Hey there, Tuesday!
I mean, this makes me laugh every single time I read it!!!
Okay, today, I’m sharing PART 2 of SHAY’S GUIDE TO RUNNING (remember when I did PART 1 last year?!), but before we get to that…
…it’s a brand new episode of THE BESTIE BREAKDOWN and today, Erika and I are breaking down THE ’90S!
Oh yeah.
We break down everything we loved, remembered and miss from the decade that raised us. From food to gadgets, what we wore, watched on TV and so much more, if you need a little 90s in your day, we.have.it. You can listen to day HERE or on your favorite podcast platform (Spotify, Apple, etc.)
Do you know what you should do while listening to today’s podcast episode?
You should run 😉 .
I have so many questions from you guys concerning the topic of running like…
…honestly, I was going to skip over these since I do feel like I answered them all here: SHAY’S GUIDE TO RUNNING last January, BUT, I changed my mind and decided to add on a little PART 2 today about one thing in particular…
…I am a HUGE fan of the Peloton App and especially their outdoor running program!!
It’s no secret that I like to run. I would say that yoga and running have been my two most consistent methods of exercise for over 20 years now. There have been seasons in my life when I’ve run more and seasons when I’ve run less (again, you can read all about that HERE in PART 1), but without a doubt, those are my two favorite ways to stay healthy.
I am also a HUGE fan of the Peloton app and have a complete guide to why I love it and how I use it (YOU DO NOT NEED THE BIKE TO USE IT!)…
…HERE (I talk about everything from yoga to strength to cycling to running…in that post, plus my favorite instructors and classes too), but today, I just wanted to quickly reiterate that if you’re wanting to start a running program or are a beginner runner (or if you’re more advanced like me but want to improve on your running!), you should use their app.
I love their app for outdoor walking, running or a combination!
Here’s what you do:
1: Open the app and tap on the Outdoor exercises (so don’t tap on Running, that’s for indoor tread running which I do not do).
2: Filter your run by length, class type (this is where you can select walking), instructor, music, difficulty, etc…
3: Find the class that fits what you want, pop in your headphones and head outside. The instructor will give you a brief overview of what the day’s run (or walk) is all about and then they’ll start you off. This is an audio only class (so you don’t need to see your phone, just hear the instructor).
After you’re off and running (or walking or a combination!), the instructor plays music the entire time and talks to you. So, you get music, but you also get tips, advice, he/she tells you when to run faster, slow down, start intervals, stop intervals, when it’s the halfway point (should you want to do a ‘down and back’) and so much more.
Why I love it:
1: I think it’s super encouraging to listen to these instructors while I run. They’re all very motivational and positive. If you’re thinking you need someone to cheer you on a bit (not too much…just the right amount), this is your class!
2: They help you find/determine/change your pace! All of the running coaches go off of Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE), so they’ll say “on a scale of 1 to 10, you should be running at a 5” or whatever so that you can run at your own pace based on your personal RPE.
3: There are so many varieties of classes that it’s very hard to get bored or not improve as you can always move where your personal RPE is based over time. You can do “fun runs” based on music you love. You can do intervals. You can work on speed. You can work on distance. You can work on going from walking to running. You can do so many different types of classes that I cannot imagine you not improving.
4: I love that when my run is over, I can look at the Peloton app and see my “splits”. It shows me the map of where I just ran (crazy cool how it does that on a map) and my times for each mile, my steps, my distance, calories, average pace…so much info is right there (and stored in the app for you to refer back to).
Also, I cannot stress this enough, in my opinion, if you are going to start any type of running plan, YOU MUST STRETCH AFTER EACH RUN. Seriously, I cannot emphasize this enough. I use the Peloton app to stretch after every single run. I either use their stretching classes or one of their shorter yoga classes each time I finish. Stretch, stretch, stretch after each run using their app too! You can also do a run warmup on their app prior to running. I personally like to warmup on my Hydrow, but sometimes, I will turn on their pre-run warmup videos (these are anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes) and just listen to them while I’m getting ready. Not only are the instructors warming you up, but they’re giving so many great running tips at the same time. Even if I’m not warming up at all, I love to hear their tips and tricks. It’s during this time that they also address things like hydration, sleep, and fuel.
So, warmup, run, stretch. Those are my tips 🙂 .
Anyway, so much to love that I wanted to emphasize it once more. Again, check out both my GUIDE TO RUNNING and my PELOTON APP post for way more info. I hope this helps those of you asking for more running tips! If you have other questions, feel free to leave them in the comment section below!
Okay, I’m off!
Enjoy today’s podcast episode, friends!
I’ll see you all back here TOMORROW! xx
Elspeth says
I love these types of posts! It inspires me to go out and run!
Happy Tuesday!
Emma Heston says
Giving the app a try this afternoon! What are your favorite brand/type shoe to run in? Do you wear the same shoe to do other HIIT workout, walk, etc?
Mix and Match Mama says
I talk about that in the first post. I’m not passionate about a certain brand. Right now, I’m running in Under Armour. I typically cross train in running shoes that are ‘retired’ from running.
Nicole says
Great tips! I’m obsessed with Peloton! I was just wondering how many days you typically run, distances, etc? Thanks!
Mix and Match Mama says
Long distances? If I have time, once a week. Shorter distances…three or four times a week.
Sarah says
Now we need a review of the Hydrow!
Mix and Match Mama says
On my list!!
Laura says
This is great! I’m not a runner, but this sounds like fun! Especially using the Peloton app. Hopefully, I can get motivated this spring. Will you be showing pictures of your new home gym in the next few weeks? Have a great day!
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes! It’s on my to do list!
MelanieL says
I will never run unless I’m being chased of course, LOL, but your enthusiasm for the app has me curious to see what the walking and yoga classes are all about! Thanks for sharing!
Mix and Match Mama says
The app is amazing! It has pilates, strength, and more!
Emily Robbins says
The C25K app is free in app store. 8 week program that has you running 3 times a week to get to a 5k. While many people have heard of Couch to 5k… this app, plays in the background while you listen to your own music or podcast etc. There is a small ding then “start walking” or “start running.” Takes away the misery of staring at your watch or the time. Last winter I did it, and this past fall I ran a 10 miler. I love running again!
Kristin Lyngaas says
Thank you!! I will check it out!!
Sheaffer Sims says
I personally identified with all 4 things in your graphic. Yes, Yes, Yes, and Yes. Can’t wait to listen!
Toni :0) says
I think it’s wonderful you love running. You’d only catch me running if something was chasing me. ?
Kristine says
I am OBSESSED with the Peloton app, and I don’t have a bike! I mainly do yoga, Flash 15, tread bootcamp, and their meditation . Their meditation is amazing!! It’s a great way to start the day…highly recommend. Or I’ll do it at work if I’m stressed or while waiting in the car (instead of being on my phone). I’ve also done the chair yoga at work when I don’t have time to do it at home in the morning. Lol
Erika Slaughter says
Can the 90’s decade every be beat? So much good was packed in there!!
Dana P says
This is perfect, Shay! I started going to our rec center last week and my husband has been my personal trainer. ?? But I’ve been getting really bored on the elliptical. Do you think the Peloton app would help for that, too? I think I did a trial for it several years ago when you talked about it, so I don’t think I can do that again to check it out. I’m going back to your previous exercise posts too-those always motivate me!
Dana P says
So, it does sound great after reading those posts! I didn’t realize how much you had talked about it. ? Just curious-why do you recommend weights before cardio? We’ve been doing the opposite, but I want to switch that if it’s a bad idea!
Mix and Match Mama says
I personally think it’s a personal preference (an expert might disagree), but I feel that every class I’ve ever been to, they’ve stressed weights first before you deplete your body doing cardio. I do them on opposite days, so it doesn’t really matter to me anymore!
Carol says
I know this post is about running…….But, Smith, helping Ashby to ride her bike. How Very Blessed Ashby is to have an amazing brother that loves her so much. Way to go Ashby–such a sweet inspiration with everything you accomplish and Smith, you deserve the “Greatest Brother Award”
Mix and Match Mama says
Ohhhhhh my word! My heart is still bursting! She was SO excited to get out there again today to ride!
Catherine says
Hi Shay! I am a Peloton fanatic, too, and LOVE the app for running. I got tired of waiting for new outdoor classes from my favorite instructors, and I realized that you can do the Running (indoor) classes on your phone, too. Just download the class and listen to it while you run, as you would the audio-only classes. I find that the stats are a little off on my Apple watch (they’re more accurate with the outdoor classes), but there is so much new indoor running content that it’s nice to have more options.
Have a great day!
Jana says
Do you these indoor classes work off of RPE, too? Thanks for sharing this tip!
Kay says
Shay – you look great – what do you do to keep your arms toned up? I’m debating on getting a treadmill, bike or rower – what would your suggestions be on the basis of getting toned up? One more . . . . what ear buds/air pods do you wear to make sure they don’t fall out during a run? Thanks for all the useful info! I look forward to reading your blog every day. Have a great 2-22-22!!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Well, thank you! I do yoga and lift weights (twice a week). I will do an updated workout post soon!! I also always wear my Airpods. I’ve never had them fall out! I’m so happy to help! YOU have the BEST day!!
Kelly Davis says
OK, I have always been hesitant to run because I am concerned about my knees. Do you find that you have any joint pain from the impact of running? (I think I just know several marathon runners that have dealt with this and it has made me somewhat paranoid).
Mix and Match Mama says
I have not noticed any joint pain nor have I ever been injured!
Kelly Davis says
Oh, that is great to hear! 🙂 Thanks!
Haley says
If you haven’t already, I would highly recommend reading Born to Run. It’s a bit older, but it’s a fascinating story about a tribe in Mexico called the Tarahumara. They are famous for their incredible distance running. The book is also about how are bodies are designed and how shoes can impact our ability to run safely. It’s so well written… it’s nonfiction but the characters in this book are so quirky and fun to read about. I consider myselfa. very average runner, but it’s inspired me!
Abby says
Hi, Peloton fanatic here. #Abs_Run_Illini. And I just wanted to stop in to say that I whole heartedly agree that Peloton has GREAT running classes, for the tread (use any tread, even at the gym) and outdoor. AND some of my favorite runs are 90s runs … combining your podcast and post today! Ba dum ching. #ilovethe90s
Christie says
Thanks so much for the tips!! I’ll def check out the app.
Question…what time of day do you run outside? Do you run in the dark early in the morning? If so, do you have any special gear that you use for safety?
Mix and Match Mama says
I run at a variety of times and prefer not to run super early in the morning, but when I do, I do have a few things that I wear/bring with me to reflect light.
Christie says
Ok thank you!
Have a good weekend ?
Jana says
My name is Jana, and I love guided runs. *hi jana* Ha-ha! I agree with you 100% on these Peloton guided outdoor runs. I like the bike okay, but cycling doesn’t feed my soul like running does. For workouts, I’m a program girl so I use Beachbody on Demand. I actually did a running program on BOD with guided runs and fell in love. The music and instruction during the Peloton outdoor runs are fantastic, and honestly, it’s these runs that make my Peloton app worthwhile. Thanks for sharing about the metrics. I’ve been using my Garmin watch to track them (and still will), but it seems I need to turn my Peloton metrics on!