If you know me at all…if you think you know me because you read this blog…if you’ve met me for 2 minutes…you know 3 things about me… 1. I love the Boston Red Sox so much it hurts…
Dinner Tonight: BBQ Apple Chicken Sandwiches
Oh.my.gosh.this dinner was so good! And easy too! I just adore a slow cooker meal that is super simple and waiting on me when I’m ready to eat. I made these sandwiches the other Thursday night when we were running…
Pumpkin Spice Snickerdoodles
Don’t judge. This is a recipe. Ok…it’s really just an idea…a very, very basic idea…but it produces killer cookies, my kids wanted them, I had my camera laying around…and thus, now you get to see them on your computer screen. …
Bundt Cake #58: Cinnamon Roll
Is there anything better for breakfast then a cinnamon roll? I really don’t think so. A cinnamon roll bundt cake just seemed like the perfect addition to my bundt cake lineup. This is one of those cakes where…
White Chocolate S’mores Bars
Um, hello?! These are so stinking fantastic! I bet you wish I had the recipe listed here, don’t you? Well…I don’t…if you want to find today’s recipe, you’re going to have to check out my guest post over at Pinterest…
Oreo Pumpkins
I couldn’t resist. I just couldn’t. Aren’t these the cutest little pumpkins you’ve ever seen? I’ve told you before, I just love my little Kraft Foods Magazine. It’s always filled with easy, family-friendly recipes. When I saw these, I fell…
Dinner Tonight: Pumpkin-Sausage Pasta
Right now, you’re one of two people: you’re either the kind of person who has heard of a pumpkin-sausage pasta and are super, super excited (if that’s you, go ahead and skip down to the recipe part) or you’re a…
Bundt Cake #57: Apple Butterscotch
This cake was so good that I made it twice in two days. Ok…I actually made it twice in two days because we ate every.single.bite of it and then I realized I hadn’t photographed it yet (first time that’s happened to…
Easy Apple Turnovers
I keep seeing easy turnover recipes on Pinterest like this one over at Shaken Together Life…I just love an easy dessert that I can assemble, make and eat all within 10 minutes. My hubby loves apple pie, so I…
Tips and Tricks: Cooking Essentials
My friend Erika and I joke that during the fall, we consume a fair share of canned cream of anything soup (chicken, mushroom…you name it, we’re eating it). Nothing says comfort quite like a dish made with a creamy soup. …
Dinner Tonight: Maple Crusted Chicken
One of the best flavors of fall is maple syrup. I am quite the syrup snob to boot…once you taste real maple syrup (not regular old pancake syrup), you won’t be able to go back. I was going to make us my Bisquick Chicken Parm…
Bundt Cake #55: Chocolate Coffee Hazelnut
I have never tried to hide my coffee and cake addictions from you. I am very honest about how I could easily live on both of them. To me, nothing is better then a big piece of cake and a…