The most requested blog topic each and every year…a day in the life posts 🙂 .
Just like always, I picked a random date on my calendar, wrote it down, set a reminder alarm on my phone and off I went documenting our day.
Here is our May 18th in photos…
What?! What?! I slept until 5:00? Yes. Yes, I did. The night before, we had Smith’s orchestra concert and didn’t get home until almost 10:00. By the time I showered, got into bed and read, I didn’t go to sleep until 11:15, so the next morning, I slept in a bit.
First stop, coffee!
Second stop, my morning quiet time along with my Bible Recap!
After that, I changed out of my pjs…
…and headed into our home gym.
After about 25 minutes of lifting weights, I headed…
…outside for a quick run before…
…heading back inside to make sure the kiddos were getting ready for school. (And yes, I am holding a lint roller there. I love to lint roll. Ha!)
Time to make breakfast and help with lunches. You guys, I bought this bread on a whim with my last Walmart+ order and WE LOVE IT!!! It’s maybe the best gf bread we’ve purchased for sandwiches.
After breakfast…
…it was time to take these cuties to school! We are so excited that it’s almost summer break!
After dropping off the littles, I headed back home…
…and into my office to work on some emails.
…I popped back downstairs to say hello to my middle school girl…
…and the boy 🙂 . Love these two! Andrew took them to their school and I…
…decided it was time…
…to make the bed. It was also time…
…to take the dogs back outside.
After they had run around and burned off some energy, we headed back inside where I showered…
…and got dressed for the day. I love that tennis skirt so much that I also bought it in black.
After I was dressed…
…I headed to Trader Joe’s to grab a few things…
…a cart of happiness 🙂 .
I made it home just in time to see…
…sweet Braiden who works with me here. She knows the way to my heart and brought me a coffee. Love her! It’s always so nice to see these ladies.
Back up to my office to work the rest of the morning.
I stopped for lunch…
…at the exact same time Andrew did. He was working from home, and he popped out to make his lunch when I was making mine. What did I have?
Some of my goodies from Trader Joe’s including my favorite chicken salad, a bagged salad and Patio Potato Chips! If you missed my Trader Joe’s Summer Shopping List and new finds from yesterday, you can catch that HERE.
After lunch, I headed back to work with my pups…
…who thoroughly enjoyed their naptime.
I have an “end of the day” routine each afternoon that includes…
…watering the plants on my balcony before…
…walking to school to get my littlest love…
Ashby had a safety patrol end of year party, so I only picked up Madeley. We walked home and enjoyed…
…one of our new Trader Joe’s popsicles. Andrew was walking to his truck (that we were parked in front of) to grab the big kids from their school and snapped this pic. Popsicles are the best in May after school 🙂 .
Hey, hey Ashby’s home! Andrew was in charge of making dinner on this night (woohoo!). He made our classic cheeseburgers while I…
…took Kensington to the park to meet up with her new high school cheer squad (and moms) for a scavenger hunt.
Now, here is where the wheels fall off of this post.
I brought Kensington, Ebby Lee and another neighbor/cheerleader home after the scavenger hunt where Andrew had made us all burgers including Tab and his other three kiddos. Erika was away on her Disney Cruise (she was invited to a special travel agents training time on board the Wish!), which I didn’t realize at the time, meant that “mom was not at home”. Who knew Erika was the responsible one of us? The three adults all started watching the hockey playoffs and well, before I knew it, it was way past everyone’s bedtime…
…a room filled with Shull and Slaughter kiddos hanging out on a Thursday night 🙂 .
We said our goodbyes to the Slaughters, cleaned up, I took a quick shower and read a minute before bed. It was a super fun night…but we all missed Erika. I especially missed her the next morning when my alarm went off and I felt certain she would have made sure I had been in bed earlier the night before 😉 .
And that is a day in our life. xx
Elspeth Mizner says
I love a classic day in the life post. So fun to tag along!
Nicole says
Love it!! What are your current supplements you take and breakfast? Thanks!!
Mix and Match Mama says
I’ve added creatine to my diet this year along with Nutrafol for my hair and AG1 too! Right now, it’s just those.
Nicole says
I take all of those!!! Hahaha! Do you add the creatine to the AG1? And when do you drink it? I work out in the morning too and so many liquids!!
I’ve been taking Athletic Greens since 2020! I love it! Nutrafol too for the past couple years. I ordered the creatine per your recommendation! I can’t say I notice anything yet, do you?
Mix and Match Mama says
I taking the creatine in water before I workout and then AG1 with my breakfast (and my Nutrafol then too). I think I’m noticing the biggest affects with Nutrafol. Andrew even said the other day how much less I shed now.
Sheaffer says
Well, that was a great little day!
Dana P says
These posts are why I love your blog! Just happy, daily things that help me remember what a gift the little things are. 🩵
Mix and Match Mama says
I hope wedding weekend went fabulous!! xx
Kate says
I do love these posts and can I just say you and Andrew seem to have really mastered the teamwork, divide and conquer thing! Also it’s so interesting how they have already picked the cheer squad. So neat to see how it’s done differently in different places!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you so much! In our area, cheer is a class in school each day (as opposed to a different sport), so they have tryouts early for both middle school and high school so they can set the kids’ schedules over the summer.
Laura says
Where do Braiden and the others work at your house? Are they up in your office too or do they have a different spot in your house? Love that she has a Clemson shirt on. Go Tigers!
Mix and Match Mama says
She is a Clemson grad! They all pop over for different reasons to do different things. On this day, Braiden was working at the bar in the kitchen. The day before, Hannah had been over while I wasn’t home, and she was in the kitchen too. It just all kind of depends on what they’re up to that day.
Sheila DeSpirito says
My heart melted when I saw the picture of you and Madely eating your popsicles from Trader Joe’s. In more ways than one, it’s a sweet picture! I hope you and all the kiddos enjoyed eating them!
K.K. says
These really are the best posts! Thanks, Shay.
Carol says
Nothing to do with today’s post other than after reading your post I put my Trader Joe’s list together. I have looked several times for the chicken salad and have yet to find it. Love chicken salad this time of year.
Oh My Goodness! Have you been to Hobby Lobby lately? If not, Just Go. Ran in to pick up a few things over the weekend. And………Guess what they had out? YES! PUMPKINS!!! and a few other fall things. It not even being June yet, so I probably shouldn’t admit it but I got so excited. I am Still Very Thankful for and Enjoying this beautiful season too.
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s their curried chicken salad! It’s amazing! My store carries it year around. And now, I have to get in my car and drive to Hobby Lobby STAT!!!
Annie B says
What is your favorite chicken salad? You mentioned it above. Is it a recipe, or one from Trader Joe’s?
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s their curry chicken salad! It’s SO good!!!
Annie B says
I thought that’s what it was. I grabbed some this morning. Thanks! Love these posts!!!
Caroline Stapleton says
I was just wondering what time your kids all start school? Just interested in what seems a big time difference between the two schools!
Mix and Match Mama says
There is a big difference! In McKinney, high school starts at 7:30, elementary starts at 8:00 and middle school starts at 8:45. So next year, I’ll have kids at all three with three different start and finish times.
Jody Forsee says
Shay, I’m always amazed at how you read as many books as you do each month with such a busy daily life! I feel like I already read so much at night and on the weekends and I’m still not flying through books like you do. Do you read during your day as part of your work since part of your blog is devoted to book reviews?
Mix and Match Mama says
Occasionally, but I read more during the daytime waiting at appointments (either my own or my kids’). I feel like I do a lot of waiting in parking lots and thanks to the Kindle app, it’s so easy to pull up my book and read where I left off.
Molly says
I am trying to figure out what’s on your hat?! It’s cute, just curious what it is/where you got it!
Mix and Match Mama says
I bought it on Nantucket! It’s just the outline of the island.
Victoria says
I zoomed in on the hat and thought it was a guy rowing! But then realized it had to be Nantucket 😜 That tennis skirt it too cute! Just added one to my cart in the electric lemon color.
Linda says
Are you still using the Vital Proteins collagen?
Mix and Match Mama says
After I finished my first bottle, I didn’t buy it again because I decided to try Nutrafol which I liked even more because it is just swallowing a pill versus drinking the drink.
Michele says
Do you live to close to all 3 schools, for your kids to be able to take a bus? Seems like a lot of your time every day, is picking up or dropping off kids at school. Kensington is such a pretty girl. Does she get her hair highlighted?
Mix and Match Mama says
We actually live too close to two of the schools that the district doesn’t offer busing to our neighborhood. We have buses for one of the schools, but we have to drive or walk to the other two.
Sarah Shaneyfelt says
I love these posts! I cannot believe how grown Kensington looks now! And I love that tennis skirt–I’m going to live in those this summer!
kimberlee s nelson says
Love these posts so much! Question, do you have the link for the black sunglasses, love them!!
Mix and Match Mama says
They’re Louis Vuitton!