Happy Friday, friends! Today, I am volunteering at my kids’ Field Day which means sun, fun and getting totally soaked (I always help with the event that involves the water hose…). I’m going to enjoy the long weekend and last few days until summer and then see you girls back here again on Tuesday. I hope each and every one of you have a safe, healthy and happy Memorial Day weekend as we take time out to spend time with family and friends and remember all of those who currently do or have served our country…especially those who paid the ultimate price for our freedom today,
Please also remember the Davis/Maxwell family in your prayers this weekend too…
…Tuesday would have been Manda’s 38th birthday. I got to spend time with Manda’s mom on Sunday which was her birthday, so between the two birthdays and Mother’s Day, May is a hard month for that precious family. Prayers always appreciated.
From my home to yours, wishing you the safest, happiest and most blessed weekend. xo
Nicole Miller says
I’m at field day today, too!!! Have fun 🙂 🙂
Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams says
Sending prayers and light to Manda’s Family! Hope you Shulls have a great MDW!
Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog says
Sounds like a fun day 🙂 Hope you have a lovely weekend, Shay!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Amanda @ That Inspired Chick says
Praying for Manda’s sweet family. See you tomorrow night! ?
That Inspired Chick
Amy Azza says
Happy Memorial Day weekend Shay! And prayers to sweet Manda and her family. She did so much good and brought so much joy in her time here on earth.. some people live a lot longer lives and don’t do as much good.. so I hope her mother and her family take great comfort in all the good that Manda did and all the love she gave. xoxoxo.
Paula says
Happ Memorial Day & Happy Summer. Enjoy your precious family.
Debbie says
Beautiful post in every way! ❤️??❤️??❤️??❤️
Maureen Werner says
Thoughts and prayers to your family and Manda’s. Have a safe and relaxing weekend! Reflecting on all the brave soldiers who keep us safe and families who are still missing their loved ones. God Bless them.
Katie says
I helped at our field day, but they had to pull it inside because is freezing and so rainy in Utah still! April/May is a hard month for our family. We lost our baby niece last year, I’ll be thinking if you guys too!
Misty S says
Your house is #goals! 😉
Brandye says
Today is the one year anniversary of my nephew’s passing. He was 41 and an ATF agent in Dallas. His funeral procession shut down multiple highways in early June, 2018. Please remember Special Agent Scott Ragsdale in your prayers, as well as his family. Thanks.
Mix and Match Mama says
I am going to stop and pray for your family right now, Brandye. I’m so sorry for your loss.
Elspeth Mizner says
Happy Memorial Day Shay! Have a wonderful weekend with your family! Sending prayers for Manda and her family and friends during this difficult time.
Kristy Moore says
Love the flag, but who has the lucky job of putting it up there???
Mix and Match Mama says
Andrew Shull… 😉
Cristin says
And how exactly does he get it up there? I need more details. Because I want one for our house (when we move back to America)…but I will be responsible for putting it up. Do you have a scissor lift?
Mix and Match Mama says
A tall ladder and Andrew is all you need! I can loan him out ;).