Happy TRAVEL THURSDAY, friends!
Today, I’m not just sharing this travel post, but I’m also sharing AUSTRALIA PART TWO!
Two travel posts on a Thursday makes me happy 🙂 .
Over the last six-ish months, you ladies have helped me locate your favorite SUMMER TOWNS to visit, your favorite CHARMING FALL TOWNS and CHRISTMAS TOWNS too! I have received so many messages from women thanking me for these lists because they’ve helped them find the perfect day trip, weekend getaway or vacation for their families/girlfriends/spouses/etc. I LOVE when we come together and help each other!! Thank YOU for sharing all of your favorite cities with all of us.
This list today though? It was extra personal because my family loves to visit these towns PLUS it was extra easy because you all named the same places!
It’s your list of FAVORITE SKI TOWNS in the US!
There is always *some* overlap when I look at your recommendations, but on this particular poll, there was very, very little. Almost all of you named the same FIVE towns. Since the same five towns were on repeat, I made this a “top 5” instead of a “top 10” post and then included the honorable mentions below. I’m telling you…everyone loved the TOP FIVE 🙂 .
Okay, here are the TOP 5 Ski Towns based on your answers. I looked up each city and found their local tourism website as well so that you can click and read more about that particular city.
Ready or not, here we go…
You can learn more INFO HERE!
You can learn more INFO HERE!
You can learn more INFO HERE!
You can learn more INFO HERE!
You can learn more INFO HERE!
My family in Telluride 🙂 .
And here are the HONORABLE MENTIONS as well…
Sun Valley, ID
Breckinridge, CO
Whitefish, MT
Deer Valley, UT
Beaver Creek, CO
Stowe, VT
Park City, UT
Jackson Hole, WY
Winter Park, CO
Bend, Oregon
Aspen, CO
Crested Butte, CO
Durango, CO
Red River, NM
Conway, NH
Okay, what do you think? Did we name your favorite ski town? Did we miss one? Please comment and share! Maybe my family needs to visit a different spot next year?!
Don’t forget, I’m also sharing my AUSTRALIA PART 2 today too!
Happy Thursday, friends! I hope you all have the best day! xx
Jess says
Love Telluride! Feel like it will be hard to top. But headed to Tahoe in a couple weeks for the first time. Any and all recommendations from you or your readers?!?
Mel says
My Tahoe list from years ago:
Riva Grill
Basecamp Pizza to go
Chart House
I hope they’re all still open.
Elspeth says
So many great spots! Thanks for sharing!
Alyssa Norman says
I live in Colorado and the three Colorado towns you listed are just my favorite CO mountain towns in general. Embarrassingly I’ve never skied at any of them ( I know I know it’s terrible given I’m a native) but Vail and Steamboat are amazing in the summer and Telluride in the Fall is my FAVORITE ❤️
Lisa D says
Grest list!! To add to your Colorado ski areas, check out Powderhorn. It’s small and local, off the beaten path and pretty awesome!
Angela W says
LOVE Copper Mountain, CO. we have 4 kids and copper you park your car for the week and don’t need it any more! Village is all walkable with shuttles to the east and west sides. my older kids have plenty of double black diamond bowls to ski whereas my younger two can cruise nice open blues and greens. they ‘ve always had great snow, tubing, ice skating and lots of condos to chose from. lots of good restraurants to eat at also!
Joanne Klein says
Not in the US but Mont Tremblant in Quebec, Canada is an adorable little town. Really fun ziplining in the summer months too.
Rachel Kazmier says
I’m lease note how COLORADO dominates all lists!!!!! Golly living here is the best! Off to ski for the long weekend. Crested Butte is my fav but this weekend we are hitting up Keystone!
Kami Cekosh says
Whistler is our favorite! ❤️
Karleigh Johnson says
I was interested in Telluride this year but someone mentioned people often get stuck there during Christmas because of the snow.
Do you know if this is true at all?
Mix and Match Mama says
We have only been once and didn’t have any issues…but it is quite the drive, so I can totally see how that’s possible.
Niki Tribble says
Wait what is your family’s favorite Shae? Ours is definitely Telluride, Big Sky and Steamboat in that order!
Mix and Match Mama says
My personal favorite is Park City. Andrew and Smith though (who actually know how to snowboard whereas I do not) would say Vail.
Jill says
You totally missed Mammoth, CA! Best Mountain by far – and they usually have some of the best snow (like now!) Most beautiful place I have ever skied is Panorama in Canada. nothing compares!
Shoshanah says
Yes! Exactly what I thought! How did this get missed???
Tiffany Burgermeister says
I grew up in Crested Butte, CO in the 80’s. There was no high school in CB at the time, so we had to bus each day to Gunnison to attend school. It’s a gorgeous place, but super small and kind of isolated, so I didn’t really appreciate it growing up. My mom and stepdad moved to Moab, Utah when I graduated high school, so I’ve only returned a few times in all of these years. Definitely a great ski town!
Becky O says
Our absolute favorites for Rockies are Beaver Creek and Crested Butte but we are spending spring break in Breckenridge this year. For Eat coast we love Mt Snow and Stowe in Vermont. Both are a great size and fun village.
Great list and happy skiing!