Whew! We made it through our first two days of school 🙂 .
(Side note: the best thing our district ever did was start school on a Thursday! It was so nice having two days to ease into things before the weekend.)
Speaking of our school district, we are going virtual here at the beginning, but my kids and I still got up, got dressed and celebrated the start of a brand new school year.
I woke up early and made our traditional back to school breakfast. Green pancakes…
…and Maple Sausage Balls. Yesssssss!!! These are so delicious!!!
Hello there! I skipped working out for getting dressed the first day of school 😉 .
…I went upstairs and woke up my kiddos. Look at my sweet little kindergartener!
Breakfast smiles!
We ate and then while they were upstairs getting dressed…
…I got their lunches out.
All four kids have different lunch times, so we made their lunches the night before and then when it was their turn to eat, they had a spot all ready to go at the counter.
After that…it was time for first day pictures…
…I can’t believe my baby is in kindergarten!! She was SO EXCITED!!
Next up, Miss Ashby! She has so many friends in her class this year, loves her new teacher and was ready to LEARN!
This guy. He’s the top dog at his school now. He was excited about starting…and annoyed I made him wear shoes for this pic. Ha! I’m so proud of Smith!! He’s going to have a great year!
Awwww! My big middle schooler!! Guys, everything is different for her this year, and she is SO excited about it! New school, new friends, new teachers, new classes…she’s so BIG!! Kensington was really the most excited kid about school starting which warms my heart because if you remember, she was so shy at the beginning of elementary school and this mama prayed and prayed for her to find her footing…and now, she’s blossomed!
When I look back on my life, I cannot imagine loving anything more than being a mama and raising my kids. These years at home with them went by way too quickly. I literally just had two babies in diapers. Like yesterday.
We made temporary work stations for each kid. They’re temporary because our house is a loud, messy disaster and they’ll need to move around and adjust each day as things develop. Right now, we have Madeley upstairs in the play room…
…Kensington’s school doesn’t start until 8:45 (elementary starts at 8:00), so she was helping Mades and me.
Smith is working in the dining room…and refused to smile for me. Ha! He did request I burn a candle for him though. Bahaha!
Ashby and Madeley have a loft upstairs in their room with two desk areas…so this is where Ashby worked! Her spot was the quietest and the coziest 🙂 .
And welcome to middle school 🙂 ! Kensington was all fixed up in her room for school!
I’m sure I’ll have more to say about virtual learning…but for now, two days in, it’s going well. My kids’ teachers have prepared so much that it really is running seamlessly for all of them. I’m working on my laptop and moving around from kid to kid throughout the day and have been very, very impressed!
Okay, that’s it for our Monday! I’ll see you guys back here tomorrow!! xo
Monica says
I couldn’t help but notice one brown bag for lunch ! Did Kensington outgrow her lunchbox?! #middleschool
Mix and Match Mama says
I think she has!! 😉
Tracie says
The girl “lunch box” of choice for middle school is the lululemon shopping bag. It actually is the perfect size.
Susan Jeffries says
Oh I remember those fun elementary school days! I pray they get to return to school soon! We are taking our daughter back to college today and I cried myself to sleep last night. Enjoy these precious days with your littles(:
Mix and Match Mama says
Ohhhhhh!!! Sending you love!!!
Kimberly C says
I love that your front door (which is beautiful, by the way) has so many details on it so you can see how much they’ve really grown in a year. Praying for everyone that they’ll be able to focus through the noise and chaos in the house right now until they’re able to meet in person. And I am totally stealing the lunch box at home idea — otherwise my boys would have me in the kitchen all afternoon making lunch. Excellent way to get them to eat a whole meal at once instead of spreading it out over the afternoon!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you, Kimberly!!!
Kasey says
Can you share info on the kids’ desks?
Mix and Match Mama says
K and S both have Pottery Barn Kids desks! The little girls are built in to their loft.
Alexis deZayas says
Saying a prayer this morning for your kiddos to have a great year! Can’t believe it’s already that time!
Erika Slaughter says
I’m so glad this school year is off to such a great start!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog says
Looks like a great first day of school! ?✨
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Heather says
Looking at the back to school pics I was thinking,”Wow, they are wearing shoes in their back to school pics, my boys would not work with me on that.” Then I saw your comment on Smith’s pic 😉
Anna says
Do your schools issue laptops for their kids? Wondering what happens for a family with multiple kids and not enough laptops at home!
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes! This year, they did!
Jenn says
I’ve never met you in person but I feel like I know you and I’m telling you, as that storm moved through last night, I was just praying y’all were ready and prepared. It was blowing and going and I just hope it didn’t cause any complications. Y’all have been through enough!
Also the pictures are precious- I hope ours goes smoothly- starting tomorrow!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you. xoxo
Beth Knecht says
Yes! I love when school starts on a Thursday! Makes the week seems much more doable!
Elspeth says
Yay!!! Everyone looks so happy! So glad the first days went so well! Good luck this year!
Jaren says
Gosh, I’m a mess right now. Between watching my own kids grow up and getting ready for a new school year after all these months together and now seeing your sweet pics, I need to get it together this morning. Back to school always brings out so many emotions for me! Praying for all your kids to have a very successful year!!
Sheaffer Sims says
That 1st day pic of all of your kiddos sitting on the front porch is darling!
Alissa says
Good luck to your kiddos this school year and prayers for all of y’all as you navigate things! Also I know what you mean…I have an almost 3 year old and while he’s not as big as yours are yet I can NOT believe that he’s almost 3! ? I am trying to soak it all in the best I can! Also, I hope your house held up okay with the storms that came in last night. I was thinking about y’all!
Anne says
I’ve got to tell you, you are doing this right. You’re setting such a positive tone for your kids, even though I’m sure this is stressful and comes with a lot more work for you. Your kids will thrive in virtual learning because of you and your upbeat attitude.
I’m a teacher in NY and (so far) we’re going back face to face in a few weeks. I’m praying for my students and their parents, that they’ll feel comfortable and safe. And if we move to virtual, I hope the parents have the same positive attitude that you do!
Caitlin says
I love how supportive you are of your kiddos’ teachers! I’m an elementary school teacher and while we have not started yet, I haven’t been feeling the love form our community this year. Thank you for reminding me that not all parents are the ones writing angry Facebook posts.
Elizabeth Feldpausch says
Have they always had their own computer or was that a virtual learning purchase?? Do they get to use them outside of school time?? Trying to figure out how to parent with all of the new technology exposure!
Mix and Match Mama says
Our school district provided a laptop to every single child this year. Typically, I think they just give them to 6-12th grades, but this year, Pre-K through 5th got them too.
Christy says
So happy they had a good start! They’ve all grown so much! LOVE Kensington’s hair!!!! Tutorial please? 🙂 Also, we need a tour of Kensington’s room setup! 🙂 Have a great week!!!! ❤️
Joanne says
What great little work stations for them all. Our schools have always started mid-week up here and then typically we have the long labor day weekend so the second week of school is also shorter than normal. This year though they’re all starting after labor day.
Sunni says
Random question…I know you’ve told us in the past, but I can’t seem to remember. ? Why are the pancakes green? How did you pick that color.
Mix and Match Mama says
I make them every St. Paddy’s Day but my kids love them so much (the green too!) that they started requesting them on the first day of school. I’m pretty sure we’ve been doing it since K was in kinder!
Sunni says
I love it! So sweet!
Paula says
I LOVE Sally’s Baking Addiction! I saw her post this today and thought of you and Kensington.
22+ Gluten Free Recipes | Sally’s Baking Addiction
Maybe some fun afternoon treats in the future.
Sarah says
Love how excited they look to be back at school!
Susan Christian says
Love this update so much and prayers your kiddos have the best year ever! On a different note, where’d you get your “S” necklace? I love it!
Mix and Match Mama says
Bauble Bar!
Coleen says
I just want to say, I’ve been reading your blog for years, and I can tell how much CONFIDENCE Kensington has gained. She’s going to KILL IT in middle school!
Mix and Match Mama says
thank YOU!!!!! She has really grown out of her shell over the last two years. She even started fourth grade SO SHY but now, she has such a big and vibrant personality for all to see 🙂 .
grace says
What do you think it was most that did this as I have a shy one at home too? Just time or friends, sports, teachers? What would she say helped that the most? Thank you!
Mix and Match Mama says
VOLLEYBALL!!!!! She played a lot of sports/dance/gymnastics, but volleyball totally brought her out of her shell. I think she found “her thing” and that gave her a huge boost!!!
Sarah Langley says
If love to see some kind of plan for the kids thru the day. We are starting face to face, but I’m afraid we will end of virtual. I want my kids to enjoy some outside time after being on screens all morning…. did you monitor the little ones pretty closely or just let them do their own thing? I will have one starting MS and one in 1st.
Mix and Match Mama says
I’ve been monitoring things really closely…but our goal is for them to gain a lot of independence this week!
Allena says
We start this Thursday (pushed back a week so the school had more time to prepare) and I’m ready but also not ready ha. My husband and I both work full-time (but we’re both working from home right now), and I’m so fortunate that my retired teacher parents are going to come over and help with the schedules – 3 kids with different schedules, different lessons, different zoom times and 2 working parents was just going to be too much! I’m hopeful they can be in-person in a few weeks. Is Smith almost as tall as Kensington now??? It looked like she was standing on her tip-toes? I was laughing wondering if she was trying to still be taller than him, ha.
Mix and Match Mama says
They were both trying to be taller than the other. Ha!
Obrien says
Praying for all the kids in this crazy time. Kids feed off of your reactions to things, and I see your kids are going to excel at school this year! Random question but whats with the 5 big screen tv’s?
Mix and Match Mama says
There are four back there! Andrew put them up when we moved here so he can watch multiple football or baseball games at one time. Ha!
Erica Pollak says
Kensington sure is growing into a gorgeous gal. She looks so much like her momma! ALL your kids are cute, but I noticed the most change in Kensington. Tell Andrew to GET READY to field those guys that are going to try and be her boyfriend soon! LOL
Alison T. says
Oh Shay…. Smith is definitely all boy. The wearing shoes and not smiling for a picture. Ha! Just wait until he’s a teenager. 😉 They get annoyed with everything you want them to do. Lol. But, a beautiful foursome you have!! Looks like you’ve got virtual learning down like a pro.
Ellen says
Your kids are so cute … and growing up beautifully!
Tiffany says
3rd grade teacher here, very anxious about all the uncertainty of our new school year (which was pushed back to mid Sept)…I LOVE how positive you are about this far from ideal situation. Thank you for your positivity! Hope your kids have a great year!
Mix and Match Mama says
I’m trying to stay upbeat!! I feel like positive energy breeds positive energy. Good luck to YOU!!
Amy says
Kensington looks so grown up and very tall… so many sweet pictures of your kiddos!!!! Smith cracks me up requesting a candle be burned and no smile or did I read that wrong?!???
Mix and Match Mama says
He refused to smile…but he did request a candle. Ha! That kid!
Bri says
Awe, so glad it went well. Things are so different and weird, but you guys are making the best of it. Happy Monday, Shay!
Lois Hilty says
Can’t locate your recipe for sausage meatballs – the ones you prefer even over the maple sausage ones. Please let me know how to find a specific recipe. Thank you very much, Shay. I spend so long going through your recipes in an effort to locate one I want.
Mix and Match Mama says
Okay, I love the maple ones. Are you talking about these though: https://mixandmatchmama.com/2019/03/goat-cheese-jalapeno-sausage-balls/
SC McKay says
Love this post. Kensington and Smith are all grown up. I remember praying for Kensington a few years ago regarding school…She has blossomed and is going to do great 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh goodness, THANK YOU! The fact that you prayed for her means more than you’ll ever know.
Lori says
Your kids are all adorable, but Kensington is just glowing! She is blossoming into a beautiful young lady! She is growing up so fast! ?
Mix and Match Mama says
I know!!!!!! Thank you, Lori. My mama heart is getting used to having big kids. xo
Kara says
Did you end up getting new backpacks and lunch boxes for this year?! Such a weird start but they will do great!!
Mix and Match Mama says
We got new backpacks but not lunchboxes this year. They’re (hopefully) going to start back in a few weeks, so I thought new backpacks for a fresh start!
Jenny Null says
I hope your kids have a great year! Why does Kensington suddenly look 16?!! Her hair is beautiful, as is she!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you!!!!!!!
Anna says
Why is that photo of Madeley on the computer cracking me up so much??? She looks so serious, like she’s an account working hard on a spreadsheet! Love it
Mix and Match Mama says
It cracked me up too!! Hahaha!
nana says
I’ve followed your blog for years and have watched your kiddos grow. What a sweet, happy family you have created! They are all precious in their own unique way, but this year, I must say, Kensington has blossomed into a beautiful young girl! Watch out! The boys are going to be driving her crazy. She is gorgeous on the outside and I know she is in her heart, as well. So sweet.
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you! She really has grown so much over the last two years!!
Elizabeth says
Oh I love this and Kensington looks so grown up! Can you talk to us about makeup for a middle schooler- what you do/don’t do, what you started with (if she has), etc. We are right behind you with our oldest going into 5th and was thinking about this recently.
Mix and Match Mama says
We haven’t started yet…so right now, it’s easy. I’m going to see what happens and we’ll make decisions based off of that. She hasn’t asked yet.
June Pope says
How is it that Kensington looks 15 and Homecoming Queen. She’s beautiful! Seems like you’ve got everything covered mama! Not that I’m surprised. ?
Kacy M says
Wishing y’all the best for the new school year!
Karah Stracener says
Your kiddos are growing up so fast. I am wishing you all the best with virtual school. I hate all this unknown for everyone. My kids start in person school Monday. I am ready for them to go back but at the same time how is spring break/summer over already. Lol.
Gina says
What a beautiful family! All the blessings for this coming school year. Shay I do have one question… do you mind sharing where you found your wooden butcher block (next to the lamp) on your kitchen counter?
Thank you
Mix and Match Mama says
Honestly?! They were tossing it out at Williams-Sonoma and I overheard them say it!! It has a huge crack but I thought it gave it character!! They let me have it. Ha!
Katie says
Did you need to buy laptops or tablets for each kiddo? Mine are starting virtual school in September (Hello from Canada!) and I’m worried that myself, my husband, and our two kids will be fighting for the laptops as we both work from home too! Don’t really want to spend big bucks on new macs for the kids but I will if need be.
Mix and Match Mama says
Our district provided them for each student this year.
Natasha says
Hi Katie — I don’t know which province you are in but ours (either the school board or the province) will supply a device if families need them. You should look into it. I hope school goes well for your family.