One of my goals is to always be a bright spot on the internet. No matter what’s going on in my life or yours, you bring me joy and I hope, when you come here for a few minutes each day, I do the same for you. Today’s moment of joy is brought to you by one of my very favorite things…AND one of the most requested blog post topics from YOU!
It’s all about running 🙂 .
Last year, one of the most frequently asked questions I received was “tell us about how/when/where/details of when you run”. And then on Monday, when I asked on Stories, what you’d like to see more from me this year, SO MANY OF YOU SAID A POST ABOUT RUNNING.
So here it is.
This is that post.
Disclaimer before we begin (I always love a good disclaimer 😉 ): I do consider myself “a runner” but I know that really means nothing because some of you are really RUNNERS, and that’s so dang awesome. I am a person who has enjoyed running for over 20 years and do it consistently. I’ve run loads of 5ks, 10ks, half marathons and even two full marathons, but right now, I just love to run for fun, for me, for exercise, for no one but myself. I am by no means some sort of fitness expert and as always, take everything I say with a grain of salt. These are just my ideas, my ways that help get me out the door and running…and if you’re starting the new year trying to become “a runner” too, then hopefully, you can take something from today’s post to help you this year.
Oh bless me. Ha! Here I am in 2006 running my very first full marathon. I made it a New Year’s resolution that year to run a half marathon and by the end of the year, I’d run two halves and two full marathons. And then I retired from marathon running 😉 .
I didn’t start running in 2006 though, I just ran for a reason that year for the first time. I actually started running my first week in college way back in September 2000 because…I didn’t have any money for a gym membership. #truestory
I had been a dancer from 3 to 18, so for the first time in my life, I was away from home and didn’t have an activity to keep me fit/active/healthy nor did I have extra income, so running became the way I started each day. I always had 8:00 AM classes (no one is surprised), so I would wake up by 5:00 in order to run before school (some things never change, folks). I started running as a cheap way to stay fit but quickly found out that I LOVED it because it was just for me and about me. I could pray while I ran. I could listen to music. I could enjoy the quiet and process my thoughts. I could think about nothing. I could think about everything. It was just my time…and I loved it.
After college, I married Andrew, and we immediately moved to Detroit where I kept running but this time, it also gave me a way to “explore” my new neighborhood. #bonus
A year later, we moved back to Texas where I just kept on runnin’. At this point, I was consistently running at least 4 miles a day most days of the week.
And then in 2006, I decided to run a half-marathon which turned into two full marathons by the end of the year.
I loved training for my marathons! I would run two short runs a week (5 to 7 miles each), and then one long run on Saturdays (20 to 24 miles). Andrew worked a lot, we didn’t have kids, I had all the time in the world, so taking four hours to run every Saturday was an uninterrupted pleasure. I don’t think I’m currently in a place in life to commit that much time to running, so now, I run anywhere from 2 to 5 miles most days each week.

Kristen Thompson says
Thanks so much for the tips! I ran cross country in high school and also have always enjoyed running but it’s hard now that I have two (little) kids…I try to use the jogging stroller as much as possible but it can get heavy! Did you ever run with a jogging stroller when yours were little? Any tips on that? I try to exercise before they wake up but it’s so dark outside until right around when they wake up I don’t really feel safe running by myself.
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes!! I did! I used to push K and Smith in a double Bob stroller all the time. It’s super heavy…but you gotta do what you gotta do, right?! I totally should have mentioned that because I did it for many, many years (and then later pushed Ashby and Mades in it too!).
Kristen Thompson says
Ah ok thank you!! Maybe if I start mixing in some strength training like you suggested, it’ll make it a little easier! ?
Mix and Match Mama says
I really kick myself now that I didn’t lift more weights when I was really doing long runs.
Sara says
Thank you so much for sharing! For me, running is so much about the mental benefits. I think exercise has saved me, especially this past year! I use an app called Aaptiv for many of my workouts and I’m following a 6 week running program called Get Stronger to Run Longer. It incorporates strength and mobility to make you a better runner, just like you talked about ? Good stuff!!
Carrie says
Visit a running store to be fitted for shoes and absolutely should be swapped out after an average of 350 miles ( some are less). Lots of training plans for races from 1 mile to Ultras. Most beginner marathon plans call for running 4x a week. Ali on the Run and Another Mother Runner are excellent resources for running and great podcasts.
Foam rolling is important!
Mix and Match Mama says
So many great tips, Carrie!!!
Tracy says
This would be my tip as well. Running stores will make sure you’re in the right shoe that will eliminate so many issues that beginners face. I would also recommend a training app to help you ease into things. Most people can’t just slap on a pair of shoes and start running!
Beth Knecht says
Shay-thank you so much for being a bright spot! I was thinking on my drive to work about how great it is to come to your blog each day and be inspired! Social media makes me not even want to get on these days, so I’m glad to have your blog!
Now to running-yay! I hate treadmill running, but I really encourage people to go to a running store to find the right shoes for them! They make all the difference! And give yourself grace! I’ve been running for almost 20 years and have learned how to listen to my body and build up the mileage over the years!
Maggie Brown says
Wonderful post! Out of curiosity, is the topography super hilly or mostly flat in McKinney? I live in a very hilly region which keeps runs quite challenging and I’m thankful for this, but running down hills is so hard on my knees.
Mix and Match Mama says
Mostly flat!!
Rachel Werts says
I’m in the minority but I LOVE running on the treadmill. My husband hates it. But treadmill running has made me so much faster when I run outside.
Elspeth says
I hav never been a fan of running but this post is so helpful and informative! Thank you Shay!
Laura m says
You need to use strava!!! It’s the best running app! I use it on my Apple Watch and find it tracks my runs much better. One of the features is that it tracks your miles in your shoes and tells you when it’s time to replace them.
Mix and Match Mama says
Looking it up right now!! Thank you so much!
Laura says
I am not currently a runner but did a half a few years ago. My two big tips are finding the right SOCKS (seriously makes a huge difference! I love Balega) and then for morning runs, I always liked to eat a handful of Cheerios before I went out. I couldn’t handle anything more, but I needed something on my stomach. This post makes me want to get back to it!
Katie says
Oh yes, couldn’t agree with this more! Balega socks are AMAZING!
Dianna says
Love this! Next post- yoga and strength training that isn’t on peloton.
Renee says
Dianna, right now the peloton app is free for two months. You sound like you are sick of hearing about it, but it really is that great.
Katie says
Shay, thank you for the great advice. I don’t have the peloton bike but use the app a lot and agree that it is amazing. They new Pilates classes they added are so good two. One isn10 min and just focuses on hips which are so important in running. My HUGE TIP…if you have a friend with a peloton bike- they can add you to their account and you can access the app for free! I used my 3 month trial up and loved it so much I was considering the $20 a month until my friend said-“I got you!!” And she added me. I think bike owners can have a ton of accounts linked to theirs.
Amanda says
I LOVE the Peloton app! We just got the bike in November (and I love that too) but I recently discovered the Outdoor classes. I’ve done a few runs and a couple of walks. Sometimes I’ll do a walk to warm up before a run class. So good! I really like having someone tell me what to do in my ear. 🙂
Sarah Shaneyfelt says
This post has so many great tips! I started running after college because I thought it’d be cheaper than joining a gym and ran for years until recently. I agree that you’ve got to swap your shoes out frequently. I remember I used to swap mine out around every 400ish miles. Stretching is key! And like you, I much more prefer running outside to a treadmill–it’s such a mental thing, I know, but a treadmill is boring! haha!
Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts
Suzie says
My biggest motivator for running when I was younger was to find a friend to help motivate me. 25 years later and I love running solo but I also love chatting with a friend or accountability partner while I do longer runs.
Sheaffer Sims says
Well. This is kind like a book post to me. I’m going to need a post about queso. Or t.v. Please and thank you.
Mix and Match Mama says
I just lol!
Kara says
Love this comment!
Dana S. says
M says
I understand you had this content ready to go and want to keep things light — but this feels incredibly tone deaf after what we witnessed at the capital yesterday. You can do both — acknowledge the tragedy of yesterday and push your light content to another day.
Mix and Match Mama says
I totally understand what you’re saying, but I want to be a safe place for readers who come here for light in a dark world. I feel like anyone who comes to my blog today is consciously doing it to get away from negativity if even for one minute. xx
Charlene Cunningham says
You are exactly right Shay. My mind needed a stress relief today. I dont even run, and read this!
Mix and Match Mama says
I’m so glad, Charlene!! Sending you love today!
Whitney Greenlee says
EXACTLY why I come here everyday and read. Shay, you motivate me to become a better mom, wife, and all around better person. I look forward to your blog every single morning and it is my absolute favorite! Thanks for all that you do for this community!
Mix and Match Mama says
That was really sweet, Whitney. Thank YOU!
Holly Johnson says
I truly did come here for that specific reason so I appreciate your post today. Thank you for being a light!
Amy says
Acknowleging that something violent and terrible is happened in our country does not make you or your blog dark. You can do it in a calm, sensitive, mature way. We all see what’s going on and it is trult affecting people. There are a million ways to acknowledge it without dragging everyone into a mental gutter. Not saying anything can be a million times more harmful than saying something.
Kim says
Everyone can watch it on the news, not necessary for every person with social media to talk about it. I personally do NOT want to see it anywhere, except the news, so I can choose to NOT view it. At the end of the day, a bloggers blog, is their domain. Their blog, their choice.
Aimee Havens says
I agree with you, Amy. Also, as a white person, I know my privilege is a reason I can step in and out of the darkness. The pain Black people are feeling is nothing close to what I am feeling. I can’t imagine being a Black person and seeing a confederate flag in the capital. I don’t understand that pain. But, I know my privilege means I need to not pick what feels easy, or comfortable. Rather, choose to go towards what brings me discomfort and use that discomfort as a call to action to unlearn and then learn. To use my new learning to advocate. To raise up Black voices and stories. To help provide financial support to Black people doing the work. To support Black business. Until white people realize silence is violence, history will continue to repeat itself.
Tricia says
Yes! I appreciate the light in a dark world! This space is a place where I can ALWAYS find happiness ( : Thank you, Shay!
Michele says
Yes! Thank you!
Leslie S says
YESSSS! Thank you Shay for being a positive place to get my mind focused. I come here because it makes me a better mom, wife, friend, advocate and better human. Also, because your blog also reminds me that self care is a big part of being able to do all the above. Your bright spot on the internet has been such a lift this year and I am so grateful that you put your faith, family and yourself into your mission to be a light. You certainly are!! And I have found many other amazing gals from you – Erika, Andrea and Schaefer just to name a few! Bless you and your people.
Kate says
I agree. I love your blog but I feel like not addressing what happened is taking the easy way out.
Lis says
I totally agree. You can still be a light but completely ignoring significant issues just makes it seem like you’re trying to avoid losing followers versus being completely genuine. I love your blog and have been reading it for the longest time, but I’ve found the lack of addressing devasting social and political issues over the past year disappointing.
Mix and Match Mama says
I truly don’t believe you or anyone else ever comes to my blog to hear about anything but light, fluffy, happiness. If you’re not looking for that anymore, then this probably shouldn’t be a stop on your daily blog feed. I don’t want to lose you as a follower, but I don’t want to be something I don’t feel called to be and right now, that’s cheer and sunshine. Best wishes to you!
Lis says
Of course we come to your blog for light and fluffy – and the newest thing we need from Nordstrom! However, I think what makes me love you and your blog so much is that you share SO much of your life that it makes your readers really feel like they’re your friends. Obviously it’s your blog and you can share what you want, my only point was that when you share so much and then are silent on other major issues, it feels odd.
Mix and Match Mama says
Well, whatever I share, please know it comes from a place of love from me to you. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, Lis!
Staci says
Personally I am thankful that you do not usually discuss the negativity going on in the world. For those that want to continue to dwell on that, they know what websites to visit. It is your blog and your decision what to write about, and I thank you for being a constant bright spot in my day.
MK says
Shay, I want to thank you for the lightness. I personally do not feel it necessary for you to acknowledge what happened. We all are aware and nothing you say (or do not say) was going to change anything. If we want current events and news information, there are countless other resources we can go to to find it. Keep spreading that love and light!
Mary says
I’m wondering if some people even think about their comments before hitting “post comment”. I know I just did.
Erika Slaughter says
So many helpful ideas, friend! Great list!
Rachel says
Do you ever feel worried about your safety while running outside? That is my biggest thing keeping me from runs outside. Maybe I’m paranoid or have read/watched too many crime stories.
Mix and Match Mama says
I always try and keep my “what I do/wear/have/go to feel safe” stuff a secret or else it’s not safe anymore…BUT YES! I take many measures to make sure I’m safe because I do think about that too!
Robin says
Rachel this was a concern for me as well. Some of the things I do are always take a phone. If it’s dark/getting dark I run residential neighborhoods – I only get on the running trail when it’s light so that I know it’ll be more frequented. I also always tell my husband how long I’m running (how many miles and time that I think I should be home) and I give him a general idea of where I’m going (ie. I’m running our neighborhood, then X neighborhood, then I’ll hop on the trail for a bit. I’ll probably do 3-5 miles, with my warm up and cool down I expect to be back around 7:00 – just as an example) It gives me peace to know I have my phone and he knows approximately when I should be back and where I was planning to be should anything happen. Oh and I only run with one ear bud in – that way I get my music but can still hear what’s going on around me.
Erin says
Rachel—such a good point! I’ve been attacked by dogs twice while out for a walk and it was so scary it’s hard for me to even enjoy a walk or run outdoors anymore! Ugh!
Kristen says
Do you have a Pelaton bike and what workouts are your fav on it?
Mix and Match Mama says
I do!! We have had it three years and LOVE it! I have a post on it here:
Dana says
I ran cross country in high school one year and HATED it. I was a soccer player and it was required. I feel like you, I can run forever on a soccer field but nothing if I’m just running to run. ? I’ve always admired runners, but whew! It’s not an easy sport for me. But this post makes me want to get out and try just one more time…
Also, I think Peloton is doing a free trial right now? I’m gonna go check!
Mix and Match Mama says
Really??? You should totally try it, Dana!!
Jessica Kincannon says
Hi Shay! Great post – I signed up for a marathon in October so this was perfect timing ? I was curious if your Apple Watch tracks your pace while you are running? I have always been interested in them but can’t find that info anywhere!
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes!!! It totally does!!
Sage L. says
Great post, great tips! Running outdoors is like meditation for me… time alone to think/reflect/pray/plan etc. I always feel better after a run! Sounds like it’s the same for you! Enjoy your day!
Mix and Match Mama says
You too!!!
Rachel says
running on a treadmill? SAME! I hate it!! I wouldn’t rather run outside in a downpour than have to run on a treadmill.
Also, I’m glad you mentioned the Peloton app. I need to check it out!
Mix and Match Mama says
Amy says
I keep a small can of mace and a flashing safety light on my arm band. Both were bought on Amazon for less than $10. I almost got hit by a car while running in the early morning, even though I am a 6’0” person wearing a bright white reflective hat. Hence the small flashing light! And the mace I initially bought when we had some coyote attacks in the area, and though I’ve never had to use it I have so much more peace about heading out for a run knowing I have it if I ever need it (for people or wild animals!). I think both would be great easy additions for any running to stick in their arm band that help you stay safe when running outside!
Mix and Match Mama says
Christin says
This was so helpful and motivating!! My hardest clothing item to feel “right” is my sport bra. What one would you recommend?
Mix and Match Mama says
I ONLY wear Athleta sports bras. They hold up, wash and dry well, don’t fade and don’t get super sweaty either.
Lindsay says
I just splurged and bought a brooks sports bra from REI and it’s the best thing I’ve ever purchased!!!
and Peloton App is free for 2 months!!!
Jess Wade says
Great info! As another runner, I wanted to add that shoes are THE most important thing for me. It’s not about asking others what their favorite running shoe is (like you said), it’s not about the brand necessarily. Everyone’s feet and gait are different. The thing that helps me most is going to a running store to get fitted for the best shoe for me after they analyze my gait. Run On was the first one I ever went to when I lived in McKinney, but every city has some type of running store. When I’ve chosen my own shoes on a whim or by what others recommended, I’ve gotten injured. They also usually let you have a trial time as long as you’re running inside to try them out in case you want to return them. Running shoes are not cheap, but they’re worth the investment if you really want to be a consistent runner.
Serena Welch says
Great post and very helpful! I know this post is about running but any advice on how to love the actual Peloton? I’ve had mine almost a year and I just don’t love it 🙁 I have tried but every time I do a ride, I get so frustrated and always feel defeated because I can hardly keep up, I just don’t love it. Is it one of those things – you either love or hate or perhaps it takes time? The only motivation I have to ride is because it was so expensive not because I enjoy it. Thoughts?
Mix and Match Mama says
Have you tried to focus on themed rides? I have SO MUCH MORE FUN when the ride has a theme (right now, they’re doing Elvis themes). I don’t know what it is, but those are always better for me.
Kylie says
I agree about choosing a class based on music! That makes a big difference for me. I would also suggest trying to do one thing the instructor mentions – if they mention resistance and cadence and I feel like I can’t do both, I just focus on doing one really well instead of feeling bad I’m not doing exactly what they say.
Kathy says
Fabulous post! I started running at 52 (now 58) and the only tip I would differ with you on is the coffee prerun. I would need a port-a-potty 5 minutes in if I drank a full cup! On race days, I will have about 2 oz of coffee because races don’t typically start until 7:30 or 8. When I’m running just for me I only hydrate with water and out the door by 5am!
Shannon Leyerle says
Kathy, I started running at 55 – when the pandemic shut my gym! I’d always hated running, but I realized I can run for 3 minutes and then walk for 2 minutes, and then repeat it five times! I actually kind of like it now, which is huge for me. And I totally agree about the coffee!
Julie says
I got the Peloton app after your recommendation a year ago and I agree, it’s the BEST! It definitely got me to do some outdoor run/walks (my favorite combo as I’m not a strong runner) and I also do cycling and weights with it. Rebecca Kennedy’s :45 strength is my favorite. It is kind of life changing! Glad you’re enjoying running and thanks for sharing your tips.
Mix and Match Mama says
Yay!!! I’m so glad you like it too!!! I love Rebecca Kennedy!!
Keisha Dawson says
I love this post! I ran my first half 10 years ago, and I’ve done two more since that time. I bought my Peloton last January, because my hips were tired of running. About 6 months after I got my bike, I started adding in an outdoor run one day a week, and I’m really enjoying running again. I just don’t do it like a used to. So many good tips in your post!
Heather says
I’ll fess up to being a treadmill runner! While I don’t exactly LOVE it, here’s what I’ve found to make it pleasant…it’s when I binge watch my shows!!! Find a great show and the time passes fast. AND I limit myself to watching episodes only when I’m on the treadmill…so if it’s a good show I’m gonna haul my butt down to the basement and exercise more often just so I can enjoy my show! Win win!
Mix and Match Mama says
I give you ALL THE PRAISE HANDS!!!! Seriously, I am so impressed by tread runners!!
Brianne says
I’m a treadmill runner also! Its easier for me to do a workout since gyms don’t have childcare right now and its dark until 7:30 AM here and by then my kids are getting up for the day. I much prefer to run outside but I just cant seem to run outside in the dark and 30 degree weather. I am a morning person and either run or go to Crossfit at 6AM because if I don’t workout early it won’t ever happen. I also will watch a show and I have specific songs to get me through my super long runs to pump me up.
Jenna says
Do you have the Peloton app on your watch or just use the Apple workouts? I just got the watch and don’t think the Peloton app works/syncs well but it could also just be user error.
Mix and Match Mama says
I do have it on my watch too but I rely on the fitness tracker on my actual watch way more than the peloton app on it.
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog says
Thank you for this! I’m getting into running again, so this is so timely and helpful! 🙂
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Ann says
I’m also obsessed by the Peloton app! I love the outdoor runs. As a household we love Matt Wilpers but I love how the Outdoor runs have introduced me to new instructors. I think the app is free for 2 months at the moment if anyone wants to try it.
Also agree that socks are a game changer. Feetures are my favorites.
Kandi Barber says
I’ve been running off and on since college (way older than that now!). I’m also in love with the Peleton app for all kinds of work outs but I didn’t realize they had ones for starting back to running. Thanks for that information and the motivation (I’m not paid by Peleton either). Its also worth mentioning that the app is free right now for a month or two. And the lower level app is only about $14…not bad 🙂
Kelci Adams says
I loved this post. Thanks for sharing. I am just curious….what’s for pace when you run your 2-5 miles?
Mix and Match Mama says
I like to always aim for an 8 minute mile.
Peg says
As an older reader of your blog, I totally agree with your running tips. I have run for many years, read Jeff Galloway’s book and heard him speak. After several half marathons and full marathons and many 5K’s and 10K’s I run occasionally but now do more walking as I listen to my body. Running/walking outdoors is like therapy for me. I need it!!!! I also found over the years that I had to do cross training, I could not run every day. I started Jazzercise in the 80’s and still love it. So with the fun dancing and strength training in Jazzercise and getting outdoors running/walking I get a total body workout! I’m hoping I can keep this up for many years to come. And yes, change out your shoes often!!!!
Ashlea says
Can you share your protein pancake recipe? Not a runner but love your blog and your ray of sunshine that I really needed today! Also you are the only person I have ever reached out to on insta for a quick question that has ever gotten back to me. Thank you!
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh! I’m so happy to hear that, Ashlea! Yes! I just had one this morning. My new tweak is to add one mashed banana to the recipe but that’s totally optional! Mix together: 2 egg whites, 1 scoop vanilla protein powder, a pinch of cinnamon, 1/2 cup rolled oats (I use quick cooking) and 1 mashed banana (optional). That’s it! This makes two large pancakes (or three small).
Karen says
I haven’t been going to our gym since last March and running has become my main exercise. Living in the North East it is sometimes hard to get motivated to run when it is cold outside. If it’s really cold, I put my running clothes in the dryer and then put them on. I also keep a log of the temperature and whether it is sunny or cloudy and what I wore that day as well as notes if I was too hot or too cold. This really helps me know what to wear based on the conditions.
Valerie Stults says
Thank you for sharing!! I love running also it is my time where my family doesn’t bother me and it’s my time to pray, listen to music or podcasts!! Thanks for all your tips I just might have to get the Peleton app to change things up!! I also recommend good socks!! They always make a difference for me!! I wear Bombas!! They are a little thicker but really comfy!! Also most of my runs I run 3 minutes walk 1 minute and that has helped with my mental game and running longer!!! I hate treadmill running also!! Outside is the way to go!!
Shavon says
Although I’m not a runner, I appreciate today’s post. First, it is a welcome reprieve from all the darkness we watched unfold yesterday. So, a very heartfelt thank you, Shay! Second, my son is a runner, but relatively new to it. Question: how do you keep your Airpods in? He complains he feels like they are falling out when he runs? Comment: he was gifted Bombas socks for Christmas and swears they make a huge difference in the comfort of his feet. I saw someone else comment that socks are important for them so I wanted to share this opinion.
Mix and Match Mama says
Hmmmmm…I have never had a problem with them falling out, but maybe because I’m not very big, my ears are smaller???? I’m not sure??? That’s a great question!
Ann says
I highly recommend AfterShokz headphones for running. They are bone conducting so they sit outside of your ears and allow you to hear what’s going on around you. Helps you stay safe for running and solves the problem of them fitting.
Kristy Moore says
I agree! I got my first pair of AfterShokz as well. Love them!!! I ran a 1/2 marathon in them and no issues. 🙂
Lauren says
I am a marathon and half marathon runner too and would agree with all of this! Outside for me too— I am terrified of falling on a treadmill. Running is a great time to pray, meditate on my day, or listen to a good audiobook. When I have a long run and am “over it” I look forward to the glass of wine I will have that night as a reward ?
Theresa says
I have two young Labradors that I simply must run every single day so I have found that 3 miles is our “sweet spot.” It took me some time to get the feel for what distance leaves us all feeling that exercise high and my 52 year old knees happy. Something I love about running is the sense of community in my neighborhood. We see lots of neighbors that wave and smile and that has really helped me get through this year and the feeling of being “distanced”.
Mix and Match Mama says
I only have half a Labrador and she must run too!!! 😉
Ashley says
I am not a runner. I seriously hate it. Loathe it actually. But I am trying to make a better effort at being better at committing to working out for my health and Setting an example for my kids. During our local quarantine my husband started leading family workouts since he wasn’t going to the gym and it really got me motivated. After reading one of your posts about the peloton app I did the free trial and have since continued it because I love it. Seriously, peloton should pay me for all the people I have raved about it to, which probably means that peloton should pay you since I heard about it from you! I started with a two week intro to running thing on their outdoor classes and, while I still hate it, I am so proud of myself whenever I finish one or I hit a new fast pace and I’ve expanded my use of the app into so many of the other different classes and I just love it!
Mix and Match Mama says
If you hate running, you should totally not do it! I did this class at the gym every Friday for A YEAR and hated it. I dreaded it every week and hated every minute. One day, I was like “my life is too short and this is so stupid.” I walked out and never went back in. Life is just too dang short! I’m so happy you love Peloton too!!!!!
Arika says
Going to a running store to be properly fit for shoes was a game change for me! The watched me walk, looked at wear patterns on my current shoes (so be sure to go in with shoes you’ve been running in) and took some measurements. The shoes that they recommended aren’t ones that I would have necessarily selected, but wow, it made a big difference. Sounds like you have a great system that works for you. So inspiring!
Allena Gurley says
I ran for years and years and got out of it when I had kids and bounced around workouts for a LONG time. Now I go to a studio with a wide variety of workouts (jazzercise, body pump, body combat, pop pilates, barre…it’s seriously THE BEST), but over spring quarantine I decided to start running again. I have built up from an original run of 3 miles to a consistent 5-6. I only run about once a week and enjoy it so much again. My biggest enjoyment though is having a buddy! One of my best friends, who I ran track with him HS, and I consider this our weekly catch-up and it’s so great to gab for an hour! When I run alone, I focus on my pace and challenging myself, but when she and I run it’s all about our time together. 🙂
Danna F says
I used to run 5-6 miles 3 days a week but now only walking. I feel the same way about running around a track field as a thank you. Can’t get the feeling out of my head from high school that someone is coming up behind you to pass, LOL! I want to start running again. Loved your tips about what to listen to. Stretching…need to do that more especially now that I am older and my body screams at me more! Also, I came here today to read something other than politics, hate, etc. Thank you.
Mix and Match Mama says
The older I get, the more I need to stretch too!! If I don’t stretch immediately after, I suffer for days. Ohhhhh and a track, no thank you either!! xx
Leslie S says
Great post! I’m trying to be more active this year so this was encouraging because I’m starting with walking but want to be more intentional with kicking it up from leisure LOL.
One question – now that you’re running more (or at least it appears “more” based on your blog content) how often do you still use your peloton bike? Just trying to get a feel for home workouts how to piece together a good set-up. My hubby gave up his gym membership with covid and loves home workouts now so I’m trying to pull together some things that fit for both of us. I’m hoping since you and Andrew are both fitness focused that you can share some info to help other couples!!
Mix and Match Mama says
This week, I used my bike on Tuesday (but not Mon, Wed or today). I go through phases with my bike where I’ll use it all the time or take a break. Right now, I’m in a “use it once or twice a week” phase.
Anne says
Do you drink water beforehand or carry water with you?
Mix and Match Mama says
When I was running long distances, I would carry water with me, but now, I can run five miles without needing water.
Sarah G says
Such good tips! Running is such a good stress reliever. Thank you for being such a positive, encouraging light today 🙂
Jessica says
For true beginning runners, look at the None to Run plan (there is an app as well). It’s all about getting you to run 30 minutes straight instead of focusing on distance. I was training for a half marathon in early 2020 but I got COVID and was very sick. I started back with None to Run and was amazed at how effective it was without being too much for me as I still am struggling with some health issues.
Mindy Galloway says
Such a fun post today, Shay! I, like you, love the Peloton app for their running and outdoor running workouts. I find that it has made me a faster runner. I love tracking my mileage times to see if I can beat my previous fastest time. I went from around a 10 minute mile to now around 8 min 30 sec mile. Becs Gentry and Matt Wilpers runs are really informative and help teach proper form.
Jennifer says
Hi Shay! The face on your Apple Watch-is that only available with the 6? I still have a 2 and can’t find it on the app.
Mix and Match Mama says
I’ve had it on every watch! You need to create it off of YOUR PHONE APP and not off the watch itself. Go to the Apple Watch App and it’s the “modular” option. play around with it and you’ll get my watch face!
Jennifer says
It worked!!! Thanks Shay!!!
Melissa says
Great tips not just for running but for outdoor exercise in general! I have been running for years but only recently discovered that I am most comfortable in a trail running shoe. Do I ever trail run? Nope, i’m on a sidewalk or a smooth park path 90% of the time. For some reason the extra weight and thickness of trail running shoes is just more comfortable for me.
In regards to some of the “tone deaf” comments above, I know that this is a tough time for many and I certainly wouldn’t want to diminish what everyone is feeling. BUT I personally do appreciate having a happy little outlet where I can turn my brain off to the world around me. Reading a few light blogs everyday really helps my mood and I hope you won’t let anyone take away from that! I’m certainly not here for political commentary, i’m here for easy recipes and fun updates.
Katie says
Random question–what do you use the 2 minute timer on your apple watch for?
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s actually just the “timer” and can be anything you want. I have no idea why I had it set for two minutes on that particular day???
Kim says
I am running so much more the last year since finding the Peloton outdoor and indoor running classes! Love them too! The treadmill interval and HIIT classes are also great and help it to be less boring and go by so quick. They are also challenging with all the changes in speed and incline and I can see my running getting stronger. And the instructors talking to me really helps me to keep going. Agreed it is the best fitness app around!
Laci says
Please PLEASE oh PLEASE continue to be a bright spot in this world. I come here to get away from the heavy!
Liz Thorson says
I’m a 70 yr. old who has been running for 48 years, save a few baby break years. I run all over—on sidewalks, bike paths on streets, tracks, dirt roads along sloughs and on trails through the woods in parks. I run with our two Black Labs, 4 and almost 7 years old and previously ran with our other 5 dogs, all Labs or Golden Retrievers, long passed away. I only run 3-4 miles, 3x a week now, but I still love it for its physical and mental health benefits. I’ve gone in and out of years of stretching before and/or after and for the past few years, I’ve just walked for about 10 minutes at the end of every run. I have some knee, back, heel pad and hip pains, from skiing, and probably aging. For years I’ve thought yoga or Pilates would really help strengthen and stretch my muscles, but I’ve never done either. Thanks to this post, I’m going to make that happen. I’m an afternoon/early evening runner and I have never liked running with any earbuds. I’ve always felt that I’d be too focused on what I was listening to and possibly be unaware of a person or vehicle approaching.
Mix and Match Mama says
You are such goals, Liz!! Thank you so much for sharing this with me!!!
MK says
Thanks for the post! As a longtime reader, I feel as if I remember in recent years you saying you were not in a running season of life and enjoying more group fitness classes. When did you get back into it on a regular basis? Was it during COVID lockdown or before? Just curious! I am normally a fairly avid runner but struggling to get back into it during my current season of live (and winter, brr!) How did you motivate yourself to get back in or was it just natural? Thanks and happy running!
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes! I think I used to think if you didn’t run a million miles, you weren’t a runner, but that’s just not true. I had to get to a point where I considered a “two mile run” significant for me and not “just a quick cardio”. Does that make sense? There have been times when I’ve run less and done other things more (FOR SURE!), but it did take a long time to train my brain that just because I wasn’t doing 7 miles before work didn’t make me a runner.
Maggie Eterno says
Love this post!!! I love to run as well. I hibernate some in the winter and do more CrossFit than running, but I can’t wait to get back to running consistently.
Sarah Cummings says
I have followed you for years now and somehow have missed that you are a runner! And after reading this I can relate to you even more, because I love my daily 2-5 mile runs too!! I’ve been going at it for about 15 years now and I started make it a part of my daily routine when I first started college too! The best days start
with a run!! ☺️☺️ Thanks for sharing!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you for being a regular reader, Sarah!!!
Chrys says
I was going to ask if you had the Peloton Tread but I guess the answer is NO, haha! I got the app when the pandemic started and I am completely obsessed. We bought a spin bike to see if I would keep up with it and I have fallen in love with the whole community. Hoping to order the Bike+ soon… I think hubby is about 95% convinced. And with the addition of Pilates, it has been a game-changer! Happy running Shay! ?
Mix and Match Mama says
That would be a big no. Ha!
Alada Kelley says
As an avid runner, I ate this post up of course, lol!! Can’t say enough things about the peloton app either! It’s awesome! I also have the peloton treadmill… I know you said you hated the TM lol and I was like that too… but the peloton and the running classes are pretty amazing ? I also loved the Galloway method book as well! I’ve run many half marathons but when I started training for my marathon I started using his run walk method… which is interval training in which he gives you options on how long you run to how long you walk. I do the 4:1 which is run for 4 min and walk for a min… I know some people think that walking in a run is defeat but that short time really only helps to recover your heart rate. So now I use that method full time no matter the distance!! Currently training for another marathon and used it for my 15 mile run last week and it works great. My paces are actually faster doing it. I think it would be a super awesome way for a beginner runner to get started for sure!
Mix and Match Mama says
Yay!! Good luck with your marathon!! THAT IS AWESOME!!!
Holly Copeland says
Love running! Have you ever tried running with a Flipbelt instead of an arm band? I love it so much more! Also, tracking on Strava is great through your Apple Watch, it will tell you when it’s time to change your shoes based on your mileage.
Mix and Match Mama says
I haven’t! I’m looking it up right now!
Judy says
I absolutely LOVE your posts every day!!! I’m VERY old, and you are definitely a bright spot in my life!!! I purposely leave your posts until the last because, they’re my favorite, and always positive!! Thank you for being a light!!!
Britt says
Thanks for sharing!! Where are those cute orange shorts from? Love them.
Mix and Match Mama says
Those are lulu!!
Britt says
thank you!! I love them. I just ordered a pair 🙂
Tara says
Have you done an AirPod review? What ones do you have? Love your blog ❤️
Mix and Match Mama says
I’ve talked about them, but I don’t think I’ve done a review??? I’ve only ever had the one pair and I love them!
Jennifer says
Your blog is my absolute favorite!! I am an early morning runner too and just ordered a Peleton which I’m super excited about. Thank you for shining your light in what can be such a dark space. I love how you live out your faith in everything you do. I want to hang out with you, and I mean that in a completely unstalkerish way lolol.
Sarah Rice says
Lots of great ideas!! Thanks?
Christi says
My coach at my gym just discussed strength and cardio and yes…strength before cardio or you’ll use on your energy on the cardio and not have the best energy for strength. I love some strength training but do endurance classes too because it provides energy and increased stamina. The treadmill is not my friend…I need outside.
Heather says
I understand wanting to be a bright spot, but there is a difference between ignoring something as major as this (domestic terrorism) and acknowledging it and then explaining that you are purposefully trying to keep content light. As a follower for years, this was really disappointing to see today when so many people are hurting so much.
Mix and Match Mama says
Not writing about it on my blog and ignoring it as a person are two different things. I will continue to be a bright spot in a dark internet as that’s my calling during this time. Many blessings to you.
Thank you for being a light spot. I know your heart is heavy too, but it’s nice just to have a break..I’m trying to get back into just walking, turning 60 this month..eeeek! I always say “tomorrow” I’ll start….Thank you for your blog!
PS…can you share the protien pancake recipe again? I missed it. Thank you!
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes! Mix together 2 egg whites, one scoop of vanilla protein powder, 1/2 cup oats (I use quick cooking), a pinch of cinnamon and (optional) a mashed banana!
Dena says
Great post today! It’s motivating me to stick with running. AFTER running I feel amazing. But BEFORE and DURING I struggle. Side note: I appreciate that you stick with happy, fluffy content.
Steph Zizik says
If anyone has the Chase Sapphire or Chase Reserve card, they are running (no pun intended) a promo this year to get up to a $60 or $120 statement credit, respectively, if you sign up for Peloton using your chase card! Pretty awesome deal! Thanks to the tips Shay, hoping to start running more this year!
Kara says
The reason I read and love your blog is because you stay true to who you are! You are encouraging and kind and I think we all need that in our lives, even through a blog. So thank you for being you! ?
Deborah Leland says
I love the Peloton app too and use the outdoor run/walks often. I can’t seem to get it to sync to just my watch though. I would love a quick tutorial on how you sync you app or even a podcast so I don’t have to also carry my phone. Loved this post, thank you Shay!
Mix and Match Mama says
You need to open the watch app on your phone (I find that the easiest!). For Peloton, you actually also go to their app and in the settings, there is a place to click to connect it to your Apple Watch!
Janet says
I have been running since I graduated from college (we won’t talk about how long ago that was, but you were not even born). Good shoes, good socks, sweat wicking workout wear – all very important. I used to always run outside, but in my “old age” I just hate the cold. So, on cold days I run on the treadmill and read my Kindle. I use a bigger font and only choose lighthearted books and it really makes treadmill running enjoyable!
Renee says
Great tips, thank you!
Denise says
I highly recommend the app couch potato to 5k. A very safe, reasonable approach for a beginner runner to prep for a 5k in six weeks .
Tracy says
I’m trying to figure out if I could actually run without my phone before I bother to upgrade to an apple watch with cellular. Does the cellular upgrade allow you to use a fitness app and run a music program like Pandora at the same time? Do you get the Nike running version?
Mix and Match Mama says
I don’t listen to Pandora off my watch, but I listen to iHeartRadio and use the fitness tracker.
Missy says
I may have missed this but when you listen to music, what apps do you use for that? I’ve always used Apple Music but I know there are others. Thanks for always bringing the sunshine!!
Mix and Match Mama says
On my phone, I listen to Pandora, but in my house, I use the Sonos app and have their speakers.