You guys, today’s post has me CRACKING UP! A few weeks ago, I shared what I WOULD take with me on a deserted island and based on the feedback, you loved this post! Well, one of you witty readers suggested I flip it around and share a list of things I WOULD NOT want with me on a deserted island (i.e.: things I do not like in life), and I thought this was such a fun idea!
Same categories, new spin.
Here we go…
Movies: The Matrix series (as much as I love you Keanu, I don’t love these), Lord of the Rings (call me crazy but I could care less about these rings), ET (no), and Frozen (I’m sorry, but I just do not love Elsa)
Albums: anything country. anything. I feel pretty versatile in my music genres but you can keep your country albums off my beach.
Office products: printers (why do I feel like mine never works), white out EZ correct (why is it harder for me to use than plain old White Out!!!!!), my e-calendar (I much prefer my old-fashioned paper calendar), pencils (nothing is more useless in life than an unsharpened pencil)
Makeup products: false eye lashes (it doesn’t matter how many times I try, they never work), loose powder (my skin feels clogged the minute I put it on), contour anything (outside of bronzer, I don’t want to contour anything)
Snacks: you can keep your protein bars/protein drinks/protein cookies…gag…
Bible verses: there isn’t a bad one in the bunch 😉
Skincare products: toner (I’ve never understood what it’s supposed to be doing exactly), fancy razors for shaving (give me a cheap Bic any day, for any reason), bubble bath (it’s okay but I just don’t need it in my life)
Candle scents: You can keep your rose scents, I don’t really need lavender in my life, musks aren’t my thing and neither is heavy tobacco scents
Vacation destinations: I love to visit anywhere…and can’t play least faves here.
Haircare products: I really just don’t understand combs. I love a brush. I love a pick. I don’t love a comb. I also don’t love sticky and stiff hairspray. Or heavy dry shampoo.
Bravo TV shows: Hmmmmm…I stopped watching several. I don’t watch Atlanta, OC or Beverly Hills any more. Give me all the Salt Lake City and Summer House though!
Beverages: Soft Drinks (I think Sprite and 7-Up are gross, I don’t want your Mountain Dew, Pepsi is yucky), keep your sweet tea and gin too 😉
Kitchen tools: I rarely ever use my big Kitchen Aid Mixer (it’s been years!), a food scale, and…my Instant Pot (there, I said it…I don’t like my Instant Pot…)
Bahahahaha! A whole post of things I don’t love! Do any of these surprise you? Do you agree or disagree?! Tell me what YOU don’t want on your deserted island!!! I want to hear!!
That’s it for this Wednesday! Make sure you head over and check out today’s foodie post HERE because I’m sharing my ESSENTIAL KITCHEN TOOLS! Awwwww…yes, I’m finally doing it. Over the years, so many of you have asked me to round them all up, so today, I did it 🙂 .
See you guys back here tomorrow! xx
Erika Slaughter says
How are we even friends?! Can you hear that? It’s me blaring country music right now! ???
Mix and Match Mama says
When I get in a vehicle that Tab is driving, I want to scratch my ears out.
Sara says
Not even The Boys of Fall by Kenny Chesney?!?! BEST song ever for football season.
Cheri says
Shay, Thank you for posting about your instant pot-don’t like mine either. I just could not see where it saved time; love my slow cookers so much more! In fact, I just donated it to my local Animal rescue’s big fundraising sale and will take the tax credit! Enjoy your day!
Elspeth says
This was such a fun post to read! I loved it! Happy Wednesday!!
Becky says
Agree about the Instant Pot. I’d rather use my old slow cooker!!
Elizabeth Feldpausch says
So do you use a hand mixer for cookie dough as well? I just love my paddle on my mixer so
much! Do you not miss it?
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes! I’m telling you, I actually have TWO big stand mixers and haven’t used them in YEARS!
Andrea Hooper says
What wait?! You don’t use your kitchenaid?!?! What do you use to mix?!
Mix and Match Mama says
just a basic hand mixer!!
Libby says
Amen to the Instant Pot!
Joanne says
This is a lot of fun! I have a very hard time with protein bars/shakes/ etc. too and don’t eat them either.
Rachel Kazmier says
While I too will travel anywhere keep me away from the Deep South. Mainly because of their bugs. And the whole North Dakota down to the panhandle swath of the US is fine for flying over. But having driven through them year after year growing up I’ll pass on visiting them. I’m with you on the scents though. But let e me some 90’s country?
Julie says
So fun! I agree with pretty much all your thoughts, except the comb! I thought we were “supposed” to use a comb, not a brush, on wet/out of the shower hair? LOL? Fill me in!
Here is what I don’t need on my island: Oreos, ice cream, cantaloupe, cats, fantasy/sci-fi/alternate universe/universe ending books and TV shows, any baby powder scented candles, and my bread making machine.
Also, can my island be Nantucket or Tahiti? LOL.
Pamela says
You are so much fun!!!! I love these posts
Suzy says
Lots of Afghan refugees are settling in our area and many request pressure cookers so I am donating my Instant pot, as it doesn’t justify the valuable real estate in my small kitchen.
Emily Cecil says
I am surprised about the KitchenAid mixer!! I use mine multiple times a week for baking, shredding chicken, mixing casseroles…I couldn’t live a domestic life without mine!
Sarah says
You can keep mayonnaise, Diet Coke, Star Wars and cribbage off my island {is there anything truly more boring?!!}….unpopular opinions I’m sure but things I’m not in to.
What you should ADD back into your life though is OC and Jersey Housewives! So good this season!!
Ashley Palmer says
YES! Mayonnaise. I just don’t understand why anyone would want it, ever. LOL
Megan says
I feel the same about an Instant Point. Mine is sitting on shelf in laundry room and I have used twice. It was so stressful and I kept having to do things to make it work and the food still wasn’t cooked as well as just sticking it in the oven.
Debra says
I can relate to most of these except country music. You’re a woman after my own heart, but, no country? Please help me understand. LOL
Mix and Match Mama says
Not my jam. They all sound the same. And kind of whiney.
Drb says
Donna says
Please keep your kitchen aide mixer, if you ever make biscotti you will want to use it. I use mine all the time, especially for biscotti & when making pumpkin bread. Mixer saves a lot of time, while mixing I can measure other ingredients.
Arika says
Off topic – but can you give me a recommendation for a mascara that won’t make me look like a racoon after a long, sweaty day at Disney. We leave next week!
Mix and Match Mama says
Just blogged all about my new fave here:
Deena says
The only surprise is that you don’t use your big Kitchen Aid mixer. We use ours quite a bit, especially now that we’re using it to shred cheese. Mine came with the attachment and I love it. It’s on the counter so that makes it easier to use. I also love it to shred chicken. I do have a small Kitchen Aid mixer but I seldom use it. Of course, we love our Instant Pot also but the air fryer is probably a favorite right now.
Jessica Curato says
I love shedding chicken in my mixer too!
Jade says
I feel so much better hearing someone else doesn’t love Elsa or Instant Pots ?
Mix and Match Mama says
Let them both go…
Kelly Webb says
?? love this post – super fun! I agree on the instant pot- I’ve tried and tried and it’s ok, but…I just don’t use it. But do you like an air fryer? If so, do you have a recommendation?
Leiah F. says
I never used toner either until the dermatologist said it’s like washing your clothes with no rinse cycle. It removes any residue from your cleanser. Well, dang. That makes sense.
Sue K. says
“Keep your country albums off my beach” — I laughed SO hard. LOVE it! Love this post. Please do it again sometime.
Mae says
I’m shocked you would take a cheap razor over a good one. Talk about razor burn with those things- ouch!
Jenny N says
I have only ever used cheap razors and have never had razor burn. I just can’t bring myself to use expensive razors when the cheap ones do the trick for me.
Amy says
I think this is one of my favorite post! So many people don’t talk about what they don’t like they just push hard what they do like. Protein bars and shakes are a hard no for me…just gross! BTW going to dermatologist today thanks to you and Erika talking about it on your podcast.
Mix and Match Mama says
Yay! I’m so happy you’re going, Amy!!!
Yolanda McLean says
This is a fun post and I agree with just about all of it!
Frances says
Well, you just answered a question I had from your makeup post. I was wondering if you used any kind of powder to set your makeup, and evidently the answer is a big “NO!”
Tammy says
Off topic but…Do you have any suggestions for daily devotionals for the 27-51 year old men in my life?☺️ Or any Christian related reading? So many suggestions for women out there but very few for men.
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes!! I love Kyle Idleman’s book and study Not a Fan!
Sherry Lowe says
I can agree with absolutely everything you listed EXCEPT country music!! Did I not teach you anything?? Sweetie, I feel I’ve failed as a parent!???
Mix and Match Mama says
Or maybe this is why I hate it?! Too many years of you forcing it on me. Bahahaha! 😉
Kristen Smith says
This comment cracks me up because neither my husband or myself enjoy country music (AT ALL!) but all three of our young adult kids love it! Haha! I guess it just skips a generation! Of course we do live in Tennessee so maybe it was inevitable but I just don’t like it! 🙂
Jennifer Speer says
You don’t love country music?? This is the most surprising. And what do you use besides your kitchen aid? I don’t love mine and don’t understand the hype, but I guess I don’t know what else to use! Just a hand held mixer? This was a fun post! I follow you on Insta but usually only come to the blog for the books and an occasional recipe. Came specifically for this and enjoyed it!
Mix and Match Mama says
Yay! I’m so happy you stopped by!! Please come back every day 🙂 . Yes, I just use my hand mixer. It’s so easy to pull out, use and clean after!
Catherine says
I had to chuckle at your love for SLC Housewives. Lisa is my neighbor so I’ve never seen one episode! I’d rather just know her the way I know her! ? Fun list!!
DeAnn says
I love my Kitchen Aid and Instant Pot!
I could do with Leviticus and Numbers. ? But I know it’s all good!
Lisa says
I hate my Instant Pot also!!
Cindy says
I would add on my list —- no speakers or loud music. Too many times the music at the Beach or Hotel
Pools is just gross. Just as I respect your views… ( though I Love country music…. Gospel / Christian too)… I want to not hear others music blasting. It seems a grumpy thing but turning down for one’s neighbor should be a good thing. Thank you so much for this. Ohhh I added toner to my nightly routine and love how it truly adds moisture and my face doesn’t feel like a sad face in the AM. ( for me it has helped).
Erika says
Oh gosh I LOVE this! I too hopped on the instant pot train years ago and just do not freaking like it.
Claire says
Super FUN post! Totally agree on these, Shay, and especially the white out EZ tape… I’ve never gotten it to work ugh! Never owned a hand held mixer… what’s the hype about? Does it get heavy just holding it while you mix?
Suzanne Williams says
Haha! I think I have found the only other person who dislikes The Matrix! I haaaaate it! Booooooring! ?
Mimi says
I agree with all these too except I would add Harry Potter to that list. I have tried to read the books and I’ve TRIED to watch the movies but I just don’t get the fascination with it.
Lynn says
Elsa and country music would definitely be banned from my beach, too! Thanks for a fun post!
Kara says
It would be super fun to see Andrews answers to some of these! I was asking my husband some of these and it was comical! ??
Janet says
As much as you guys like to bake, I’m surprised by the Kitchen Aid.
Meredith says
YES!! Keep all those floral candle scents – rose ?
Julie says
Shocked at the Kitchen Aid mixer!! I LOVE mine!! I can get behind the instant pot…I’m a slow cooker!!
Sarah says
Oh I’m so happy to hear someone else doesn’t love Elsa! I also completely agree about a hand mixer vs stand mixer. Mine sits on my counter unused but I feel bad for getting rid of it! The only thing on this list I cannot understand is how in the world you prefer liquid white out over tape! I think that stuff is the worst!! Haha!
Laurie Major says
Love a lavender candle and hate all Bravo – everything else 100% spot on!
Ashley says
You’ve never said anything truer than the statement about WHITE OUT!!! Why oh why does that White Out even exist?!?!