It’s another vacation post.
Because…that’s all I have to talk about right now 🙂 .
If you missed my first two posts, my family headed to Seattle and then on an Alaskan cruise last week and had the time of our lives. You can catch PART ONE and PART TWO before you read this one or you can jump right in. On Day five, we got off the ship in Alaska for the first time and it was BEAUTIFUL!!
Like seriously, after this trip, I pick Alaska as the prettiest of all the states. It. Is. Gorgeous!
We woke up early and the ship was at port here in Ketchikan, Alaska. This is looking off of our balcony.
Not a bad view from our cabin, right?
My dad and I were so ready to get off the ship and explore!! And this sweatshirt was so comfy and cute! I had it layered with my favorite tanks and never wanted to take it off. It comes in so many other colors too.
We got off the ship and hit the town!
A look back at our ship.
Our family didn’t always do everything together. In fact, that was one of the best parts about cruising with a large group…we could all do what we wanted and then meet back up later. There were several days when I didn’t see some family members until dinner (and one day, I didn’t see my cousin and her family at all!). On this day, my aunt, uncle, cousin and her family did a boat excursion through the Alaskan fjords instead of town, so we didn’t see them until later that night. Cruising gave everyone options to do what they wanted but also united us at the end of the day on board.
When in Ketchikan, you better watch out for bears.
Too cool for school.
The weather was cold and crisp (with a little drizzle) and the city was beautiful!
Loving our time on land!
A girl and her moose. Side note, we saw so many bald eagles in Alaska. It was crazy to me! Other than at a zoo, I’d never seen a bald eagle before but you could always spot several at all of our ports.
We got coffee and hot chocolate as we enjoyed the town that morning. And we split an apple fritter because…why not?
Madeley was thrilled when we stuck Samuel there for a minute 🙂 .
Getting six people to all look at the same place and smile is next to impossible.
We had purchased tickets in advance to watch their local lumberjack show that morning and it was fun for the whole family!
This right here is why we needed to take this trip. My grandmother and her great granddaughter. These are precious and priceless memories.
We loved the lumberjack show!
Who wouldn’t love lumberjacks?!
After the show, we had THE BEST lunch next to the water! I had the salmon chowder with one piece of fried cod and it was SO GOOD!
Lunch with a view!
Aunt Shay and Samuel. His face is killing me here! Ha!
We loved you Ketchikan!
We had to be back on board the ship that afternoon, so Kensington and I went to get coffee and hot tea before heading back to our cabins. We also got each of us a macaroon 🙂 .
I sat on our balcony reading while watching us sail out of Ketchikan.
We had a family dinner that night at the steak restaurant on board. I’m wearing that same old dress that I wear basically every day :). I brought the navy version on this trip (but you know how much I love my black version too!). Ha! Best. Dress. Ever. With these heels and these earrings.
This girl melts me.
Every. Single. Time.
Dinner shenanigans at the steak restaurant! I ordered their fish special and it was so good! I’ve never had better fish than this vacation. Hands down, without a doubt, the BEST fish I’ve ever had!
After dinner, I played some cards with my peeps until…
…we watched Sean and Catherine play the Newlywed Game. It was HYSTERICAL!
Kensington was always so excited to see what towel animal would be left in her cabin. (The kids shared one cabin and then Andrew and I took the adjoining one.)
The next morning…
…we loaded up in the elevator and headed into Juneau!
The capital city did not disappoint! We got off early enough to eat breakfast in town.
Strolling behind my family and taking in the city on our way to find a breakfast spot.
Never dull.
We ate at the coziest little local cafe. A congressman was exiting as we were leaving…it was all so quaint and charming! (And speaking of cozy, you can find my cozy fleece top HERE.)
These two are IN LOVE!
I could watch them all day long!
After breakfast, Ashby helped Uncle Seanie push Samuel as we explored Juneau.
And then we found this little shop where they hand-make everything. This hat was a MUST! She did not want to take it off the entire trip! One time, I even caught her wearing it with her pajamas.
We decided to take the Mount Roberts Tramway up way high to the top. It was HIGH!
Up we go in the tram!
When your ship looks tiny, you know you’re high up!
Still going up in the tram!
Whoa! Beautiful view from the top! They had a great visitor’s center up there, a documentary theater, live music, trails (watch out for bears!) and more!
Ashby was clearly more interested in something else 😉 .
We had fun at the top and then headed back down.
We stopped for coffee and hot chocolate because…isn’t that what you’re supposed to do when it’s like 48 degrees outside?
The view looking into the coffee shop. Love my family.
A girl and her hat.
Juneau was fantastic! We enjoyed strolling the streets, going in and out of the shops and the food.
It started raining right when we were ready to board the ship. One last family pic in Juneau!
The ship started sailing and I took this girl to an art class.
She had seen this little class the day before and sat there watching them paint for an hour. So, we signed her up for this day. She was so excited!!!
I was so proud of Kensington! She was by far the youngest one in there and she did an amazing job!
We’re going to hang it in her room 🙂 .
She was so proud!
That evening at 5:00, the captain told us he would sail right up to a big glacier, so we grabbed a table for appetizers and watched the excitement.
Oh my word…the icebergs! They were HUGE!
Appetizers with a view and my favorite crew.
These pics do not do it justice. The icebergs were so big and then look at the glacier! Isn’t it gigantic?!
That is a glacier.
And that is a seal asleep on an iceberg 🙂 .
After our appetizers, we ate dinner in the main dining room again with the fam and then attended that evening’s show.
It was another wonderful end to a great day!
Happy happy happy Friday, friends!
Love you all!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog says
The lumberjack show looks like so much fun. And Kensington’s painting looks lovely!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Grace says
How did you get Kensington’s painting home safely?
Mix and Match Mama says
I carried it home in my carry on bag 🙂 .
Mama V @ Snowflakes & Coffeecakes says
Love these photos Shay! It looks like you had the most wonderful time! Can you share the name of the shop where you found the hand-knit hat and found all of the hand-knit goods? SO CUTE!
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh goodness, I wish I knew the name!
Courtney says
Ok you’ve convinced me, I’m planning a trip to Alaska! 🙂
Vicki Leuck says
Thank you for sharing your Alaskan adventure! The pics are wonderful. Kensington is a budding artist! Keep them coming!
Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams says
I agree that a cruise with your whole family is a great option to explore different things yet come back together at certain points! My extended family does a similar thing when we vacation together in Newport! The kids looked like they had a ball on these two days!
Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams
Erika Slaughter says
I’m loving these vacation pictures AND what sweet sweet memories you got to make with your entire family!! Can’t wait for Days 7&8!!
Sheaffer Sims says
Madeley is precious in that hat! And K doing the painting class so so much fun! Good for her!
Alexis deZayas says
You have me dying to go to Alaska with today’s post! So fun!
Cait says
We went on an Alaskan cruise last June and I’m still dreaming of the crab and salmon!! So delicious!
Brantlee says
Alaska is definitely on my travel list. Just curious if anyone on the ship recognized Sean and Catherine from The Bachelor?
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes!! People are always so gracious about it and respecting their family time.
Mother Henn says
Great family memories! Madeley in that hat!!!!
Have I missed a link to the kids’ coats? I would love to find one like Kensington’s for my girls this winter.
Mix and Match Mama says
Her coat is from Boden!!
Mother Henn says
Thank you!
Sarah Shaneyfelt says
I love that you’re giving us a peek into your vacation! I’ve always thought of cruises to tropical destinations, so on at-sea days you just lay out by the pool. But I’ve loved reading about the activities that you can do on this cruise since it’s obviously too cold to relax on the deck. Your pictures are beautiful!
Meka Arend says
Shay, I love your blog. Your trip looks amazing. We are leaving for an Alaskan cruise next week. How did you pack for the trip? Did you have a list you worked from to bring the right layers? Would love some helpful hints to prepare.
Megan says
Mag I ask how you chose Norwegian over Disney (or the other lines) for your cruise? I’m thinking with kids Disney may be a good choice for us.
Mix and Match Mama says
It had just been a while since we had sailed with Norwegian, so I thought it was time. Both would be excellent choices!
Brooke Richardson says
Alaska is gorgeous! And would it be weird if I printed out a pic of Madeley wearing that adorable hat on the fridge or somewhere? Lol. I just can’t get enough.
Megan says
Okay you and Andrew have the BEST skin! Lol. I know you’ve posted about your skincare routine, but I’d love for you to do a post on chemical peels or anything you do to have such great skin!
Looks like an amazing trip!!
Mix and Match Mama says
I used to do them all the time, but now, not nearly as often (maybe three a year!). They became too harsh.
Rachel says
LOVED all the pics! Can’t wait to read more about it!
Bailey says
Hey Shay! Have your kids/babies ever gotten sea sick while cruising?? Any tips on avoiding/handling that?
Mix and Match Mama says
Thankfully, they have not!
Priscilla says
My children did get sick on a cruise. It’s not fun. They quarantine you to your room! Common sense times ten, I would say. Wash your hands, a lot. Don’t touch. I said that a million times, especially the railings. Keep your hands away from your mouth. And hope and pray for the germs to stay away.
Courtney says
This looks so amazing! What cruse line did you use and do you recommend them?
Mix and Match Mama says
We sailed on Norwegian and loved it!
Kelli says
I am LOVING all of your Alaska pictures! My little family was just there last year on a Disney cruise Ah-MAZING! Ok, I’ve only been on that one cruise (Disney) and am so skeptical about planing another cruise with differnt cruise line because of how family oriented the Disney was. What are your thoughts on this? Looking forward to more of your pics! : )
Francie says
Wonderful memories made with your entire family. I love this, Shay!
Allison says
Gorgeous pics and post! I LLLLOOOOVVVVEEEE Kensington’s painting! She did SO well!
Angela Ellingson says
Wow! What an experience! The lumberjack show and the tram look like so much fun!
Sandra says
I’m really enjoying reading all about your Alaskan cruise. You all are having such a grand time! I’m from Ontario, Canada and am considering both the Alaskan and Norwegian cruises for our family of four. I’ve reread your blog from your Norwegian cruise (with your 3 littles) and wondering which you would recommend most. I realize this is a difficult question! Would love to hear your thoughts!
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh goodness! What a hard decision??? Have you been to Europe? If not, I say Norwegian.
Sandra says
Have not been to Europe, so sounds like the Norwegian cruise would be the way to go. Thanks so much!!! ?
Amanda says
I love seeing all your pictures of my home state!!! Make me miss it!!! I was born and raised there and the military life took me away. We lived in texas for about 3 years (when I started to read your blog!) and now we live in Georgia!!
Laci says
Looks like such a “cozy” vacation! 🙂
Alicia F says
My grandparents spent years doing missions work in Alaska. It is truly beautiful country. If it was up to my grandfather, they would have moved there permanently…but grandkids and great grandkids brought them back home!
I am curious about your stroller. We are looking for a small, lightweight stroller than is a step up from just a cheap umbrella stroller. Any advice?
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s a Chicco Travel Lite and I love it!
Rebecca Purdie says
Awesome pictures!
How did the kids not get tired and cranky and need a nap?
Did none of them have a meltdown or a tantrum?
I think I would have to have a daily nap. LOL!
Mix and Match Mama says
Ha! I think my kiddos are old enough now that they don’t melt down. They slept very well at night though because they were tired! 🙂
Amanda @ That Inspired Chick says
Loved all the pictures!! Those glaciers were gorgeous and the towns look like movie sets! (I keep thinking of The Proposal!) Did you notice the creepy doll behind Madelely in the store window though!? hahaha.
That Inspired Chick
Julie says
Did any of you experience seasickness? I’ve heard that it
can be bumpy on these types of cruises.
If so, how did you deal with it?
Thanks ?
Mix and Match Mama says
My cousin did one night when we were sailing back to Canada, but other than that, no one was sick!
Kayla B says
Loving these posts!! Keep them coming!
Andrea McAnally says
Everything looks SO PRETTY! I’m loving reading your recaps!
Liz says
Great travel post – keep them coming!! You’ve sold me – Alaska is our next cruise after Cuba!! We love NCL; a great mix of things to do on board and great food!! I don’t work for them, but I wish I did!! 🙂
Brianna Cramer says
What a wonderful two days in Alaska! I’ve always dreamed of an Alaskan cruise, and it’s on my bucket list FOR SURE now that I see you recapping your trip. Kensington seriously did so great on that painting – absolutely beautiful! Your family is precious and what a blessedness to have such wonderful memories!
Dorinda doft says
Your skin is looking so great in those pictures. I know I’ve seen some makeup posts. But what is your skin regime?
Mix and Match Mama says
Check my side bar! There is a link to my skin routine!
Chrystianne Santos says
These pictures are GORGEOUS! Hubby and I are definitely looking forward to an Alaskan cruise in the future. By the way, the Norwegian Jewel was my very first ship ever. So nice to see picts of her in Alaska and not in the Caribbean.
Kylie McGraw says
Such beautiful pictures and relaxing family time even though you got to see so much! I may be a cruise person after seeing all these posts!
Christina Keller says
Which cruise line/ship did y’all travel on? I want to take this EXACT same trip!!
Mix and Match Mama says
That was the Norwegian Jewel :).
Nicole says
Love those long sleeve tops! Size XS?
Mix and Match Mama says
Christy says
I love these vacation posts. My grandfather loved going on an Alaskan cruise so one day we’ll have to go on one in his memory. I’m curious though how your kids do with schedule changes (particularly the younger ones) when you travel. I have a 3 year old & a 10 month old. We’re traveling next week and while I know their schedule will get messed up (napping on the go & later bedtimes), I try to give them days where they at least get a decent nap & earlier bedtime if I can otherwise they’ll be too overtired. I know it probably depends on kids’ personalities too, but just curious how you do it with young ones (Samuel too)!
Mix and Match Mama says
They seem to go with the flow. We’ve had meltdowns before, but for the most part, it’s always pretty chill. I think by not doing too much, it helps a lot!
sjb says
What a fun trip! What are your family’s favorite card games to play?
Laura @ Laura Likes Design says
Kensington is quite the little artist! It looks like you guys had the best time on your trip / cruise! You always have the best outfits and gear!
Emily says
Your trip looks super fun so far but the kids are stealing the show! They are all bringing it in the pictures! I was cracking up!
Becca says
Adding an Alaskan Cruise to my bucket list! What size do you have for the Treasure + Bond Sweatshirt? Going to purchase it – because so cute + practical – but sometimes those run large. Thanks!
Mix and Match Mama says
It does not run large! Order true to size for sure!
Michelle Nordstrom says
Madeley and the hat, she looked so adorable!
Jamie says
Looks like an amazing trip! Thanks for sharing!
Bethany says
Love the bear picture! Macaroons are also a love language! Have a great weekend!
Whitney Pegram says
I am loving these posts!! Can’t wait for the next post! And I saw your Instastory on your new book … EEEEEK!!! Congrats!!
Melissa says
Can you share where Madeley’s pink jacket is from?
Mix and Match Mama says
Deena says
We drove to Alaska once- love seeing these pictures. But Madeley in the tuque is my fave.
Paula says
What a fun trip thusfar. I LOVE it.
DeAnn says
Lovely! We were on the Disney Wonder up there a couple weeks ago and it was HOT! Like 80 degrees in Skagway and at the glacier. We brought way too many warm clothes. Looks like the same one we saw, Sawyer? I did some serious damage in all those jewelry stores! I didn’t have gem shopping on my agenda, until I attended a shopping talk on board the ship. Oops! We enjoyed that same lumberjack show too!
Allison says
Great post- your travel posts are my favorite! We’ve never done a cruise. Would one room with two adults and two little kids make us crazy? I know Disney is built for this, but what about regular cruise ships like this one? Did they have toddler activities and if so, do your kids like them or prefer to stay with you all? Thanks for the help!
Mix and Match Mama says
We’ve done one cabin with two toddlers and lived to tell about it :). It was totally fine! The ship is just filled with stuff to do and places for kids to run around and blow off steam. You would have fun!
Lauren says
I might have teared up at the art class. I LOVE a child who will do something and not worry that they are the youngest or not the best, etc. I have one that will jump into anything and I am CONSTANTLY amazed by that because it is so NOT my personality. Awesome confidence, Kensington!
cassie {hi sugarplum} says
Loving this trip…and so fun to do it with the whole family!!!
Lyssa says
My husband and I went on an Alaskan cruise about a week before you did, and I agree with you, it is the most beautiful state 🙂 Alaska is so gorgeous. Pictures did not do it justice 🙂
Lauren says
Love your vacation posts! Seeing the rain pictures made me think you should check out “Blunt Umbrellas”, I’m Australian and they’re really popular here and great for kids because there are no sharp metal edges. Great for travel!
Erin Port says
What a fun post! Love it and my kids would love the lumberjack show for sure. xoxo ERIN
Gina says
Shay where did you get your silver hoop earrings? I have been looking for a pair like that for some time. Thank you
Betsy says
I got engaged at the top of Mt Roberts and spent the rest of our port day in Juneau calling friends and family to share the good news. So many happy memories seeing your pictures from familiar places!
Melody Knapp says
My husbands grandparents went to Alaska a few years back and got my baby girl a cute jacket that looks exactly like that hat Madeley got. It was a favorite of ours for sure!
annette krafcik says
odd question
when you wear your hair back and up how do you secure it-with what?
Mix and Match Mama says
Just a rubber band!