Happy Friday, friends!
I’m super pumped about today because I’m heading off to Canton to find some fall and holiday treasures. If you’re not local, then you’re probably like “what the heck is Canton?”. It’s a town about 1.5 hours from me (out towards East Texas) that has this HUGE flea market once a month. They have all sorts of cute holiday and fall stuff this time of year…so, I’m excited to drink my coffee and look around. Plussssss…this weekend is Oktoberfest in McKinney, so it’s basically the best weekend ever 😉 .
Being the October baby that I am, my heart gets extra happy this time of year.
Just like every Friday, I’m linking up with my friends Erika, Narci and Andrea and sharing my favorite things from this week.
Have a great weekend!! xo
My sweet friend Amanda introduced a new line of cups this season! I totally had to grab this one 🙂 . I really like these insulated cups because my drinks stay cold all day long. Remember, I bought this one from her last year…
…and it’s still a favorite of mine too. You can see them both at her Etsy shop.
Well look how cute these workout shorts are…
…they’re from Old Navy, so the price is great! (They come in many colors and prints!) I typically wear Athelta’s shorts, but they don’t make as many at this length anymore, so I branched out. Athleta does make my favorite sports bra though…
…I love this sports bra! I’m wearing it with my tank and a long sleeved shirt from last year.
Annnnnd…in all of the pics above (including the cup pic), I’m wearing my favorite house shoes EVER! I had to get a new pair because…a kiddo got sick on my old pair. Sigh. This time, I bought them in the color nightfall leather, but they come in many different colors!
I keep forgetting to share this with you guys! Sheaffer told me a while back to start buying this in my freezer section…
…I love it!!
I have eaten this twice this week. I ate it once with my sloppy joes on top (kind of like a pasta with meat sauce but with sloppy joes instead) and then once with some EVOO and a little parm to go with my brisket. We’ve been eating it for months now, but I always forget to tell you to try it. My two big kids are not really into it, but my little two are. I really, really like it!
It’s was book review day on Tuesday!!!
Okay…guess what? Between Tuesday and today, I’ve already read a book from your suggestions.
Couldn’t put it down.
It will be the first book on my October Book Review.
And it’s only September 28.
In the meantime, you guys need to head HERE and read the book suggestions in the comment section!!! Clearly, there are some great ones!!
Oh my gosh! Look what my friend Sally sent me this week. ISN’T THIS PERFECTION?! I cannot wait until October 26 when I can drink my coffee/tea/hot chocolate and start watching these movies. BRING. IT. ON!
If you missed my Ann Taylor post yesterday, you can see it HERE. I wore my new top and cute little jeans just yesterday…
…that pearl detail just makes me happy 🙂 . I paired it with my boots from the Anniversary Sale which are super cute too (and currently 33% off!).
If you’re looking for me next Friday, I’ll be here…
…I am so pumped!!!!
I don’t know about you…but at my house right now, it’s CHILI SEASON!!!
…I’m sharing 12 EASY CHILI RECIPES for your Fall right HERE. We eat chili a lot around here! It’s easy, it’s quick and it’s always family-friendly!
And last but not least…
…anyone want to know if they won our Mix and Match Travel Agency $3000 gift card?!?!
Drum roll please…
Congratulations, Sarah!!! I emailed you this morning. I need you to email me back ASAP to claim your prize!!!
For those of you who are not Sarah, I’m sorry!! If you’re still interested in a vacation, we would love to help you though!! Email us!! We love, love, love working on vacations, and we’d love to help you too!! mixandmatchtravelagency@yahoo.com
Happy weekend!! xo
Erika Slaughter says
Happy Friday! Yes!! Give me all the chili recipes right now!
Nicole says
I’m an Athleta shorts girl!! I usually wear XS, wondering if I should order XS or S in the Old Navy ones?? Cute find!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Order the same! I buy xs in both and they fit great!
Nicole says
I just got them for $10!!! Thanks!
Sarah Shaneyfelt says
That Hallmark coffee cup is my favorite!! I’m so excited about the Christmas movies starting on Oct 26!!
Lauren Carpenter says
We have been eating the Zucchini Lentil Pasta too— it is a total game changer!!! My daughter even thought it was regular pasta at first (with some sauce on it, of course) 🙂
Elspeth Mizner says
Have a great fun weekend!
Narci says
What a FUN set of favorites!! Cute outfits, fall cups, and yummy food! Can’t best that!
Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams says
I had that same veggie pasta twice this week too! It’s the easiest add on to lunch with a little protein. So funny, I don’t think I’ve shared that find either. That hallmark mug is too funny! Happy Friday Shay!
Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams
Maggie says
Love all your favorites!!! What is the color of nail polish You are wearing ?
Mix and Match Mama says
OPI Lincoln Park After Dark 🙂
Hanna Broom says
Can’t wait for Happy Hour Live! It’s going to be so fun!
Sheaffer Sims says
Uh oh. Now there’s going to be a shortage of the zucchini pasta. Not kidding. Last time I talked about it, it sold out everywhere for weeks. I hope you bought in bulk! Hahaha!
Jenni says
Where’d you get the Hallmark Christmas movie mug? I didn’t see a link… I need one!
Mix and Match Mama says
It was a gift from my friend Sally!
Michelle O says
I NEED one too!!!
Beth Miller says
After reading the comments from your book review, I’ve already listened to “Happiness for Beginners” and “The Residence”! I just check out audiobooks from the library and listen while I shower, drive, walk, etc. Both were really good! I also listen at 1.5 speed! 😉 I’m still reading Outlander, so the audiobooks help to break it up!
Sarah S says
Do you have a source for the Hallmark mug?! I need to get a few as gifts – so cute!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog says
So happy it’s finally Friyay! 🙂 And the zucchini pasta you linked looks good, would love to try it myself if I can find it in Hong Kong! 🙂
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Nicole says
Random question, do you order school pictures each year??
Mix and Match Mama says
I do!
Sandra says
I love Canton!! I have been going there for at least 15 years. I am hoping to go next month and get some Christmas goodies!
Liz says
I am so jealous of you going to canton! ? It’s my weekend to work. ? Next month. I’ll introduce Grace to the whole new world of Canton. Last month was Trades Day. She doesn’t even know what’s coming. So excited for Happy Hour. I love Jamie Ivey. It will be a great panel discussion.
Laurie S says
Happy Friday! Regarding the Hallmark movies… there are 36 new holiday movies coming out this year on Saturday and Sundays on BOTH Hallmark Channels. Repeats of past holiday movies will be during the week. There’s the regular one and there’s the Movies and Mysteries channel. Oh yes! I’m not leaving the house. ?
Liisa says
Can anyone please tell me which grocery store sells the zucchini pasta? We live in Frisco 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
Market Street!!!
Alexandra says
I feel like you read my mind. I was just clicking through your chili recipes yesterday! 🙂
Rachel says
We eat the zucchini pasta too – my kids love the cheesy kind 🙂 Have a great weekend!
Erin Port says
How fun you will be there next week and I love Annie F. Downs. Her 100 Days to Brave devotional is on my list of favorites this week.
Paula Romer says
Shay… I’m so excited for you to be on the “Happy Hour Live” event with Jamie Ivey. You go girl! Was this the advertisement for this year or a past event? I noticed the ad graphic features the beautiful and wonderful Wynter Pitts… Who we lost suddenly this summer. I’ve been praying so hard for her precious family and sweet girls as they’ve walked through grief and loss. Praying that the Lord will embolden you to share your heart and the message He has for these women in attendance.
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s the one they sent me and asked me to post. I just realized that too. They sent it to me last night. Clearly, they sent the wrong one. I just posted it and didn’t think much about it.
Alicia says
Oh my gosh, the hallmark mug is TOO funny! If you ever get a link to it, let us know! My sister gets cable one time a year…for Hallmark Christmas movies!!! So, this would be the best gift for her.
Ann Marie Tennison says
Ahhh! Congrats to the winner!!!! And I am about to order a new water cup, too!!!! Have a great time next weekend, Shay!
Tish Ferry says
Yay for the chili recipes! It’s literally on my “to do” list this weekend to find a good chili for football season Sundays! You just MADE MY DAY!! 🙂 Simply Tish
Jenna says
Love all this fall goodness! I have to try that zucchini lentil pasta now, and I’m so excited you get to hang out with Amy Brown next Friday! Love her and Bobby Bones! I would totally love to date him!!
Jas says
Amy Brown is so awesome! I live in Florida but The Bobby Bones Show is on the radio and she is awesome!
Please post a link for the Hallmark mug!! Love it!
Colleen says
Great favorites!
I found the Hallmark mug here.
Andrea says
I’m glad I’m out the only one who knows the start date of the Hallmark Christmas movies??
Jenny N says
I have been wearing the Old Navy work out shorts for the last several months and they have become a new favorite. I used to wear only Nike, but the Old Navy shorts are so soft and so much cheaper plus they come in cute prints!
Amanda @ That Inspired Chick says
Thanks for sharing my shop, friend!! And I’ve got to try that pasta! Ordering some now! That Inspired Chick
Kelly Nation says
Okay now I need to know what book you read! I read the comments but I can’t figure it out. I enjoyed My Oxford Year BUT… (spoiler alert) it was a little too Jojo Moyes in the end for my taste.
Debbie K says
I need that Hallmark mug…. And I’m counting the days until the movies start! Love me some Hallmark Christmas movies!
Elizabeth says
Shay, have you been to Round Top?? You would LOVE it!!
Mix and Match Mama says
My mom says that too! She loves it!
Andrea says
Where did you get your pumpkin shirt in your stories??? I ♥️It!!! Also those veggies noodles are a piece of heaven for this gluten free dairy free girl!!! ??
Mix and Match Mama says
Christina says
Mistletoe Promise by Richard Paul Evans is so good, I keep forgetting to suggest that one to you.
I loved the characters and it’s a very cozy read.
Taylor says
Such a good list!!
Lauren says
Seeing that Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey mention with Wynter Pitts made me remember hearing about her recent passing. I hadn’t heard of her before but after she passed I saw news about it – so sad – but her family seems to have approached it with such strong faith that it’s inspiring.
Mix and Match Mama says
She was an author at my publishing house. I know she was very much loved and is so very missed.
Jennifer Stillwell says
Do the shorts have the built in underwear?
Mix and Match Mama says
They do!
Meg says
I found the Old navy shorts about a year ago and haven’t bought more expensive ones since…cute styles, great fit and hold up well 🙂
Lois Hilty says
Is that pasta frozen or refrigerated?
Mix and Match Mama says
Heather B says
Shay!!! My sister & I are having a girls weekend in Austin & coming to the Friday HHL event. We’re both so excited & can’t wait to meet you?
Mix and Match Mama says
Ah!!!!! Yay!! I can’t wait to meet YOU!!
Katie James says
YES to the Birds Eye frozen pastas! I mix the plain one you pictured with a microwave pouch of Madras Lentils. SO good. They also make other shapes with sauces. 3 year old calls it “mac and cheese” and I call it “yay you ate fiber!” so it’s a win-win.
Angela Ellingson says
I so wish I could teleport to the Happy Hour Live next week! Those lucky ladies! It will be so much fun. Can’t wait for Hallmark Christmas movies!!!
Laura LaToof-Martinez says
Headed to Canton today! What were your favorite areas?
Mix and Match Mama says
The Arbors!!
Beth Knecht says
Cannot wait for the Holiday Hallmark movies!!
Beth says
Ahhh! We LOVE Radio Amy (Amy Brown) so much at my house! She’s so cool and an inspiration for sure. Neat crossover of two ladies I love!