Good morning, friends!
Well, today, I’m doing another little “routine” post…but this one is a do-over of the very first one I ever did!
About 18 months ago, I started this little series where I documented our routines and began with…our morning routine. Fast-forward to November 2020 and that routine is already all sorts of different, and because I really love it so much now, I wanted to share it again. There is a lot to be said about 2020 (the list is looooooong of complaints), but one bright spot for us has been this updated morning routine. We used to (and you can read it all HERE) spend our mornings a bit differently, but this past spring and beginning of fall, when we were learning virtually, I realized my kids needed outside time before we began our day sitting at computers or else we were all in a funk by 10:30 in the morning…and my dogs did too! So, as the year changed, we changed up our little routine, and I’m documenting it today.
Seriously, it’s nothing amazing…but it personally brings me a bit of joy each and every day. Plus, I love being able to look back and remember these little snippets of mom moments with my kids. A little morning routine for your Wednesday…
Just like clockwork, my alarm goes off early each morning (typically at 4:10), and I head to do my quiet time, BUT this time of year, I get to do it with a cozy little view.
I have been working through this Advent Bible study and absolutely love it! It’s exactly what I need to be studying right now.
And then, I’m still using this daily prayer journal for women too…which constantly speaks right to my soul.
So, I drink my coffee, do my Quiet Time and then head back to my office for a bit of work…
My little office is quite cozy right now! If I go to the gym, I leave earlier, but if it’s not a gym day for me, I’ll stay and work longer.
Around 5:45, look who joined me downstairs all showered and dressed for the day…
…our resident early bird. This kid is just like his parents…he wants to set his alarm, get up, and get busy. The list is long of things he does before we wake up the girls (around 6:45). He reads, he does his quiet time, he plays the violin, he eats breakfast…he is one busy bee!
It was cold on this morning, so I bundled up before my quick run…
…out the door I went for a nice little 2 mile run before it was time to wake up the girls. So many of you asked in the comment section about my fleece. It’s HERE 😉 !
Back home, I start prepping their “hot” lunch stuff (they put the other stuff in their lunchboxes the day before and I add anything that’s hot) while also making breakfast.
Smith requested hot chocolate to take outside. Seriously, he stays busy. Haha!
Right around 6:45, I go wake up two of my girlies…
…who are both sound asleep in one bunk 😉 .
Morning smiles!!
Kensington doesn’t have to be at her school until 8:45, so she sleeps in an extra hour later than the other three kids.
Call me crazy, but I was making a grilled ham and cheese sandwich for someone’s lunch and just made myself one for breakfast too. Anyone else love savory for breakfast?
Next up…
…I added chicken to the slow cooker to poach all day long (and then add to a recipe later that night!).
The little girls ate their breakfast and then went upstairs to get dressed (we lay out clothes the night before). This gives me a minute to clean up breakfast dishes and make sure all of their lunches and water bottles are all together (they’ll grab their lunches and put them in their backpacks).
Right at 7:20, we all…
…head outside to play!! This has become our new norm and my mama heart LOVES IT! We used to spend this time doing their homework, but now, we get homework done during the afternoons and spend our mornings outside before school. (Side note, our district almost always assigns kids their homework for the week instead of daily, so my kids have plenty of time/opportunity to do it.) Kensington often wakes up and sticks her head out the door to say hi, and then Andrew is always out there too doing his “chores”…so it’s a nice few minutes for all of us (dogs included!) to get some fresh air before our day.
Miss Sass!
Madeley asked to take pics of this day, so here you go…
Lots of dogs, lots of fetch and lots of…
…love. I take the three little kids to school right around 7:45 each morning, and then…
…I pop in to see this girl.
These two have their own little morning routine (while I keep the three little kids moving), but altogether, it’s a great start to our day. Now…who knows how long this routine will last, but it’s been nice while we’ve been able to do it.
If you’ve missed the other ones, here they are:
Tell me something about your favorite routine! I’d love to hear the ins and outs of what you do too! xo
Peyton Cline says
Thanks to your suggestion, I now squeeze quiet time in first thing in the morning. It has taken some discipline to get up earlier, but it is SO worth it! By the way, do you have a link for your cozy grey pullover?!
Mix and Match Mama says
I’ll find it!
Mary says
Please it looks so cozy?
Colleen McTeague says
Thanks!! I just asked for it too in my comment?
Elspeth says
What a fun routine! I love that you get time outside before the day begins! Super smart!!
Mary says
I just love this! And the little leather jacket are adorable ?
Joanne says
What a wonderful way to start the day; we all need more fresh air in our lives.
Mix and Match Mama says
I know that I sure do!!
Gretchen says
Love these kind of posts:) and I love how u adapt for all your kids needs…motherhood motto♥️
Sheaffer Sims says
I cannot believe Smith is such an early bird! Carter? NOT SO MUCH. 😉
Courtney says
Your skin is looking amazing!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you so much!!
Lauren says
These routine/time management/organization posts are my favorites!!!! We actually have been going for a walk outside in the morning before my daughter heads to school. It’s such a great way to start the day!!
Mix and Match Mama says
It really is!!
Lori says
That fleece top looks so warm and cozy!! Could you share where you got it?
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes!! I’ll link it!!
Erika Slaughter says
Quiet time by the Christmas tree is my favorite too!
Lindsay D. says
You have such a sweet family! Thanks for sharing!
Lisa McCarrin says
Hi Shay – where are Kensington’s jeans from? Adorable as always!
Mix and Match Mama says
Those are Abercrombie Kids!
Lisa McCarrin says
THANK YOU!!!! They fit her so well! Sadly, they will probably fit me too. I’m often found shopping for myself in the kids section!! lol 🙂
Sharon says
Hi! This is great! I just ordered the new Lifeway study for Advent. I’m loving that mug, do you have a link? You are a great inspiration for those of us trying to have more productive mornings! Blessings!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank YOU for the sweet comment!! My mug is from Anthro!
Sharon says
Sarah says
Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Lisa D says
What a beautiful family!
My morning routine rarely changes… get up, make coffee, eat 1/2 banana with my vitamins, and spend 20-30 minutes with prayer and my gratitude journal. I used to journal my gratitude before bed but often I would be too tired to really be thankful so morning works best for the routine of writing out my thankful thoughts. Anyway… I am thankful for your blog of daily sunshine!
Mix and Match Mama says
Awwwww! Thank YOU, Lisa!!!
Alison says
Love it! Where is Madeley’s jacket from? So cute!!
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s from the #nsale!
Alison says
Okay, thanks! 😉
Colleen says
I love this!! I recently programmed my smart plug to turn my bedroom lights on when my alarm goes off. It’s a little painful, but it helps me get up and out of bed early ?? I loooove my quiet time in the morning, but hitting snooze and sleeping longer feels so good…in the moment.
Also, can you link that super cozy sweatshirt? I think I need it! Thanks!!
Christy says
It looks like a nice morning before sending all the kiddos off to school! I might need to try this. I also LOVE how Smith spends his morning!!! Question: How do you pack the grilled sandwiches? Do they stay warm? Not soggy?
Mix and Match Mama says
I wrap them in a paper towel and then foil. I think they stay “warm enough”!
Jessica says
What are some hot lunches your kids take to school? My 5th grader has started taking his little thermos full with a hot meal but I’m running out of ideas. He’s taken Mac & Cheese, Korean rice bowls from Costco and left over pasta. Help!
Mix and Match Mama says
Lots of leftovers, things heated up from Trader Joe’s and Costco (fried rice, chicken, etc). Sometimes mac and cheese too or I’ll heat up tomato basil soup. Stuff like that!
Tracy Doubts says
Love this post. It was one of your morning routine post that called me to get up early and begin spending time with Jesus. It has been life changing! Thank you…… I will always be grateful to you!
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh my goodness! Thank you for sharing this with me. xx
Jen says
Where’s the light up Christmas tree from
That’s on your kitchen counter and in your office? So cute! ?
Mix and Match Mama says
Hobby Lobby!!
Laci Murray says
You get more done between 4am-8am than I do in an entire day! I love it and it inspires me to be a better version of myself. Our morning routine changed when my oldest started high school. I get one on one time with my middle schooler and I love that.
Katie Loftin says
How do you keep the grilled cheese hot? Do you just put it in the thermos? I never would have thought to do that but so other leftovers!
Mix and Match Mama says
For hot sandwiches, I wrap them in a paper towel and then in foil. It works!
Kay says
Good morning! You have also inspired me to get up earlier! I am a life long late-sleeper and it took a few months (if I’m being honest) to really get it to be my new normal. But it is now, and it’s life changing! I also take :30 first thing and read devotions and write in my gratitude journal and listen to affirmations. (Corny but somehow, it works?) And then I exercise (#allthePeloton) and then I’m in a better mindframe when I get my three up for school. It is so worth it!
I’m so jealous your kids are going to school. Here, outside Boston, they are still home all day. Only my youngest (fifth grade) goes to school outside the home and it’s only two mornings a week :(. We’re getting by but it’s been so hard for the kids to be missing their normal lives and routines for so long!
I can’t wait for your next book review and thanks for sharing this routine. I (like you) LOVE reading about other routines-especially busy moms. Take good care!
Mix and Match Mama says
Sending you so much love, Kay!!!
Kara says
I post this comment before but didn’t do it at the time. I swear Madeley looks like you. It is amazing how God works in mysterious ways. Also, I cannot believe how pretty Kennsington is theses days. I love that she has extra time with you and your husband and that he and she have their own morning routine.
Thanks for sharing your life.
Mix and Match Mama says
I always think she looks like Andrew too!!
Maquelle says
HI! Wow! 4:10am! I think, its great. What time do you go to bed? I know everyone says enjoy the time when your kids are small. It is really true. Mine are teenagers now and our morning are early but not so cheerful. Ha! Your family is adorable.
Mix and Match Mama says
Around 10:00ish!
Melissa P says
Do you mind sharing where you bought your beautiful Christmas mug? Thank you!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Melissa P says
Thank you! They are gorgeous! Need to find some in stock near me 🙂
Dawn says
Love Frenchie staying close to Kensington during the photo 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
Always. 🙂
Danna F says
Beautiful family! You are all doing a great job pivoting and making it work for the kids with school being so different.
I just ordered the Advent study bible book. I need something to put the spirit back in Christmas & the every day. Thanks for the recommendation. Have a great Wednesday!
Susy says
Morning routine and throughout the day: Thanksgiving and Godly actions.
As we enter Advent, what a great time, during escalating virus cases and deaths, to answer God’s call To love Our Neighbors as Ourselves!
What might seem like a sacrifice of favorite activities Or routines is actually an apolitical, small act to protect those we love near to our heart and those who are strangers in our world but neighbors in Christ!
Wear a mask, socially distance at all times, and stay at home for all but essential errands!
We can only shed the virus together, regardless of politics! Praise God for upcoming vaccines—not man.
Christie says
Is it still dark outside in the mornings when you run? Asking bc I’d love to run first thing in the morning before my kids get up ?
Thank you!
Mix and Match Mama says
It is!
Sarah says
What are your top breakfasts?
Mix and Match Mama says
I love the cauliflower frittatas from Trader Joe’s, a basic egg with some turkey bacon, toast with pb…stuff like that!
Dana says
I start my day with my morning devotionals and after that a walk!! Helps to start my day off right!!
Neceda says
Smith looks SO much like Andrew in the hot chocolate picture!!
Heather says
Do you have a favorite ‘gluten free’ bread? Thanks!
Mix and Match Mama says
Read today’s (Thursday’s!) post!!! I share all of my faves…from Trader Joe’s!!
Heather says
I just read it. Question answered. Thank you so much!!! 🙂
Danielle Chambers says
Time with Jesus + time outside! What a perfect start to the day!
Loved this post and look forward to your other updated routines! 🙂
Jamie says
What does Smith do for quiet time? Does he use a certain devotional? Thanks!
Mix and Match Mama says
Want to hear something so sweet? He’s currently reading a study my 95 year old grandpa wrote for him. HOW COOL IS THAT?!
Liz Thorson says
I am happy for your family that McKinney, Texas is in a healthy enough state that you can go to your gym and your children can go to school. The majority of public and private schools in the Seattle area have been under virtual learning since mid-March. Life has been so difficult, for so many people and on so many levels.
Your family is like a ray of warm sunshine. Thank you for sharing, Shay! You’ve inspired me to bring on the Christmas spirit in our home by December. 1st this year! We are doing fine, but will miss our many loved ones around our T-giving table to give Covid no chance to continue its spread.
Mix and Match Mama says
I wish I could give you a hug, Liz. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. xx
Dana P says
I LOVE these posts. One thing I’ve been adding to my morning routine is running our Bissell Crosswave or doing a quick vacuum. It is so gratifying! The Crosswave vacuums and mops all in one and I love having clean floors to start the day. I’m usually too wiped out to do it after dinner so this has been a good compromise for me. Since I’m doing it daily, it usually goes pretty fast. Also, I’ve been taking a walk with one or 2 of my kids at night right now and people are starting to put up their lights. We LOVE it!! We haven’t lived in a neighborhood where people put up lights in years and it’s wonderful. We are loving Texas!!!
Mix and Match Mama says
And now, I’m googling that Bissell…
Dana says
People absolutely love it and since I had to buy everything new anyway, I grabbed it too. It’s great! There is a little bit of a learning curve in using it. I didn’t know how important it is to dump out the old water and let the little filter dry out, too. ? Now I have it down and it takes just a few minutes to get it set up again. I kept seeing people rave about it and want to see if it was really worth it!
Miranda A Foster says
Oh my goodness so envious of being able to get outside that early (we do that in the spring & summer). My morning is structured and well planned but was pure chaos today! I enjoyed your post! Definitely has me thinking where I can make changes!
Amy A says
Yay!! I emailed you yesterday as to
What you do as a study or read for Advent. I got your reply that I needed to go to your blog during this season of all you have going on!! Yay! I found the study you are doing and will order ASAP! If you need one for early next year I just completed Kelly Minter’s Finding God Faithful! It’s 8 weeks and I could have finished in 2!! It was sooooo good!
Mix and Match Mama says
I’m so happy you found what you needed! You’ll love the Advent study!!
Gloria says
I’m looking for a new light nail color and I like yours in the first pictures. Do you know what it is ?
Mix and Match Mama says
I just ask for “white” when they “dip” mine at the nail salon.
Andrea Clark says
I went to Trader Joe’s today and picked up some of your yummy recommendations. I was about to grab the sweet potato gnocchi until I read the ingredients and realized they aren’t gluten free. You probably already know that, but I just wanted to make sure because of Kensington!
Mix and Match Mama says
You’re right! The sweet potato ones are not! The cauliflower ones are and are delish in the air fryer!
Kristal Strong says
I enjoy all of your posts, but some just speak extra, ya know?! 🙂 Like your day in the life and routines, I love seeing into other people’s world’s a bit. I almost always find something that I think “what a great idea” and implement myself. I, too, cannot start my day any other way than in the Word with the Lord…especially these days! Coffee and Jesus are what get me out of bed early each morning.
I went back to your original morning routine post and reread some of the routines you mentioned. I’d love to read about your work from home and grocery shopping routine if you’re needing some idea to write down on sticky notes! Happy Wednesday!
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh Kristal! Thank YOU so much!!! I really appreciate your sweet comment.
Sunni says
I’ve been following you for YEARS! 😉 These are always my favorite and have made such an impact on my mom life. I love seeing how they change as kids get older.
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh Sunni, thank YOU!!
Allie Jones says
How do you keep a grilled cheese hot in their lunch box? Would love to be able to do that for my kids!
Mix and Match Mama says
I wrap it in a paper towel and then a piece of foil. They say it works well enough!
Jennibell says
One of my favorite routines, when my kids were that age, was driving them to school listening to certain music…we called it our “morning mix”. Now, years later, if I happen to hear one of those songs it just brings me such JOY to remember that time and the privilege I had to get to be with them every day.
Mix and Match Mama says
Ohhhhh! I love this!!!
Katie says
Shay – Thank you so much for linking your fleece! Question, though, what size are you wearing?? THANK YOU!
Mix and Match Mama says
Laura JeanS. says
I just wanted to tell you what an inspiration you are! I”m naturally lazy by nature (HAA!!) and creating routines really helps me get going in the morning. I am never going to get up at 4AM like you, but I did get up, read some scriptures and got on my treadmill this morning… it felt GREAT! Thanks for giving me that kick in the butt that I needed 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
Yay!!! You’re naturally YOU (not lazy!) which is totally great, but I’m glad you enjoyed being a little bit of me today too!!