Awwwww…it’s a Day in the Life post 🙂 .
Each and every year, this is probably the most requested topic from you all to me. I totally get it because my favorite posts to read on other people’s blogs are “day in the life” too! That being said, I feel like now that the kids are in school all day, we’re suuuuuper boring, BUT you asked, so I’m delivering!
After all of these years, you know the drill…I randomly pick a date on my calendar and tell myself “this is the day to document”. I don’t pick and choose busier or more exciting days…nope, they’re random. This time around, it was a regular old boring Monday. Ha! What it lacks in substance, it makes up for in the fact that it was truly a normal ole day at the Shull’s house.
Here we go, this was a day in our life on Monday, January 10th…
Good morning!
I woke up, grabbed coffee, said hi to Andrew and then…
…read through my Bible using The Bible Recap.
After my quiet time, it was time to…
…get dressed and go workout. On this particular day, I lifted weights.
After my workout…
…I emptied the dishwasher and started getting breakfast together for everyone.
Kensington headed off to school bright…er…dark and early for basketball practice! I’m so proud of how hard she’s worked this year!!
After she leaves, and before the little girls wake up, Smith and I enjoy our “quiet time”. It’s about 15 minutes each morning where it’s just the two of us downstairs…and it’s quiet, peaceful and lovely.
I enjoyed my second cup of coffee, Trader Joe’s cauliflower frittatas and my beloved Sudoku.
The little girls had their alarm set for 6:45, so when I heard them stirring, I started making their breakfast…
…pancakes topped with Nutella and sliced bananas for this morning!
They came downstairs, and I was working on their breakfast, I noticed that Mades wasn’t ready to let go of her weekend…
…me too, girl. Me too.
While they were eating, I popped out into the garage to grab something from the outside fridge and look who I found…
…Andrew coming in from his morning grocery store run!
Next up, it was time to do the little girls’ hair. While I was doing Ashby’s…
…Mades was practicing yoga. That kid. She’ll do anything for a laugh 😉 .
Time for school! Look out first and third grades, here come the Shull girls all bundled up and ready for the day!
I dropped them off at school and ran home…
…to check some emails and do a bit of work before…
…being mobbed my the dogs for their morning walk. These three fully expect a walk each morning after elementary school drop off and circle around me like crazy until I comply.
Most mornings, Smith goes with me to walk the dogs before he heads to school around 8:25.
After the dog walk and saying bye to Smith (Andrew took him), I showered and got dressed for the day…
…I was showered and ready to go to work by officially (although, I had already been at my desk two different times working) by 9:14 with…my third cup of coffee. Listen, it’s cold outside, I enjoy extra coffee on cold days 🙂 .
My cozy Monday sweatshirt is an Amazon find HERE!
My cozy view for the day…
I sat here until 2:45, so nothing much happens but work during this part of the day.
This was today’s music selection while I worked. It puts me in the right mood for selling travel!
Hey there from my desk! Look who stopped by to kiss me before heading to his office…
…awwwww! Love him so much!
I decided to treat myself to lunch, so I had a salad from Chop Shop delivered. I very much enjoyed it picnic style on the floor of my office while watching a minute of…
…Being the Ricardos on Prime. Um, have you watched this?! If Nicole Kidman and Javier Bardem don’t get Oscar nominations, I’ll be shocked. It’s dark, it’s gritty, it’s so dang fascinating and based on real life events. I.Could.Not.Quit.It.
At 2:45, I finished up my work and did…
…a load of laundry for the little girls.
After that, it was time to go get my babies…
…I’m always so excited to see them after school!
On Mondays, we go straight from school to speech therapy. While they were doing speech with Ms. Nikki, I went to go grab…
…the big kids! I grabbed Shull and Slaughter kids, dropped off the big girls at tumbling practice and headed back to get the little girls with Smith.
Random snacks were consumed…
…a few more emails were sent from my desk, but this time, I had sweet company…
…and then, we headed out to play!
Andrew got home from work and helped Mades with her serving skills 😉 .
Smith fully cooperating for a picture.
Smith removed from the picture by his parents. 😉
Look who’s home from tumbling?! I love my KK so much!
Well, typically on a Monday night, I make dinner for my family but on this night, I bought the ingredients for Beefy Mushroom Pasta…
…and my sweet hubby made it for the family because…
…Meagan had invited me and two other girls over for a cozy little dinner at her house. It was a very random Monday dinner that my heart loved! Enchiladas, a salad, queso…and girlfriends, yes, please! I enjoyed my dinner and conversation until it was time to head back home…
…Andrew and Smith had a late hitting lesson, so while they ran out to that, I snuggled a bit with my girls before they went to bed.
…it was a shower, book reading and football watching in bed for me (and Andrew after he got back).
And that my friends, is a little life lately.
I’ll see you tomorrow. xx
Erika Slaughter says
My favorite kind of posts! Listen-even on those “boring days” I like to be nosey and see what you did. ?? Don’t we all?
Elspeth says
I LOVE your day in the life
Posts!! Thanks so sharing!
Shannon Q says
GO DAWGS! That was an incredible game!
Kelly Davis says
Live day in the life posts- so fun to see!
I was inspired by your music station (on IG) and have been playing for a week- so peaceful and lighthearted while I’m working. I usually have classical music during the day but it has been feeling heavy- I would love to see more station suggestions. I never create my own and am always playing someone else’s play list or shared suggestions 🙂
Kelly Davis says
Love, not live. ?
Mix and Match Mama says
Isn’t it nice?! I really love it too!!
Andrea says
Can you share this music station?
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s that one that I photographed. It’s a pandora station!
Kelly Davis says
It is! And you posted it on IG while my 24 year old daughter happened to be at Disney (for the first time!) on a girls trip. So it made me happy thinking of her, and was a nice post holiday music transition:-)
Sarah says
LOVEEE Day in the Life 🙂
Shay, if you wouldnt mind…. Please may I ask you to show the journal of The Bible Recap on your stories at some stage, like what the inside of the book looks like etc?
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes!!! I’ll post that today on Stories! Great idea!
Sarah says
THANK YOU!! Just watched your stories, so so helpful! Starting with just the one book and will add the journal later on. Thanks Shay!
Dana P says
I was just telling my girls yesterday that I admire your self-discipline and then you went and posted about it today! I think that’s the little nudge I need. Lately exercise has been falling to the wayside and I think I’ll just schedule it in and get it done! I also wondered-do you fall into the social media hole from time to time? Or do you have a set time you look at it and move on?
Mix and Match Mama says
I am getting so much better about random social media scrolling and falling into that black hole. I hid my social media apps on my phone so they’re not easily accessible. I have all of my notifications turned off and I always set a timer to keep me on target. I’m a work in progress though!!
Mary says
I love these post! What lipgloss are you wearing in the picture in the car with the big kids? Thank you ?
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s a Bobbi Brown one!
Brooke says
I always enjoy reading these! Can you share a link for your cute pink/palm leaves coffee mug?
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s an Amazon find!
Kelly Marie Sites says
Your killin’ it this week with blog posts I love. Is it hard to take all three dogs for a walk? I have two, and they PLAY and wrestle constantly, and we get tangled, and …..well, it’s sort of a mess.
Mix and Match Mama says
Some days, it’s really hard. Ha! Most of the time, they’re super fine and cooperative because they love walks so much!
Rebecca says
What an amazing day!!
Tell me about the timer on your watch?
Should I be using this more?
And your nails, gels?
Beautiful day, beautiful family!
Mix and Match Mama says
I use it all the time! I time my food, how long I’m going to scroll on my phone, when I need to stop work and do something (like call a client), exercise…I use it multiple times a day! My nails are dipped in Nexgen 🙂 . Love it!!
Carly says
OK I have the weird random ? In 18 homes we have had, all with brand new dishwashers of various brands I never had what I think I just observed on your dishwasher picture. Are my eyes deceiving me? I am obviously missing a HUGE feature I want right this minute. Does your dishwasher interior light up in the dark when you open it????? Tell me I saw that correctly? I have never been told about that feature on any brand and now I feel cheated out of a feature I desperately needed. So please tell me if I saw that correctly and please share the brand. I need a dishwasher interior that lights up when you open it! A great post to remember when the kiddos are grown.
Mix and Match Mama says
Hahahaha! Yes! It does light up! it’s a whirlpool! It helps so much!!!
Alison says
I’m sure you’ve answered this before, but how long have you been routinely waking up at 4:00 everyday? I did a 4:30 wakeup for 3 years while I was a member at a boot camp gym but oh my goodness, that was so hard. I’m always so impressed with people who can get up and be actively moving before 5:30. Lol
Mix and Match Mama says
In college, I was up at 4:50 every day to run before class…over the years, it’s slowly creeped up earlier. It’s not always easy, but I never ever regret it!
Meagan Ruse says
I love boring Mondays that end with Mexican food and friends ?
Mix and Match Mama says
Ashley says
Meagan your enchiladas look delicious!!! Can you please share the recipe?
Linda B says
And her salad recipe please!
Nicole says
I love these posts so much! I love how intentional you are with your time, but I’m still really wanting to know your current work out routine! How many strength days a week? How many running days, and typically how many miles now? Do you have yoga days? Rest days? Haha! Allllll the questions.
Can’t wait to get my Bible Recap! It’s on a waitlist right now!
Mix and Match Mama says
Right now, I’m lifting weights two days a week, running 4 days as week and doing yoga once a week. I almost always do some yoga after each run (like 10 to 20 minutes), but on my yoga day, I do a 45 minute class. I consider yoga my “rest” day. I hope you love The Bible Recap!!
Sandra Roberts says
Love a life in the day and love seeing one of our favorite Georgia Dawgs on your TV! Go Dawgs!
Stacey says
How much sleep do you get? I would love to wake up at 4 and get stuff done like that but I need at least 8 hours of sleep. What time do you typically go to bed?!
Mix and Match Mama says
I don’t get 8 hours. I would probably love it…but I get more like 6 hours.
Becky B says
Love these day in the life’s! I marvel at how early you get up. What time do you go to sleep at night? You are a rock star. Oh and Mades pic Monday morning is adorable. I feel her! Lol
Katie says
Your arms look so good in that first picture ! And yes these are the best posts!
Jessica Shobe says
Just found your blog after hisugarplum posted your book review on her stories awhile back. I have already read 2 and listened to 2 that you recommended. Thanks for doing that! Did I read correctly that you plan travel for Alaska? We will be planning a trip in the next year or two, so I might reach out then. What is the link for the cute slippers you’re wearing!
Thanks again for this peek, I loved it!
Nicole says
I loved this whole post! It is so fun to take a peek into other peoples days. Is it over dramatic to say, I feel like my life was changed with the Disney Pandora station? Lol I seriously didn’t even know that existed but I did put my phone down after reading that to put it on. ?
Thanks for sharing your day with us!!
Sarah says
I love day in the life posts! Thanks for sharing! I love the layout of your apple watch. What widget/app do you use for your weather?
KK says
You’re right… Day in the Life posts really are the best! I didn’t want it to end. 🙂
SC says
Haha…I was anticipating a video of how you did the girls’ hair! Love this post and the pic of Mades with the pooch!!
Heather says
Shay! Love to see your day in the life posts.
What watch face is that? It looks simple (I do not like the crowded ones) yet still has the necessary information.
Thank you!!
Mix and Match Mama says
You can select that one from your watch app on your phone. You customize it there (all the different quadrants).
Brooke says
Love these posts! Can you talk about eye liner? I think you use a white liner but do you also use a black one? Where do you put them exactly? Whatever you do looks great on you! Thanks!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you! I use a Lancôme black liner on the top and a Lancôme white liner on the bottom!
Melissa says
Hi Shay, what size did you get in the Athleta jacket? Thanks much.
Mix and Match Mama says
Monica says
Two silly questions! Is that a chip in your mug? My favorite mug has a chip in it and it’s my go to! Second – what time do you go to sleep? You sure do put a full day! Cheers!
Mix and Match Mama says
It for sure is! Bahahaha! And 10:00ish 🙂
Jill says
Kensington’s hair is adorable from what I can see!! My 14 year old struggles with what to do with her hair… can you give some suggestions/tutorials on ways she likes to fix her hair?! Thank you!
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh we struggle too! She’s getting really into her hair and makeup these days, but yes, sometimes, we struggle too. The worst part is washing it…she hates that (don’t we all?!). Sometimes, she’ll look on my Pinterest for ideas and inspiration!
Liz says
Love the schedule! I love to get up early in the morning too but struggle going to bed on time! What time do you typically try to go to bed by? And on the weekends what time do you normally wake up?
Mix and Match Mama says
I try to go to sleep by 10 or 10:30. On the weekends, my routine doesn’t vary much. Some Saturdays, I’ll sleep in a bit (5:00ish), but it’s pretty consistent.
Kim Nolan says
I love Day in the Life posts and get so excited when I see one pop up! Random questions – do you just have the one dishwasher and how many times a day do you run it? I run ours almost every day and we only have two kids. Are you guys having a really cold snap or is that your normal January weather? Why did I think it didn’t get that cold where you lived? Anyway, thanks for sharing! I’m always in awe of how much you accomplish in a day – motivating me for sure!
Mix and Match Mama says
We have two dishwashers (one on either side of the kitchen sink). We run one once a day and start filling the second one. I would say that was typical January weather. Where we live, the weather can swing depending on the day, but Monday seemed normal to me. Thank YOU for the sweet comment!!
dina says
what time do you get to sleep by?
Mix and Match Mama says
I typically go to sleep between 10 and 10:30!
Michele says
Doesn’t the school provide buses for the kids to take to & from school? That would save you a lot of extra time, running everyone back & forth, everyday.
Mix and Match Mama says
We live too close to both schools, so our district does not provide buses for our neighborhood until high school. We can technically walk to either school.
Megan says
I LOVED that Lucy movie!! I agree, especially about Nicole Kidman deserving of an award!! I learned so much about them and that time in American history.
kristen says
your days are packed! I feel lazy hahaha. Super fun post, thanks for sharing 🙂
Cindy Cummings says
Love your posts!! Can you please share where you found your cute tropical coffee mug with the pink handle? Thank you and have a great day and weekend ahead!
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s an Amazon find! The brand is Swig!
Lauren says
I think it’s so fascinating that Kensington has practice BEFORE school! As an early riser myself, I’m curious if you’ve seen a change in her energy levels? Does she seem more tired in the afternoons or does that morning workout at practice give her more energy throughout the day? I notice on the days I get my workout in early I actually have more energy throughout the day.
Mix and Match Mama says
I honestly haven’t thought about it, but I think you’re on to something. She does seem way more energetic these days, so perhaps it is because of early morning exercise?!
Sara mcq says
Always my fav to read from you! Besides book day, of course 🙂 also your sudoku gave me a thought. Have you tried yet? I saw it on a segment of the Today show a week or so back. It’s just a quick word game that a man created for his fiancé who loves word puzzles! It’s daily and takes maybe 3 or so minutes, but my husb and I are hooked! So random and may not interest you in the least, but thought I’d share the fun! ??♀️?
Kim Lennie says
I love your posts they are so much fun. I especially love that glass jar with your cereal in it. Where did you get that I would love one for myself.
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s an oldie from Hobby Lobby! Thank YOU!!!
April says
Tell Andrew to go ahead & teach overhand form just so she’s ready when she’s stronger ?. I just love y’all!! ❤️
-from a retired ? coach
Sheaffer Sims says
Fun post! And now I want a salad from Chop Shop. And enchiladas and queso.
Brittany Gerber says
The 10th was my birthday! It was fun following along to see what you all did that day!
Mix and Match Mama says
Awwwwww! I hope you had the BEST birthday!!
Lori says
Perfect ending to your day Shay! Georgia Bulldogs National Champions! Whoop whoop!!!
Robin says
That was a pretty fun Monday! Curious….does Andrew keep the same sleep schedule as you? Does he wake as early?
Mix and Match Mama says
He does!! We both wake up at 4:00 and go to sleep at the same time. Two peas in a pod 🙂
Morgan Godbold says
Love your life lately post! Also love that football team on the tv!! Go Dawgs!!
Kimberly Ponthieux says
Hold up!! Does your dishwasher have lights??!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Bahahahaha! YES!!
Joanne says
I like to grocery shop early in the morning too but our grocery stores don’t open until 8 so I stop by on my way home from drop offs. Seems like a wonderful Monday to me!
Taylor says
Perfect ending to your day! Love seeing the Georgia bulldogs on your screen!! Go dawgs!
JoAnn says
Can I have a link for the black jacket you’re wearing in the pic with Smith? It’s adorable!
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes! I talked about it on my Friday Faves last week!
Julie says
Funny question, but which salad is that from Chop Shop?
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s my fave! It’s the American but add chicken!
Christie says
Hi! I love this kind of post! one quick question…do your kids have homework to do? If so, when do they do it? We have such a hard time with this.
Mix and Match Mama says
They do, but I would say not a ton and rarely is it ever given and due the next day (thus far, things will certainly change!). They fit it in here and there and on weekends when they have it.