was slowing down and heating up. It is literally the best investment!! I definitely got my money’s worth out of it. They do have amazing customer service and its almost “once you go mac, you never go back”
Amber says
If you really want the capability of using DVD’s with your MacBook, you can purchase an external drive that you can just plug in that you can put your DVD’s or CD’s into. 🙂
Jamie says
I’ve had my MacBook for a few years and I thought I used the cloud but my pictures do not appear in iPhoto unless I plug my phone in? Also, I’d love to hear how you set up the texting feature. Maybe a tutorial post?
Jaren says
I just got my Macbook a few months ago after getting fed up with Windows 10. I LOVE it!! It starts right up (favorite part), and I ordered a DVD drive that attaches to it. My husband questioned me about why I would want this to, and I’m just not ready to let go of DVD’s yet 🙂 I had a touch screen, so I’m with you on the fact that it’s hard not to have one anymore. But I do love the force touch mouse pad. Next up…an Apple Watch!!
Kristy Moore says
ha! solved my own problem of not finding the comment area in your new blog layout….duh…just scroll down to the bottom! :p I switched over to a MAC 3 years ago and like you was nervous about learning the tricks, but now I’d never go back!
Kaycee says
I am swooning over your rose gold Macbook!! I have a Macbook Pro and am still loving it! Checkout “Photobooth”… it’s fun for selfies! haha 🙂 I also recommend just checking out Pinterest for Mac hacks…I think that’ll be super helpful for you. 🙂
Kelsey says
I also would love to hear how you organize and back up your photos of your family! Hopefully a post soon!?
Katherine says
Hold down command and then hit space and you can use that bar as a calculator or search for any document or contact or folder, etc. You have multiple desktops you can easily swipe back and forth from. Swipe three fingers up to get an overview of what’s on one and then three fingers back and forth to see what’s on the other ones. Click and drag documents to other desktops to be able to flip back and forth between two things
Megan says
We used a MacBook until last year but it was aging and we purchased a cheaper PC laptop and I HATE it!!! I want to ditch it and buy a new MacBook! And seriously how much time are you saving by having easy access to all your pics!!!! I think I might NEED one!! Ha!
Danika says
I’m an Apple fanatic! Every device I own is Apple. I grew up in a Apple home and have never owned a PC (and never will!). I love the simplicity and design of the MacBook. It just looks so professional but yet it’s so easy to use. Macbooks used to have a cd/dvd drive but quite obviously it isn’t as much of a need for people anymore. My macbook screen is 1000 times cleaner because it isn’t a touch screen! My iPad screen grosses me out sometimes with all those finger prints. I could go on and on about my love for Apple products!! If you don’t have a macbook, well you are simply missing out!
Jan Fisher says
Now, I want a Macbook! Our PC laptop is dying….we may have think about a mac now, after reading this!
Lisa says
Apple stores have workshops available for Macbook, iPhone, iPad, apple watch…basically any of their devices. They are about an hour long and are completely FREE!! You can sign up online (or maybe just show up?) and BAM! Free tutorial from apple geniuses on how to use your new device!! Once you take the basic class, they also have one for more advanced things, like photos. A great way to learn all the tricks and trades of your Apple device!!
Andrea says
Wowzers! I have had my MacBook for a year and still learned a lot from the comments. I think my jaw hit the floor several times!