Happy happy happy Halloween, friends!
I cannot believe it’s Halloween…CANNOT BELIEVE IT. This is always one of our favorite nights of the year as a family, but this year, it’s going to look so different…and I’m trying to have a good attitude. This year, as luck would have it, Smith’s last football game of the season is tonight. Boo. As much as I hate missing his game, I would hate for my three girls to miss trick or treating and neighborhood fun, so Andrew will be at the game, and I’ll be with the girls. I really wish the athletic department would consult me before planning games 😉 .
Even though our night won’t be normal, it will still be COZY and FUN!
Today, I’m sharing my 9 KEYS TO A COZY HALLOWEEN NIGHT. These are just some simple ways to make your Halloween night cozy whether you celebrate it or not. These are just easy little ideas we could all do to make our October 31st enjoyable.
Ready, set, here are my 9 KEYS…
We will be having our traditional GHOUL-ASH for dinner tonight (which is easy and delish!), but maybe you prefer a casserole or chili or soup or stew…either way, this is not the night for a grilled chicken salad. This is the night for a giant bowl of comfort food.
I love me a festive playlist! We will be playing Halloween radio on Pandora tonight (it’s a fun mix of songs like Thriller, Ghostbusters, etc), but if that’s not your jam, try Steve Tyrell radio on Pandora for that “cozy night in with Nancy Meyers” kind of feel.
You get bonus points if your candles are pumpkin scented. Light more than your normally do…you’re creating a cozy mood after all.
If you have a fireplace, I just think it’s almost required to turn it on Halloween night 😉 . Nothing, I repeat nothing, evokes “cozy night in” more than a fire.
Whether it’s Hocus Pocus or Runaway Bride, put something on that gives you all the fall feels.
I personally like to put a Halloween costume on, so if you have one, wear it or wear a fun and festive sweatshirt…or if you’re not into that kind of thing, put on your coziest and comfiest clothes for your night in.
Well, of course! You can’t get “cozy night in” with your overhead lights blaring. I would actually turn off all of the overhead lights and use lamps instead.
Whether this night is a holiday for you or just a Tuesday, I think setting an intention to be in the moment and not online is probably a great idea. I know I certainly never regret being in the moment, but often regret mindless scrolling.
And well, it wouldn’t be October 31st without a little candy to end the night. I think it’s a must.
Since this will be the first year my kiddos haven’t all dressed up (insert me crying) for the occasion, I thought we could end with a little look back…
Babies don’t keep, y’all. Babies don’t keep.
Okay, don’t forget, you can also catch my…
25 Keys to a Peaceful Morning
22 Keys to making Fall Cozy
19 Key Fall Kitchen Essentials
18 Keys to Prepping for a Trip
14 Keys to simplify BACK TO SCHOOL
21 Keys to Savoring Summer
21 Keys for Working at Home {Summer Edition}
25 Keys to Outdoor Summer Entertaining
25 Keys to Maintaining our Yard
17 Keys to my Holiday Prep
11 Keys to a Cozy Winter
9 Keys to Returning from a Trip
12 Keys to Leaving Your Kiddos When You Travel
13 Keys to Meal Planning
8 Keys to Creating Daily Routines You Love
21 Keys to Elevating the Everyday
13 Keys to Managing Jet Lag
Also, don’t forget…
I will be back here in blog world TOMORROW, so make sure you stop back by. I hope you all have the coziest and most special October 31st!
Happy Halloween!
Erika Slaughter says
Happy Halloween!! 🎃 👻 Babies. Don’t. Keep. Say it again!!
Jess says
Gah! I’m in a similar boat. My 11 year old son has football playoffs this weekend and they have a mandatory practice tonight. I’m bummed for him! And my freshman son no longer wants to go out. Guess I’ll stay home, pass out candy and use some of your cozy tips! Happy Halloween.
Elspeth says
What a sweet look back! Have a happy Halloween!
Kristen Thompson says
I can totally relate to your struggles tonight! My brother and I are 11 years apart and the town I grew up in ALWAYS did trick or treating on the Friday night of Halloween week so when I was 3, 4, 5, and 6 and my brother was in high school he always had football games on trick or treating night! Whyyyyy do they do this?! My poor parents had to take turns going to the games, and when I was really little; they asked a group of neighbors if I could come earlier than scheduled so they didn’t have to miss his games! So frustrating for parents and siblings!
Sheaffer says
Loved the look back! Madeley as Moana shall go down in history.
Kay says
I am right there with you! My oldest (of 3) is a high school senior so it is not lost on me that this is his last year “under our roof.” Waaaah! None of my kids are dressing up this year :(, but my oldest decorated the garage for a Halloween party he had. So we’re going to repurpose that to hand out candy tonight, and hope that we get to see a lot of those cute little trick-or-treaters we no longer have. Happy Halloween to you and your family!
Eliz says
I love all of your cozy tips! I can always count on your blog for the best ways to celebrate each holiday!
Kristin Lyngaas says
Sorry but were coaches not ever kids?!? 8th grade isn’t old and many have siblings. I work in middle school, I know. And no they aren’t too old to enjoy Halloween. Not to mention parents having to worry about practice/ games drive time etc. Sometimes I truly don’t think we are “thinking” and it’s sad. Shay you rock and I hope you all in McKinney have a blast! We will be watching our DBacks in Phoenix hopefully kick some booth in the World Series tonight. Happy Halloween!! 🧡🖤🧡🖤
Mix and Match Mama says
Sending YOU so much love, Kristin!! xx
sandi says
Our neighborhood is C.R.A.Z.Y halloween night. Police close streets, people pour in, residents sit at the end of the driveways to make it easier for the kids and if you don’t have at least 800 pieces of candy you will run out. Some neighbors create haunted garages for the brave to walk through, one will set up three or four tables in her driveway and instead of candy she will have sweaters, coats, t-shirts and socks for parents to take for their kids if needed, several will have crock pots with hot cider or hot chocolate for parents. About ten years ago, one little girl handed out thank you notes to us for providing a fun safe place for kids to come get candy.
I did not grow up celebrating Halloween because it was too secular and instead we attended the “Fall Festival” and bobbed for apples at church. It was a bummer since it was my birthday and would have been fun to walk around getting candy. Our kids are too old to collect candy now but it is fun to hand it out to all the costumed kids!
stephanie says
Happy birthday Sandi! You neighborhood sounds so fun!
Amy says
The crock pot or instant pot is always your friend on Halloween!
Jen L. says
Happy Halloween! I wish my Halloween could be cozy but we will have at least 100 trick or treaters and my dogs will bark at every single one. Ha ha. Have a great night.
Beverly says
Moana Madely is a favorite!
Beth Valenta says
Love the cozy! Doing taco salads tonight…Looking forward to relaxing with fire. I have been Barbie all day here at school. Have a great evening!
Krista S. Steenbergen says
Love this post and watching your littles grow up! Mine are all grown and I still remember the epic breakdown I had the first time my oldest didn’t trick or treat with us! I had no warning! My other children were comforting me😂! Mommin’ ain’t easy, but it’s so much fun!
Therese says
Your Taco Chili and candy corn cupcakes are on our menu for tonight!
Mix and Match Mama says
Yay!!! Thank you, Therese!!!
Erin Hernandez says
I remember the the transition to older kid halloween.. so hard for us mamas who love the holiday! I think the thing that helped us the most was making sure to open up our home to their friends (and their parents too) for the night! We kept some traditions such as always eating gumbo and introduced some new ones- firepit, smores, and a movie in our backyard. Make your home THE place they and all their friends want to be! Our kids graduated from trick or treating to walking the neighborhood as the zombie squad, to fighting over who was going to pass out the candy each time the doorbell rang. Even now at 20 and 22, they are the hosts of the Halloween activities at their homes away from home <3 Happy Halloween- hope its a scream!
Jennifer F says
My daughter has state marching band competition tonight and she is required to go and that’s thrown in kink in our plans too! Why on earth do the powers that be do this?? Glad to know we aren’t the only ones though. Love all of your tips and the trip down memory lane. It makes me realize how long I’ve been reading your blog:)
Hope ya’ll have a great night!!!
Laura Nailor says
All of our family’s holiday celebrations have become much more special thanks to your blog! We’ve been making Ghoul-ash for so long, now my kids wouldn’t want anything else. Thanks for always encouraging your readers to make the most simple days special! 🧡
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh goodness, this means more to me than you know. Thank you, Laura!! Happy November!
Liz Thorson says
Loved the pics from years past! 2016 is my fav! Love the girls 3 looks of Taylor Swift this year!