Happy happy Thursday, friends!
First of all, thank you SO MUCH for being so so so sweet to my hubby yesterday. This community doesn’t just love, support and encourage me, but my entire family feels it. From the very bottom of my heart, thank you.
Today is always one of my favorite posts because it’s…
I knew this week when I shopped would be extra fabulous as so many of my favorite fall finds are now in stores. After dropping my kiddos off at school, I…
…stopped and grabbed myself a coffee (and looked at some amazing pumpkins) before turning on a new episode of my favorite podcast (The Simple Sophisticate) and driving over to my Trader Joe’s. If I’ve learned anything this year from our beloved 100 Ways to Live a Soft, Calm Life book this year it’s to make the most of every experience including shopping at Trader Joe’s 🙂 .
You guys, you’re going to want to read my post, grab a coffee, turn on a podcast you love and head there soon. It’s fall, y’all at Trader Joe’s!
My heart was happy just looking at the amazing seasonal treats!
Our beloved Pepper Jelly (which is now a seasonal item!) is back in store. THIS IS WITHOUT A DOUBT our family’s very favorite pepper jelly! You need a jar (or eight!) this season for everything from your charcuterie board to the most amazing Pepper Jelly Dip, my grilled cheese, breakfast sandwich, and more!
I just looooove checking out all of the seasonal treats and eats…
…even if I don’t buy them, just looking at them makes me happy.
Okay, what did I return home with though?
I bought my “usuals” along with some seasonal finds and new items too!
Here’s a little look…
Well, of course.
We LOVE chicken satay with peanut sauce over here, so I am really anxious to try this new sauce!
A standard fall must have in our fridge. You can use it to make my CIDER SAUSAGE BREAKFAST CASSEROLE or my BBQ CIDER SLIDERS!
I buy both of these every single fall! They’re both really yummy!
Don’t forget, you can use the leaf chips to make my…
I wasn’t exaggerating before…
…I bought eight jars to last me the year!
For my pups!
I am having a moment with macadamia nuts. Trader Joe’s sells them “salted” too.
I picked up a bag to make a fun fall dinner next week.
Sheaffer told me to buy these…
…so of course, I did. I mean to tell you, these are delicious! They are found on the chip aisle, and I don’t even know how to describe them. They’re sweet and crispy with little bits of dried mango in each bite and my kids devoured them.
I’m not sure yet what I’m going to do with this…
…but it’s on my “to do” list this weekend. Stay tuned.
As you know, we are maple people, so I bought the butter!
Speaking of butter…
…um, yes!
I purchase this salsa every fall and always love it (with either bag of chips from above!).
This was obviously going into my cart.
I found three types of snack mixes. You know how much I love to keep a snack mix on hand for charcuterie boards, surprise visitors, to accompany drinks…it’s just so handy to have a great snack mix when people stop by.
I bought my kiddos a little treat for dessert this week after dinner. These were a huge hit! The lady checking me out at Trader Joe’s suggested we try them frozen too. Maybe next time?
Halloween beer? Um, I’ll try that! You guys, I had one last night, and it was really good. I’m clearly that person who will eat/drink pumpkin in ANYTHING. Ha!
Yes and yes!
I put this on a little charcuterie board and loved it!!
And of course 🙂 .
Those are my September finds!
Okay, let me know what you’re loving from Trader Joe’s right now please! Between now and the end of the year is my FAVORITE time of year to shop! I just get GIDDY every single time I pop in.
Don’t forget…
…you can get all of the specifics on my Trader Joe’s Fall Charcuterie Board HERE too!
Enjoy your Thursday afternoon! I’ll see you back here tomorrow! xx
Josie says
Have you tried the autumnal pasta sauce?? It is SO good and the only pasta sauce my son likes. I literally buy 12 jars every year to last me/ him for the year. You must try it!!
Basically it’s pasta sauce w pumpkin and squash mixed in. So good!
Marisa Patel says
I am definitely going to have to try that!
Dana P says
Just over here living vicariously through you. 🙂 I MISS me some Trader Joe’s, especially this time of year. If you haven’t had their orange chili crisp oil, you’ve got to try it! It’s SO good on basically everything.
Elspeth says
You have me wanting to stop into my local grocery store to look at fall foods! Yum!
Karleigh Johnson says
My sister and I set a date for an early morning pumpkin trip to Trader Joe’s last weekend. We had coffee and caught up while we shopped. It was so fun 🙂
Kara says
My kiddos just had the apple cider donuts for breakfast! 😊
Grace says
Can’t wait to see what you make with that can of pumpkin! I wish we lived closer to a TJ’s but I might have to make the trip just to get some of these goodies.
Megan Perkins says
We buy 8 jars of the fall salsa! I love it with eggs/ omlets!
Trish Nordstrom says
With the Brioche bread make French toast! It’s THE BEST!
Natalie Alvarado says
I’m officially inspired! Can’t wait to go to Trader Joe’s this weekend. 🎃 🍂
Beth Valenta says
I went the other day and just JOY! I am excited to try some new frozen items for dinner. There is a garlicky cabbage in the frozen section. I was going to try it with some of their sausages. That maple nut mix is amazing!
Kay says
Such a fun post! Like you, my husband and I typically use our capsule coffee maker each morning (We have Nespresso). But once in a while, I truly love making a pot of drip coffee. Especially to kick off a lazy weekend. I love that you can just pour a little from the carafe to warm up your existing cup-something I miss with capsules! Anyway, if you ever make drip coffee, TJ’s has a new bag of coffee beans (which you can grind in store) called ‘Java of the gods’ and it’s one of THE best cups of coffees I’ve had in a while! The tasting notes are caramel/nutty/cocoa so I mean…HIghly recommend.
Especially if you have a cup with Liane Moriarty’s new novel which is so far EXCELLENT!!!!
Mix and Match Mama says
I used to LOVE Liane Moriarty and then for whatever reason, kind of forgot about her. I’m going to read it!!!
Jami Romano says
I am so hungry now for a cheese board lol 🙂
Laci says
Pepper Jelly and the unexpected cheddar are my TJ faves!!
Erika Slaughter says
YES!! Couldn’t agree more, Laci!
Lisa D says
Oh fun! I was at Trader’s yesterday too😊
I came home with my favorite Fall item Gluten Free Pumpkin Pancake Mix, these pancakes are so, so good. Top with maple butter! And I also picked up a few boxes of maple cookies.
Heather says
Ok now I have to try the pumpkin mousse cakes frozen. Never have I ever thought of that!
Sheaffer says
I need to buy all 3 of those cans of nuts!!!! And the sticky rice treats? I cannot get enough.
Peg says
My favorite is the pumpkin butter, on toast or just straight out of the jar.
Terry says
The pumpkin brioche makes great French Toast! Sure wish we had a Trader Joe’s near us. But aldis had the pumpkin brioche last year, and it was yummy.
Melissa Gentry says
The pumpkin brioche bread is so good to use to make just basic French toast! I bought 6 loaves last year and froze them so we could have that kind of French toast throughout the year!
Tiffany says
These all look so good!
Jennifer says
Always love the pumpkin caramel Kringle 🤤
Emily Taylor says
We love TJ’s crunchy chili onion. It comes in a small jar. We love it on eggs. We also put it on eggs & add the eggs to soy ramen noodles. It says you can put it on burgers also but we haven’t tried that yet. I think you’d love it!
Michelle says
I was there yesterday and bought the new leave in conditioner/heat protectant. It’s supposed to be a dupe for the OUAI leave in conditioner. $5.99 instead of $30. 👍🏼
Laura @ Our Grand Lives says
Hi Shay! I am a looooong time reader (since the Sean Bachelor days) but a first time commenter. I check your blog daily. I’ve always loved your recipes and seeing the world through your family’s adventures. Your faith story and the vulnerable ways you’ve shared your life’s journey with us all has touched and inspired me countless times! Today, I’m simply here to say that I love Trader Joe’s – especially in the fall! I always appreciate your “Haul” posts! If you haven’t tried their Autumn Pasta Sauce, you might want to! It’s a fall favorite!
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh well goodness, THANK YOU so so so much for being here all of these YEARS! You just have no idea how much this means to me. Truly, I am humbled by your words. The sisterhood of Trader Joe’s in the fall is a strong one 😉 .
Leah says
Same! Been reading since I came across it when Sean was the Bachelor! I also rarely comment, but read every day! Thank you, Shay! I love so many of these Trader Joe’s items too – my absolute FAV fall item is the pumpkin cream cheese!!! Have you tried it?!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank YOU, Leah so so so much. I am just so grateful for YOU! xx
Jess says
The pumpkin gnocchi is a huge hit in our house as well and the pumpkin cheesecake in the freezer section!
Anneka says
Sadly, we don’t have a TJ nearby, which is probably good for my pocketbook. But also, for some weird reason I love reading these posts.
Donna says
I need to try the fall leaf tortilla chips and the maple butter!
Kelsee says
I love TJs seasonal items!!!
Andrea says
I am obsessed with their pumpkin spiced pumpkin seeds! I basically haunt the store every September until they finally show up and then buy almost all of them. They’re so good!
Kay says
Thanks for the fun post Shay. I’m so sad there’s no TJ’s in my neck of the woods! Have you checked out “Life is Good” website for fun shirts? They have the cutest fall shirts that I know you & your girls would love! There’s a German beer Winnie the Pooh one and I thought of you the minute I saw it! Have a great Thursday!
Mix and Match Mama says
I have not!!!! THANK YOU!!!
Meg Santos says
wondering what you serve with the ravioli and what you use for a sauce..thanks 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
I’m going to make a hearty meat sauce to go with it!
Alyssa J says
I bet that pumpkin brioche would make an excellent pumpkin bread pudding!
Amber Mackel says
Ok…help me be creative with the pepper jelly. How are all the ways you eat it?
Mix and Match Mama says
The #1 way is with cheese, crackers and a salami/pepperoni on a charcuterie board, but we make my pepper jelly dip ALL THE TIME when we entertain/take to parties/etc. If you look here, you’ll see all the ways I use pepper jelly in recipes: https://mixandmatchmama.com/?s=pepper+jelly
Katie Compton says
My MIL makes homemade pepper jelly and we always love it with a cracker and schmeer of cream cheese! I’ve also been making a version of the pepper jelly dip for years. But your suggestion to add it to grilled cheese and breakfast sandwiches took it to a whole other level!!!!
Irene Kelly says
Have you seen the Trader Joe’s tote bags small size but just big enough to put in a jar candle fresh baked cookies for Christmas giving and at only $2.99 a great buy ! They had them last yr but sold out in one day here in NJ ! You can only buy 4 at a time but I went back many times !
Mix and Match Mama says
GREAT idea!!!
Cathy Perez says
Love me a good Charcuterie Board and those nuts are going to go beautifully!
Dawn Engle says
Your Trader Joes looks SO much bigger than mine! I’m jealous!!! But honestly just happy we have one close by! Hope to find some of these items in my store soon!
Jill says
It’s always fun n to go to TJ’s “with” you! Great ideas.
Sue Ling says
I actually hate pumpkin bread, pie, etc. (I know, I know but that means more for everyone else). That being said, I LOVE Trader’s pumpkin bread mix!!! And, the gluten-free mix is just as good. Great to have one or two boxes lying around for just in case.
joanna says
Your TJ’s is so grand-looking from the outside. Of all these delicious things, I actually want the candle most. Going this weekend for sure. Thank you for the thorough list of fall goodness. 🙂
Bev Byerly says
Love your blog! I do have a question? How do you use the pepper jelly with your toasted cheese sandwiches?
Mix and Match Mama says
You can check out exactly how I do it here: https://mixandmatchmama.com/2020/05/pepper-jelly-pepperoni-grilled-cheese-sandwiches/
Madeline says
That candle was also an easy grab for me earlier this month! I’m holding off on burning it until the weather is in the lower 80s!(which is looking like next week)
Charman says
I don’t have a Trader Joe’s nearby, but I take the chance to go when I visit my daughter. I always pull your most recent Trader Joe’s post up to help me fill my cart. Thanks for all the suggestions! I always stock up on Orange Chicken and their Cookie Thins (both the lemon and ginger flavors).
Chrissy says
How is your Trader Joe’s shopping going now that everything doesn’t have to be gluten free?! Have you felt happy to get to choose anything you want??
Mix and Match Mama says
I have felt overwhelmed, haha! I’m not good with “pumpkin” self-control (obviously), so it’s a tad overwhelming to me now.
Jenna says
I can’t wait to try the pepper jelly, we love making your pepper jelly bacon dip, it is DELICIOUS!!
Ashlee says
I got the salted caramel chips for cookies and made them today with my kids and we are going back tomorrow to get more. So good!! Then I’m going to have to pick up that cheese I didn’t see it!
Karen in Virginia says
Try the organic apricot jam. So good! And we put the onion salt on everything! And thank you for the red pepper jelly reminder. I have been waiting for this ALL year. Never had it…
Yolanda McLean says
I’m excited for you all to have so many options now that gluten free isn’t an absolute must. How exciting that has to be! I’m inspired to make the hour plus drive to hit up TJ’s this weekend.
StephC says
We are really loving the pork gyoza and the fettuccine Alfredo in the freezer section. Both make a quick meal which my daughter as a young adult seems to need a lot 😀
Mary says
I want to go! I few years ago I got a TJ fall themed basket at our church’s silent auction…so many fun things!!
Valerie Stults says
I went to Trader Joe’s yesterday and got the pepper jelly! I made your famous app ( the pepper jelly dip) last year and want to make it again!! It was so good!!! I’m waiting for the toffee pretzels to come back you shared those last year also. The worker said it would be closer to November!! Thanks for the recommendations!!!
Beverly says
I love your blog and usually you are spot on for me but we have totally different food cravings. I hate anything pumpkin, vanilla, cheese, or spiced. I can’t buy most things at Trader’s joe’s because if you read the labels the salt content is thru the roof. but we do buy their cinnamon raisin bread and cold brew coffee in 32 oz bottles & their lactaid milk. We also love the chocolate covered frozen bananas.
Susan Jeffries says
We don’t have a Trader Joes close to us – 2 hours away:( But our daughter shops there in NYC every week! She loves the pumpkin ravioli and the little pumpkin pastas. She puts ricotta cheese in them! I probably need to go visit her so we can stroll around the store(:
Nikkie F. says
I have never been to a Trader Joe’s but always see you posting about it! I want to try it out so bad!! Love all the pumpkin things 🧡🎃 I have got to go check it out!
Sheila says
That brioche made the best French toast ever! Topped a little of their maple butter and maple syrup and it was the most perfect fall brunch 🍂🎃
Mix and Match Mama says