Hello Friday!
We were supposed to have two baseball games this weekend…but due to the fact that it’s been raining for six straight weeks, there is a really good chance both games will be rained out. I’m about to start building my ark here if it doesn’t stop raining. #everysingleday #itscrazinesshere
I hope your weekend is full of sunshine and happiness. Happy Friday friends!
My sweet boy graduated preschool yesterday! Isn’t he just so handsome?!?! I’m so proud of Smith. I am excited for him because I just know that he will really enjoy kindergarten next year.
Love this kid :).
Smith and Nixon…they attacked preschool together and now next year, they’ll take on kinder together too.
Oh my goodness! I was absolutely blown away by the gardening tips from Wednesday’s post! I went through and read every comment and made notes. I’m going to move a few things around in my garden (per your suggestions) and add a few things too. You guys are just so awesome!
I love, love, love this little online community. Your positive energy, happy attitudes and joyful hearts are contagious. I’m always blown away by the kindness each of you show. And I’m extremely thankful for the gardening tips :). If you need some gardening advice, check out the comments here. A-mazing!
On Tuesday, Erika, Narci and I had a big conversation about foot scrubs…exciting, right? I was telling Erika (who sells Rodan + Fields) how much I love using their Micro-Dermabrasion Paste on my feet and that it makes them all nice and sandal ready. I love a multi-purpose product! I use this stuff on my face once a week and it really brightens things up and takes away the dry/dead skin…and it works wonders on my feet as well. So, if you’re trying to get your feet summer ready…you need this too. Erika can answer your questions if you have any! Just email her at alittlebitofeverything83@yahoo.com.
If you’re looking for a spring shade that isn’t bright…I’m totally digging Essies’ Petal Pushers. It’s this light grey with a touch of blue shade.
It’s a great spring color when you don’t want to go bright. I found it at Target :).
I just cannot stop wearing this shirt. So soft, so comfy, washes and dries perfectly, and comes in a million colors…
This is the kind of tee that’s perfect for a Friday Favorites…
And you know what? They go great with the J Crew shorts I told you about last Friday (stiill 25% off with promo code SHOPNOW). This will be my new uniform…relaxed tee and Chino shorts.
And I ordered these babies on Wednesday…
…I cannot wait until they arrive!! I will show you a pic of my feet in them once I have my hands on them :). Tee plus shorts plus sandals and I’m ready to conquer summer with my kids!
We’re getting ready for Memorial Day! I thought a festive breakfast was in order…
…Red, White and Blueberry French Toast will make an excellent Memorial Day breakfast!
Happy Friday!!
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
Those Hinge sandals are so cute! Love the colors in them! And I think I'm going to need to pick up a couple of those tees!
Narci says
So much to love! The paste on your feet is brilliant!! I can't wait to try it out!
Erika Slaughter says
How did those boys grow up so quickly?! Happened so fast! They're going to rock kindergarten!
Kendra says
Have you tried the Rodan and Fields body microdermabrasion paste? Looks more affordable if just using on your feet? Wondering if it would work as good? Also what colors do you recommend for the J Crew shorts? I see they are only sold online in the length I like. Sometimes colors look deceiving on my phone! Thanks for your Friday blog. I look forward to it!!
Mix and Match Mama says
That's a great question for Erika! As for the shorts, I bought white, storm grey, neon orange and neon sea mist. Great colors!!
Anonymous says
Wait a minute—- where are the wedges?? Can't believe your digging a flat sandal 🙂
Anonymous says
I was wondering the same thing!
Mix and Match Mama says
I haven't found a pair of wedges this season that I just looooove. Boo. I always love me a great pair of wedges but I'm still on the hunt. I'll keep you posted :).
Melissa says
That baby picture of Smith next to his graduation picture…I die!!! So precious : )
Thanks also for the suggestion of the club tee…I ordered mine a while back and you are right. It's the perfect shirt! Happy weekend to you and your family!
kimm atwood says
Love that polish color!!! And all those gardening tips have me itching to plant one. Have a great weekend !
Mama Of Boys says
Smith in a cap and gown, sooooo cute!!
Mix and Match Mama says
I bought smalls and have washed and worn them several times with no shrinking. Love them!!
Anonymous says
Do you really just LOVE these products or do you push them because they put money in your pocket?
Mix and Match Mama says
I absolutely 100% love them :). Happy Friday to you! xoxo
Anonymous says
To anonymous:
I'm not sure why it seems to bother people that bloggers make money from their blog? It's their job! No one is forcing anyone to buy a product… I just don't understand the angst that I sense
Anonymous says
I agree that she has every right to make money off of the blog. She produces the content every day and we read – it's a lot of work and time on her part! 🙂 But one reason I think it can come off as deceptive and can upset people is when the rstyle links are hidden behind bit.ly links. If there's nothing to hide – don't hide it.
Mix and Match Mama says
I appreciate your feedback! Just so you know, every link that I use that goes through a third party is noted when you click the link. If you watch the browser, you can see if a third party is used or not. That's not hidden…it's right there for everyone to view. Have a great weekend!
Jen says
Love your blog !! Just curious,
I saw that Andrea now has a message at the bottom of each post that has affiliate links. Have you considered doing this? Or do you list this message elsewhere on your blog? I am just curious…I don't think you need to, but I wonder why some bloggers do and some don't have the disclaimer. Thanks and happy Friday !!! 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
Hi Jen! I have my copyright, trademark and other disclaimers located in three places on each blog. There is always one in the footer so that each post has it every single time. Just check the bottom of each and every post :). Click the post title to isolate the post that way you don't have to scroll through. Happy Friday to you too!
Jen says
Ok! Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to my comment. I really appreciate it!
Susie says
if you are looking at your blog on a mobile version, then the disclaimer does not show up. It's just on the web version. Maybe that's why people are confused??
Isobel says
I only see the disclaimer at the very bottom of the page. Am I completely missing the disclaimer that's on the bottom of each post? I've searched high and low and now I'm concerned for my eyes!
Mix and Match Mama says
Isobel, isolate the post by clicking on the title (like today's Friday Favorites) and then scroll :). I'm sure your eyes are just fine! Have a great Saturday!
Anonymous says
Thank you for responding to my question about the bit.ly links. I'm enjoying your blog becoming more interactive and allowing us to get answers to questions in the comments about things that may be considered "off limits". Your children are adorable and I love reading every morning with my coffee.
Elaine Welte says
Those t-shirts are too cute! My girls would love the blueberry french toast! Have a great weekend!
thebusybrunette says
Awesome, fun post today! First, congrats to Smith! He is adorable. And I love that Halogen tee.
Enjoy your weekend!
"The Busy Brunette"
Angela Banae says
Hi Shay! I wanted to let you know that I made your Lemonade Bundt Cake w/ Strawberry Frosting this week and your recipe is one of my Fun Friday Favorites! Though it didn't quite look as pretty as yours…it was AMAZING!!!! Here's my link if you'd like to check out my Fun Friday Favorites! http://angelabanae.com/fun-friday-favorites-random-favorites-of-the-week/ Thank you for sharing such great recipes!!! 🙂 Hugs, Angela
Anonymous says
Yes! Your son is beautiful!
I wish you would have more kids and populate this earth with more amazingly beautiful little people.
Angela Ellingson says
I ordered a tee! They look like great quality! Thanks for sharing. 🙂 And sweet little Smith. Love him!
The Boutelle Family says
I just have to say, the comments from your gardening post were SO helpful to me!! I'm excited to apply some of the tips (even the one about the earthworms!) Thanks for "hosting" all of us & providing a little space for online community 🙂
Anonymous says
Your little boy is so cute! Love the T's and the sandals–bring on summer!
Sally Hepworth says
It's winter in Australia, which is very frustrating because you are making me want to buy shorts. Brrr.
Grace says
It's been rainy here in SoCal too! I'm not going to lie I'm disappointed that it's not
80 degrees and summery yet. Have a great weekend Shay!
Debbie says
I love using fresh limes to exfoliate the bottoms of my feet. I quarter the lime and rub it on the soles of my feet. I leave the juices of the lime on my foot for about five minutes, then I use a foot file to rub away the rough skin. I find it works better than any creams I have tried before. And it smells good!
Shelby says
Ok, so I just have to comment on Scandal last night!!! The bus scene made me completely sick to my stomach (not all the blood, used to that by now with this show and I'm a nurse), I hope Papa Pope stays in jail forever, but I'm sure he'll find a way out:/ Love Liv at the White House, great ending!!!!! Love your blog and reading all the gardening tips. We will be starting one next year and love hearing all the tips! Thanks!
Anonymous says
LOVE R+F microdermabrasion paste. I use the Unblemish regimen with the paste 1-2 times a week & my skin has never been better!! I will try using on my feet as well 🙂
Anonymous says
Do you put your tees in the dryer? I was going to order, but then I noticed at Nordie's it said to dry flat, and having to do that makes me twitchy! 🙂 Thanks! Leigh
Mix and Match Mama says
I have been throwing mine in the dryer and it works like a charm :).
Shawna B. says
Beware of putting it in your dryer… I put mine in there and got a teen hole on the front of the shirt near my belly- button! I wish I had used gentle cycle!
Michele B. says
Just a hunch…the holes in your tee may be from the button on your jeans and not the dryer. It took me a while to figure out why so many of my tees and tanks had tiny holes in the same exact spot, until I was in the kitchen washing dishes one day and leaning against the granite countertop. I had moved to the side, my button scraped against the countertop, and just like that my new top had a new little hole and it all became clear. I no longer lean against the counter and my tops have never been more itty bitty hole free!
Shawna B. says
Thanks! I'll try to pay attention to that! ??
Anonymous says
I didn't expect to see spoilers for Scandal in the comments section.. not all of us have time to watch it on Thur nights.. sigh
Queen In Between says
Those sandals are adorable! I second the love for those tees…my 2nd one came this week and I literally changed into it as soon as it was out of the package. I have been using that paste for several years but never, ever thought to use it on my feet!
GiGi T. says
Congrats to handsome Smith on his graduation! I too loved all the gardening tips – some I knew, some I can't wait to try. I had intended to comment, but failed to about fruit for Kensington. Blueberry bushes would be something you might all enjoy for years. The kiddos would probably have fun picking the berries as they produce a lot! I don't know too much about growing them, but I do believe you have to have what is considered a male and female plant. (My parents had them.) Hope sweet Ashby is ok after your scare yesterday! Happy weekend!
Anonymous says
I have had terrible Keratosis Pilaris (aka chicken skin) on my thighs and back of upper arms for years. This stuff has transformed my skin and I now get to wear the awesome jcrew shorts again bc my legs are smooth. I've never loved a product more than the microdermabrasion paste!!!!
Jaren says
I have both the Micro-dermabrasion paste and body paste. I need to try them on my feet!! Thanks for the tip! Have a lovely weekend…perhaps rain-free!
Marty says
That first picture of Smith on your slide show at church? (sniff) We just had that same thing at our church…for our graduates…our HIGH SCHOOL graduates. And my baby son was one of them. (sniff) He should still be 4…how did this happen?
Beautifully Seaside // Formerly Chic Coastal Living says
That scrub sounds great.
jennibell says
Idea. . .I know you are busy, busy and have *lots* of things to blog about. . .but, wondering, if maybe once in awhile you might be up for a "Community Question". You know, something that you might not be interested in and/or have advice for b/c it's not your season of life but others might be able to help with? I'm using your gardening post as my example. . .I learned SO MUCH from those that made comments. I've bought many products based on your advice and visited websites/gotten ideas from commenters in your posts over the past couple of years that I've been reading. You DO have great, awesome readers and with a focused topic/question it's something we could come back to at other times. An example would be: How do you deal with homework? or What are your rules regarding electronics? or Vacation/Staycation ideas for (insert major city). Again, just a thought. . .you have the platform, but maybe not the time. . .when you're on vacation, though, or need a break those could be good "filler" posts (I know you still have to monitor them but at least the writing/research would be all "on you"). Love your blog, love your family, and use many of your recipes! Happy Summer!!!