This recipe here is an oldie but a goodie that I’ve been revisiting in my own kitchen as it’s perfect for the winter weather. It’s quick, it’s simple, it makes excellent leftovers, your house will smell amazing, and it’s hearty….
Australia PART 3: Blue Mountains, Kangaroos & Koalas
33 CommentsIt’s a THREE POST TUESDAY! Today, I have PART THREE of our trip to Australia below + I have A WELLNESS POST for you (yup, on a Tuesday!) + a MY PLATE. Three posts + One Tuesday = something for…
My Favorite Health/Wellness Buys
23 CommentsHappy Tuesday, friends! It’s a THREE BLOG POSTS day around here! Not only do I have this post below, but I have PART THREE FROM AUSTRALIA (my favorite day!) and a MY PLATE. Before we start, I read this quote in…
My Plate: Breakfast Taco
12 CommentsHappy Tuesday, friends! It’s another edition of ON MY PLATE! As a reminder, this is where I share random iPhone pics of what’s literally on “my plate”. This one was really easy, and I almost didn’t snap a pic but…
Smith is 15.
29 CommentsAwwww, you guys, our Smith William turned FIFTEEN on Saturday! I don’t know how it’s possible that we went from this precious baby to a man overnight, but it happened. Here are just a few pics as I sob my…
Meal Planning Monday #544: SOUP WEEK EDITION
5 CommentsHappy Monday, friends! Today is my second annual SOUP WEEK! I have a “soup focused” meal plan for you today (don’t worry, there are ‘hearty’ recipes included!) plus, throughout the week, I have more soup recipes and reels to share…
Wayfair Weekend Clearance!
Today’s bonus Friday post is sponsored by Wayfair and Collective Voice because…it’s WAYFAIR’S WEEKEND CLEARANCE! Plus, I have my new BANANA PECAN PROTEIN WAFFLES and MY FRIDAY FAVES today too! Now, whether you’re looking for a little home refresh to…
Shay’s Friday Faves {01.17.25}
Happy happy FRIDAY! You guys, it’s a BIG TIME THREE POST DAY! I’m not sure which of the three you’re going to like the most, but I certainly hope you check them all out. Along with today’s Friday Faves, I…
Banana Pecan Protein Waffles
Today, I’m sharing my yummy BANANA PECAN PROTEIN WAFFLES for your weekend! This recipe was kind of a hybrid of me about to make another batch of my BANANA BLENDER MUFFINS and Smith asking me if we could add protein…
Australia PART 2: Manly Beach
Happy TRAVEL THURSDAY, friends! Today, I’m not just sharing this travel post, but I’m also sharing YOUR TOP 5 FAVORITE SKI TOWNS! Why five and not ten? Because you guys OVERWHELMINGLY suggested the same five towns. You can see that…
Your Top 5 Favorite Ski Towns
Happy TRAVEL THURSDAY, friends! Today, I’m not just sharing this travel post, but I’m also sharing AUSTRALIA PART TWO! Two travel posts on a Thursday makes me happy 🙂 . Over the last six-ish months, you ladies have helped me…
Shay’s Ways: Keys to Finding a Gym
Happy happy Wednesday! Today, I have TWO POSTS! I have this post here, and then I also have my first MY LOW LEVEL GOALS FOR 2025, so make sure you check that out HERE too! This here though is my…