I hope you guys are looking forward to these posts each week as much as I am. I really, really get excited each time this group discusses bettering ourselves. It just makes me happy to see women actively choosing their own health and wellness. There are a lot of negative things online, so it blesses me to see all of us choosing to spend our time doing something positive on the internet.
Before I dive (or should I say “walk”) into today’s post, just a reminder that I also have my first AMAZON LATELY post this year (my first one since August!) as well as a yummy VALENTINE’S DAY RECIPE too.
…hi, my name is Shay, and I am a runner.
There are few things in life that I would say I do often enough/well enough/have done long enough to award me a title…and running is one of them.
Except now, I would say “I am a runner who rarely runs”.
Over the years, I’ve shared many, many, MANY times how much I love running. I even have SHAY’S GUIDE TO RUNNING and SHAY’S GUIDE TO RUNNING PART 2 here on my blog.
That being said, in August, I took a step back from running after DECADES and well, I don’t think I’ll ever go back.
Here are the deets in a nutshell:
1: I started running my freshman year in college because it was FREE exercise. I immediately fell in love with it and really never stopped.
2: I have completed numerous 5 and 10ks and even two full marathons.
3: Lacing up my running shoes, putting my headphones on and heading out to run is one of my very favorite things. Whether I’m running two miles or ten, I look forward to it.
Here’s the thing though, when we came home from Nantucket at the beginning of August this last summer, it was 108 degrees in Texas, so I literally could not run. Even early in the morning, it was too muggy and humid and nasty outside (especially coming off Nantucket weather) for me to run, so I started walking on my “running” days.
Here’s what I noticed:
1: Going from running to walking did not affect anything “exercise-wise” for me. I didn’t gain weight. I didn’t get out of shape. Nothing “bad” happened to me when I slowed down and started walking.
2: When I started walking, I could do that with friends. I can’t run and chat with friends, but I can certainly walk and talk. Instead of being by myself running every day, I could ask a friend to join me and connect with an actual human during that time instead of just listening to a podcast. I could also include my dogs. My dogs aren’t built for running, but they can certainly go on nice long walks with me.
3: I started physically feeling better when I was walking. At this point, strength training and lifting heavy weights is my #1 “workout” of choice and my main focus of activity. I think I was so used to my legs being tired from running and my hamstrings being tight from running that I didn’t realize how much better I would feel lifting weights (especially legs) with legs that weren’t exhausted. Does that make sense? I was able to lift heavier with legs that were more “fresh” and hamstrings that weren’t so tight with legs that were more “rested” and thus…the needle moved more on my body composition changing (stronger, more toned muscles).
So, the weather changed in Texas, and I started running again but quickly realized, I really had enjoyed walking A LOT…so I started doing a combination of both (some days walk, some days run).
And then…
…in December, I listened to this podcast episode and had a WOW moment.
So many of the things I had been thinking/feeling/wondering became even more clear as I was listening. I shared this episode with you guys in December, but I wanted to share it again here today as I truly found it so fascinating and have thought about it many many times over the last two months. This episode here was REALLY POWERFUL for me, a “former runner”, especially about health and aging.
If you are a runner or if you are a walker or if you are a hybrid or if you’re just curious, I highly recommend you take a listen.
So, that’s my little “wellness” chat today. I’m certainly not saying running is bad for you (I love running!), I’m just saying that whether it’s running or CrossFit or tennis or whatever it is you do all the time, maybe it wouldn’t hurt to take a step back and just reevaluate whether it’s still serving you and your goals. Maybe it is? If so, then reevaluating should be pretty affirming and positive. Maybe it’s not though…and reevaluating can help you consider something new.
If you’re out there now and would like to become a walker (because, hello, it’s awesome!), I wanted to remind you that…
…I have my WALKING PAD REVIEW as well. This is a great tool to use inside on days when you can’t get outside. I use the brand Sperax and really really love it!
If you’re like me and want to “bump up” your walking routine…
…add my beloved WEIGHTED VEST for some extra resistance. (I use it while on my WALKING PAD too!)
Whether you’re walking or running, I just hope you’re able to get out and about today and get a few “steps in” 🙂 .
That’s this week’s Wellness Wednesday! xx
Sarah Nienhuis says
Thank you for this post! Can you share how far you walk on a typical day and how fast you walk it? Thank you!!
Mix and Match Mama says
On days when I don’t lift (so I’m only running or walking), I usually spend about an hour. It took me a bit to get over the fact that running covers more ground so I see more/get more steps in/etc, but it’s about an hour for both. I love to “cover ground” especially on Nantucket, so I bet I run a bit more this summer than I’m running now…but it’s about an hour either way.
Elspeth says
I have become a runner but i love to add walks in my daily fitness routines too, especially in rest days! I’ll definitely be listening to that podcast!
Jess says
Thank you so much for highlighting, I’ve felt guilty so often for changing how I workout. I have significantly decreased my running in favor of walking, weighted weights walks, and hikes so this is really encouraging!
Sarah says
Have you read his book? I also listened to him on a podcast just recently and I’m hoping to read his book soon!
Mix and Match Mama says
I haven’t read his book yet, but it’s on my list!
Beth Knecht says
I love, love, love running and while I’ve done it since I was 11 I don’t have as much time to do it anymore and I feel like I get more bang from lifting. I listened to that podcast episode 2 weeks ago and then had a cross country dream, apparently they still happen nearly 20 years later. Will always love running and savor it but also feel my aging body needs more weights and rest from the pounding!
Addy J Robinson says
I love this! I only run in shorter bursts now. A friend is rehabbing her knee from surgery and her PT described running as “jumping on one foot, all your weight” and I think about that often. It’s an intense workout on your joints and as I age I think about risk vs. reward a lot.
Mix and Match Mama says
Wow! That’s a really good visual.
Merry Morris says
I am 71 years old and have never been a runner. I love to walk. But my 74 year old sister loved to run and did it a lot. However, in her late 60’s she developed severe knee and back issues. And after a few surgeries on both her back and one of her knees, she continues to be in lots of pain. I feel so sorry for her because she use to be a great athlete and also taught PE and coached from the age of 21 until she retired.
I just say all of this to say be careful with running. And of course genetics plays a part as well. Our Mom had issues with osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. I enjoy your blog Shay. I follow you and your Mom. I would love to hear her workout routine. My husband and I go to CrossFit twice a week. I call it Geriatric CrossFit!
Lisa N says
Curious if you walk a total of miles, minutes or steps.
Mix and Match Mama says
That’s a great question, I typically have to rely on minutes for my schedule, but for me, I can go about 3.5 miles in 50ish minutes. Today though, I did back exercises and only walked 30 minutes…so I don’t always spend that much time walking.
Beth Valenta says
Yes to walking! It is my steady exercise that I love. I saved for that walking pad and Amazon saying it is not availble. Do you have an recommendations of another one similar that you may have looked at? I see so many and am a little overwhelmed as to which is a good brand.
Mix and Match Mama says
Mine specific one keeps going in and out of stock. The brand is Sperax. Here are other options: https://shopstyle.it/l/cmckD
Nicole says
I feel like I could have written this myself! I’m working through his book and my mind is blown! I have taken a step away from running, sleeping more and honestly have never felt better! Thanks for this post!
Mix and Match Mama says
I was anxious to see what you’d say about this today, Nicole. I love, love, love that you and are on the same journey.
Laura says
When I retired six years ago I decided to get out and walk the dog everyday. I have kept it up and feel great. At first I really didn’t like it but then I realized how good it was for me and my attitude changed. Now I look forward to getting out everyday. I also just joined the YMCA so I can do a little more. Im really enjoying it and plan to keep it up.
Amy says
This is off the subject of walking but does have to do with wellness. Do you or anyone out there take or do anything for brain health? I feel like my brain is constantly under a heavy fog these days but not sure that any of the supplements really work. I am truly struggling and would take any advice.
Mix and Match Mama says
I am going to do an entire post on supplements, but I take Alpha GPC specifically for my brain health.
sandi says
Great question! Not sure if it is post menopausal fog or what, but this heavy brain fog issue is real and hard to explain to my husband. Bombarded with so much information online it is hard to decide what is good and beneficial versus just bad advise. Will be interested to see where Shay/others land with advice for this.
Diane says
Don’t forget the impact of hormones. Talk to a dr who does testosterone pellets. Very different results than estradiol. Yes, women need testosterone and it triggers your body’s production of estradiol so it helps with a lot!
Stacey says
I second this! I take testosterone cream and it has improved my estrogen, sex drive, and energy
Marisa Patel says
I needed this reminder today, thank you!!!! I am trying hard this year to get myself motivated and started on taking better care of myself, it is hard though. With my family and work demands, I never have time to do anything I need to do.
Ellen says
Interesting. I feel like running is having a moment with some influencers, but falling out of favor with others. I see a lot of reels claiming that it creates too much cortisol. Did you consider that theory? I don’t know if it’s come up in your readings on wellness.
I CANNOT imagine running in Texas heat, so I totally get why you would switch to walking!
Mix and Match Mama says
I don’t know that I’ve specifically heard cortisol addressed…but I’ve listened to so much and read so much on the topic lately, that I’m sure it was covered at some point. I need to read this specific book too.
SS says
I am a walker!!! I do not like to run…too much during highschool and my joints feel it. We do walk a lot and like you with our dogs. We have a hilly road, so it does give us some variety instead of just flat. We just walked and it is 20* with windchill of 11*. We try to walk as much as possible when we don’t have ice and salt on our road. I walk with kiddo and it is a great time to catch up on life!
Kristin says
Yes to this!! After tearing a meniscus in one knee and completely tearing my ACL in the other leg (neither while running!), running just isn’t in the picture for me anymore. We go for hour long walks every day and love them. I do NOT miss those tight hammies one bit!! Walking, weights, core, and cardio w/o running for me! And my 59 year old husband who has been running since middle school, has finally decided that 8 miles is enough for a long run and has given up on his quest for another sub 60 quarter. Whew!
Kristen says
I love to walk.. the older I get it’s so much easier on my back and joints. Here in New England I still try to walk 4x a week for an hour but luckily we don’t have to deal w/ the Texas heat.. I deal w/ the opposite.. I only walk if it’s higher than 30 degrees, lol!! And I walk with my neighbor.. it’s makes it soo much better to walk with a friend and chat!!!
Brittany says
Love this and love your wellness posts. I’m just curious what weight your vest is? Thanks!
Mix and Match Mama says
Mine is 12 pounds. Thank YOU for stopping by today!!
Madeline Clark says
Wellness Wednesday is just my favorite! I look forward to it every week! 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
Yay!!! I really love it too!! xx
Stephanie says
I’m so excited that you are loving walking !! It is so good for your health in so many ways! It helps with anxiety, depression, blood pressure, insulin, brain health, joint and bone health, etc. I had a short stint when I was a runner. I challenged myself to run 5 5k’s before 50 and it was great fun. My husband did it with me. I was on that runner’s high and did a Half marathon when I was 50. After that I went back to walking and decided I really loved that so much more. I walk 75 minutes each day outside ( unless it’s snowing) around 4.2 miles. I definitely feel different mood wise when I can’t get outside. We bought the walking pad for Christmas and my husband uses that after work and he loves it.
Jenny N says
I love to run and walk, but hello, I live in South Texas and it is too hot most of the year to run! I will typically run a couple days a week from November-April and then walk all the other days. I could walk for miles, and do most days. It is such a stress reliever for me!
We are having some work done at our house and as soon as everything is put back together we are going to buy a treadmill because it would be nice when it is over 100 degrees to get a nice long walk in without sweating to death!
Keisha Dawson says
I was a runner for so many years, and walking has become my favorite! I have a friend that I meet two mornings a week for a 45 minute walk, and I try to get out and walk for a little bit after lunch each day. I feel so much better walking!
Marisa says
yes! Same here. I feel like strenuous exercise can keep us inflamed! I also love Peloton outdoor for walking and ADORE the walking on peloton indoor but especially the Hikes are fantastic~
amy miller says
Love this post! I’ve been doing Burn Bootcamp for over two years and my weight has been steadily going up 😫 So frustrating! I’m 52 and I know it’s hormone related. I’ve been to drs and they’ve all said I’m working out too hard/intense and I need to be walking and weight training. It seems so counterintuitive. Walking seems boring to me, but I’m trying it! I’ve ordered a walking pad (I wanted yours but it was unavailable) and it will be here tomorrow. Thank you for reinforcing what I keep hearing!
Mix and Match Mama says
Sending YOU so much love, Amy! I have listened to SO MANY podcast episodes (especially Everyday Wellness ones) about women over exercising and under eating and how at a certain age, it leads to weight gain. If you haven’t listened, you totally, totally should!
Laura says
Yes! Thank you for this! I am 42 and love to run. Like you, I did not really get into it until I became an adult. I hurt myself in October running on the treadmill at too high of an incline. Doctor told me to rest (eek!) and thought it was a strained hip flexor. Fast forward to January and I had an MRI. Turns out I tore my labrum in my hip. I am currently doing PT and my PT said it is such a common injury that many people have torn them and not known, particularly middle aged women. Mine has formed a cyst which makes it painful, unfortunately. I am potentially looking at surgery and recovery and know that walking is going to be my friend for a good long time before I can run again. I am having to teach myself that that is okay. Thanks for the encouragement.
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh I hope you heal and recover soon. I am so sorry you’re going through this. I truly think you’ll find walking a wonderful friend. xx
Laura says
Thanks Shay! I am type A when it comes to exercise so it is hard to deal with injury. Probably a lesson in there somewhere. 😊
Emily Schmitz says
Could you add a revised/current lifting schedule? Maybe even an actual workout? How do you know what exercises to do?
Mix and Match Mama says
I can most certainly do that. I typically let the FitBod app tell me what to do. Have you tried that app? I have an entire post on it here: https://mixandmatchmama.com/2024/10/fit-bod-app-review/
Emily Schmitz says
I haven’t…I just downloaded it! Thank you so much. You inspire me to “do better” a little at a time! 😉
Mix and Match Mama says
And you guys inspire the exact same thing for me. xx
Beverly says
Can you Please post the brand name of your weighted vest. I’m a walker and would love to add the vest but I can never open any of your links as they are blocked by the Safesearch on my laptop.
Many thanks. Love your blog.
Mix and Match Mama says
Of course! It’s from Amazon and the brand is Zelus.
Anne says
My husband and I were runners. We would not run more than 3 miles day, but when we exercised, it was running. A teacher at the high school our boys graduated from, coached cross country. We saw him biking one day and wearing a knee brace. We asked what happened and he said his knees were hurting after he went for a run. He said he’s done running. The part of the conversation that stuck with both my husband and myself was when he said his mom was a big runner also, but said she wished she’d quit running sooner. That did it for me…no more knee pain walking and like you didn’t change my weight.
Jennifer C. says
I love to run, but these days, I see better results with lifting heavy (and know the value), so that is my priority. However, I do really look forward to my Saturday AM runs. It’s something I do for myself that feels like a treat. However, I also love to walk and have tried to figure out a way to fit it all in. I’m a work in progress! I’ll check out that podcast episode – thank you!
Kelly Bonner says
I love this post! I started walking 2 miles per day in January 2024 & I love it! I try really hard to get out & walk every single day. I love the way it helps my mental health & how I feel after committing to it.
MS says
Wondering if you would be willing to share your gym leg day routine in a future wellness post? What exercises are on repeat that have given you the best results…
Mix and Match Mama says
YES!! It’s coming up really soon!
WhittyWife (Lindsay) says
Ironically, over the past 6 months or so, I’ve also been making a switch from distance running to walking and sprints. No joke, when I listened to that podcast in December, I almost reached out to you and asked what you thought! (If it hadn’t been the busy holiday season I totally would have!) I immediately thought of you, since it confirmed everything I’d been feeling lately about walking and sprint work vs. running, and I wondered if you were starting to focus more on walking too. Since my hysterectomy last January, I feel like my own research and health focus/journey has been so similar to yours. I so appreciate you sharing this area of your life – it has been very affirming during my own journey.
So much wisdom in that podcast! 😊
Kelly Ryan says
Great post! Curious if you are walking in the shoes he recommends or walking in your running shoes? I think my shoes may be too cushioned.
Mix and Match Mama says
I know it’s not ideal, but I tend to walk and run in the same pair of shoes just because it’s super convenient.
Jess B says
Never a runner, but love the idea of it 😆…I appreciate the link back to the review of the walking pad, I’ve been thinking of adding one, and it’s incredibly helpful to see you’ve enjoyed yours for a few months and still do!
Jen Kosten says
Thank you for sharing these Wellness posts. I really enjoyed that podcast episode and it led me down a rabbit hole of great content. Love my weighted vest to kick up my treadmill time!
Deb says
I am a walker and I walk faster than many people run. I have never liked running, but walking is a great physical exercise for me as well as good for my emotional health – it makes me a happier and healthier person. The weather does not always cooperate so I am looking into walking pad for those days I can’t walk outside (outside is definitely my preference). I really appreciate your post on the walking pad as it has provided good info for me. Thank you.
Vanessa says
I love this post! I am definitely a walker who just recently added a weighted vest (fighting the effects of menopause). My friend and I have a standing Sunday morning walk. It gives us time to catch up on our weeks and get our movement in. And we do it early (especially in summer) because yeah- TX heat is no joke. Definitely checking out the podcast. Thanks for the recommendation!