It’s Friday!!
I don’t know about you, but I’ve had a crazy fun week and am ready to keep the momentum going into the weekend. I wanted to start off today by sharing one unexpected little favorite that I’ve been thinking about all week…
…last Friday, when I was at Jamie Ivey Live, I had several sweet, sweet ladies come tell me how much they love reading my blog because they’re in the phase behind me and it makes them excited about the next chapter in life (meaning they were not married yet and/or don’t have any kids yet)…and do you know what I told them? THAT’S EXACTLY HOW I FEEL ABOUT SO MANY OF YOU!!!
I don’t think I’ve ever verbalized it, but please know, I LOVE getting the emails and messages from women in that next chapter of life (kids off to college, enjoying life at home in an empty nest). You ladies make me feel excited about the next chapter (while also helping me to remember to slow down and enjoy this phase too because I won’t ever get it back). I love hearing from you and being reminded that every phase can be fantastic…it’s what you make of it. I could name so many of you by name who really inspire me to work on my marriage right now while I have little kids at home, so that it’s in a good place when I have an empty nest.
So, anyway…I wanted to say thank you. I’m honored that those girls said I’m encouraging them, and I want so many of you to know, that you’re encouraging me too.
So, that’s my first fave 🙂 .
Now, just like every Friday, I’m linking up with my friends Erika, Narci and Andrea and sharing my other favorites too!
Happy Friday, friends!!
I just had to post this picture again…
…what you see here is strength, courage and beauty. We had a really raw and direct post-op appointment last week, and this girl had to have a big heart to heart with her daddy leaving the hospital about things we have to do to keep her safe and healthy…she’s tough, friends. She is so tough.
Okay, did you see my ETSY EVERYTHING post on Monday?! Wowzers!! Even if you read it earlier, go back and read it again because there are so many great shops mentioned in the comment section! I was floored!!!
If you own an Etsy shop or love one and want us to know about it, please go back to that post and comment there. I was so excited about this!
I randomly posted this picture on Wednesday…
…of my Meal Planning schedule and so many of you noticed my Erin Condren notebook. Well, I happen to have some of their new stuff right now, so I thought I’d share that too…
I thought I could use this to plan out all sorts of weekly things (like maybe my meal plan???)…
I gave this to Kensington. I’ve told you guys for YEARS how writing down things I’m grateful for every day changed my life, well now, they have a journal to help with that. Look inside…
…I’m obsessed! Seriously, if you’re looking for holiday things (address stickers, wrapping accessories and more), head there too. Just a few new EC finds for your Friday 🙂 .
Oh my gosh, look at what Accessory Concierge is doing today…
…they reached out to me and asked me if I wanted to give my readers a 50% off promo code for blanket scarves.
Is that a trick question?
I don’t even know why they asked?!
I love to buy blanket scarves from Accessory Concierge in the first place, but now that they’re 50% off with promo code mixandmatchscarves, I’m going to be buying them as gifts too (I really like the Zana one).
I mean, isn’t that fun?
Another pretty scarf 🙂 . On Insta Stories today, I’m going to show you how I tie my scarves. I’ll post it soon. Head to see all the scarves HERE and use promo code mixandmatchscarves for 50% off! Happy early Christmas shopping 😉 .
…they’re SO LIGHT!!!!
You know how I keep wearing these like every single day…
…well, now, I have a second pair to swap them with. They’re both Nickel & Suede, so they’re both super, super light. I did a side by side so you can see the sizes (they’re really close). I bought both of them in the “small” size. They are so light. I LOVE THEM! Here I was wearing them to the fair this week…
…with my favorite new waterproof booties (that are so comfy!) and that sweater that I’ve now worn twice this week…
…happy fall earrings 🙂 .
And last, but certainly not least…
…13 Wickedly Fun Halloween Treats!
Every year, I compile a list of my favorite spooky treats for Halloween and share them with you. From church events to school parties, get togethers at my house, pumpkin carving night and more, we are always looking for reasons to make Halloween goodies this time of year. To see all of my favorites click HERE.
Okay, that wraps up this week’s Friday Favorites!
It’s October, friends! Go out and do something fall today!! xo
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog says
Your gratitude journal and stickers are so cute! Makes me want to get crafty myself! 🙂
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams says
Praying for Ashby, I can’t imagine what it feels like to go through all these procedures at her age. I didn’t know EC had different types of journals and notebooks. I love the gratitude one! I’m also a big fan Blondo booties too, I grabbed some at the Nsale and I’ve been wearing them almost every day in this so far rainy fall in New York. You are always an inspiration to me on what the next phase of my life can look like. I’m glad you find that in other blogs as well!
Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams
Erika Slaughter says
I’m so glad you reposted that picture of Ashby and her rainbow. That’s gonna leave me with a big smile on my face the rest of the day.
Nicole says
What size did you get in the stripe sweater? XS says 00-0, and S is 2. Thanks!
Mix and Match Mama says
I bought an xs in that sweater.
Sarah Shenayfelt says
Ashby is such a strong girl! Love reading about her! And I’m so glad you shared all of those Halloween treats–I love holiday baking!
Narci says
I just love that precious Ashby and her mama. That gratitude journal is so neat! Happy Friday, friend! ❤️❤️
Sheaffer Sims says
Ashby is my hero. She’s just amazing.
On a way less important note…those scarves and earrings are darling!!!!
Elspeth Mizner says
I love all the Halloween treats! And I’m still in college so I love reading about all of what’s to come in the future! Have a great day
Amanda Farris says
i love seeing all the fun adventures your family goes on!!!
Richelle Orman says
Are you wearing the Monarch scarf in the first pic?
Mix and Match Mama says
Amanda wilson says
Ashby!! She remind she me to slow down and be thankful. Do you find it hard when you go places she may not be able to participate but the other kids can?? I love those earrings!! I am waiting for my Holt necklace to arrive form them!! I hope you have an awesome weekend!
Samantha Carfi says
I totally am one of those ones who have been reading your blog for 4 years! Not yet married/no kids, but your blog makes me excited for all of that 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing your life with me and HAPPY FRIDAY!
Jenna says
What a great list of favorites from the week. I am also with you (I have a 10 and a 7 year old) so I love connecting with women who are in stages ahead of me. Working on marriage is a key! Have a great weekend!
Clare B says
Ashby has the most beautifully brave soul! Also, I may have just bought like 6 scarves with that discount code! Whoop!
Ramona says
Love this! You have a strong girl there! The whole post was great! Have a blessed day and weekend!
Lynn says
give me all the scarves and sweaters. Love that weekly notepad.
Angela Ellingson says
I can’t get over Ashby’s rainbow arm either. So beautiful. And I love everything Erin Condren!
Amanda @ That Inspired Chick says
Ashby is the bravest little girl. Her rainbow makes me smile. And the gratitude journal is so great! I love that!
That Inspired Chick
Ronnie says
Sending up prayers for Ashby. She is amazing. Such a little fighter!
Have I missed an update on your friends who adopted the baby girl and were fighting to get to keep her? They cross my heart often and I’m still praying for them.
Have a wonderful weekend!!
Mix and Match Mama says
They took a little break from social media postings and such, but she is home with them right now. thank you so much for praying!
Ella says
I have a funny question. Do you find that scarves mess up your hair? Because whenever I wear scarves or hats my hair gets flat, but your curls seem perfect.
Mix and Match Mama says
Hmmmm…sometimes, I blame the scarf…but it’s probably just my bad hair day. Hahaha!
Erin Chavez says
Just ordered two scarves for Christmas gifts! Thank you! And Nickle and Suede Earrings are seriously the best! I have so many pairs!
Kristen says
Prayers for sweet Ashby! <3
Also, I bought that zana scarf and I feel like it'll be my go to come Christmas season!!
Patty says
Thanks for the shout out to those of us who are in seasons of life ahead of yours. Sometimes I miss being a mom with little ones still at home, but then I’m reminded that this season is just as special in a different way. God has a plan and a purpose for every stage of life, and I’m thankful for each and everyday. (And the days I get to see my children and grandchildren are just icing on the cake!) Enjoy every minute and don’t take a single day for granted y’all! Each day and each season is so precious!
MJ says
Ashby, she is such a sweet little inspiration! Those notebooks and scarves are awesome!
I’m so happy that you’re talking about Nickel & Suede! They are from my town (Kansas City), and are such an incredible family. I’ve been following you for years, and it’s so fun to see the ‘small-world’ connections (including KSU)! I wish you and your friends have teenagers because I could use some wisdom in that arena! Maybe I’ll have some advice for you when you get there! Happy Friday!
Kelly Buffington says
Nickel and Suede are my new favorite earrings! I think in have 6 or 8 pairs! Love them:). I am one of the women who are on the other side of you: married for 38 years next week, six children (four are grown and gone from home), 11 grandchildren who I love with everything in me. You are doing a great job, making memories with your kids, taking time to be with Andrew. You will come out on the other side of this crazy busy time so grateful that you did! Happy Friday, Shay!
Angela says
Love seeing that sweet Ashby girl! And Nickel & Suede earrings are the absolute best!!!
Anna S says
I am one of your readers that’s not married or has kids yet but reading this blog makes me so excited. For awhile now, my fiancé and I have said we didn’t want to have kids but within the last 6 months, boy have those conversations changed. Conversations about adoption have also been thrown into the mix. I reference you like a really life friend to him…”My friend, Shay’s family has 2 beautiful adoption stories.” Lol! Thanks for sharing so many parts of your life with us. You’ve inspired so many of my meals, fashion choices, and conversations. xoxo!
Liz says
Wow, must be your code because most of the scarves are already sold out and it’s only 8:25am in California.
Lauren says
I just ordered 2 blanket scarves for Christmas gifts using your code! Thank you so much!
Emily says
I love your closet and fancy bags – will you do a post about the updates you made and how you organize it? Thanks!
Emily H. says
Yes please!!!
Alisha Bultemeier says
I didn’t think I needed a scarf… but $15!! how could I not 🙂
Chelsey says
Shay, you are definitely someone I look up to for the next phase of my life like those girls told you. I was told that I would most likely not get pregnant naturally and need assistance. It was discouraging when I was getting married and thinking about starting a family but your constant testimony of prayer and patience helped me feel hopeful. Needless to say, I am now expecting and due in 2019. I am excited for this next phase of my life and you are definitely a wife and mom that I look up to. Thank you for creating this fun, safe, positive space!
Mix and Match Mama says
Congratulations, Chelsey!! Thank you for sharing this with me 🙂 .
Allena Gurley says
What you said at the beginning is so sweet! It’s really awesome to read that someone with a very popular blog actually truly connects with her readers – I’m in the same phase as you (kids ranging from 21 months to 9), and I love feeling connected in some of those ‘in the trenches’ moments. Second, have you ever looked at Grace & Lace? It’s an Austin-based company that was on Shark Tank, and I think their style is so similar to yours and her story is AMAZING for how she started the company. She has such great ‘cool Mom’ pieces – I’m getting one of her blanket scarves from a giveaway and can’t wait!! I think you’d really like her stuff. 🙂
Jill Koch says
Love love loving all of this, especially the weekly planner and gratitude journal! Also, trying to link up. Any idea why it won’t create a link? I’ll try here again….Have a great weekend! 🙂
Liz Thorson says
I ❤️ Ashby! I’m so happy she is your daughter, Andrew’s daughter and Kensington, Smith and Madeley’s sib!❤️❤️
Leanne Gilchrist says
Okay Shay, here I go, here are the things I love about you: You always try to see the good in everything, even though I know it’s hard sometimes. You aren’t selfish about where or how you get your things! You share your babies with us. You aren’t shy or scared to ask for prayer when you need it or to get prayer for someone else. (PS: I’ve been praying for Holt every. single. night). There’s always a sense of quiet joy with you. You fiercely love your family. It’s so refreshing. You know what? ASHBY!! And her rainbow. She also remains in my prayers every night. One thing I heard recently that really helps is that everything has a season. Every stage is a season. it’s something to remember when the going gets tough. I’m ordering that journal for my Sofia, who is 12. Thanks for the rich, many ideas!
Mix and Match Mama says
Leanne, thank you! You said so many sweet things here, but thank you for praying for Holt. I just (like 2 minutes ago) finished reading a little update from his mama and they need all of our prayers. God bless you. xo
Lauren Freeman says
I LOVE the stickers and recently bought an Erin Condren planner. Do you mind telling me what stickers you bought.
Mix and Match Mama says
Fall ones, Christmas ones, some flowery ones…a random selection!
Kimberly C says
I’m running behind on my blog reading so I’m just reading this ? out of curiousity, on your pic of your meal plan there’s ‘N’s in the left column next to some of the food — what are those for? Is it a code you use for something, like when you’re making your grocery list?
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s for the “new” recipes I’m making to feature here on my blog!
Donna Cook says
Am a longtime fan of your blog. Love to read all about your travel posts and pick up great tips on where to go and what to do when there. You give such a great mixture of travel, cooking, fashion and family. Have you ever considered doing a closet reveal since you take so many photos there? Hi Sugarplum and Honey We’re Home did one and they were so helpful when organizing our own spaces.