It’s What’s Up Wednesday !
Once a month, my friends Mel, Sheaffer and I host this link up where we share some random and fun stuff that’s up with us today. If you blogged WUW too, make sure you link up at the bottom of the post! Every month, we answer these questions…
…in our What’s Up Wednesday posts!
Kensington and I got home late last night after our fun filled weekend in NYC, so I am up to my elbows in laundry and post-trip stuff today. I’m going to try and get my feet under me today and tomorrow and then I’ll be back here on Friday! So…I’ll miss you tomorrow. If you’re looking for me…check the laundry room 😉 .
Okay, here’s what’s up today…
We are eating summer food!! Earlier this week, I posted my Meal Planning Monday HERE and it’s full of delicious (and easy!) summer recipes your whole family will love.
And speaking of easy and delicious summer food…did you see my recipe today? Um, you need to make these too…
…my Spicy Chicken & Corn Tacos. Yes!!
…our trip to Seattle and Alaska!
That was such a great trip!! If you missed my recaps, you can see them here:
Days 1 & 2
Days 3 & 4
Days 5 & 6
Days 7-10
This stuff is gold. I read about this humidity shield online and since I live in Texas (hello humidity!), I ordered some and it SERIOUSLY seems to be working! I’m using it in lieu of hairspray and I really think it’s keeping my hair under control even in this humid weather.
I’m also loving fun earrings these days that aren’t heavy (because my ears just can’t do heavy earrings any more!). These have been my favorites…
I love these tassel earrings from BaubleBar (in several colors!)…
…aren’t they fun?! (And that’s my favorite dress that you can see HERE.)
And look! I’m wearing the same dress again here with these fun earrings!
Well, the week following our vacation, we were up to this stuff…
Basketball camp with Ebby Lee…
…which meant morning errands with these three.
Smith started violin lessons on Thursday, and he was so excited!!
And I feel like I’ve done loads and loads and loads of post-vacation laundry 🙂 .
Haha! Right this minute, I’m dreading the laundry I have to do today from our trip to NYC over the weekend.
Spending as much time as I can with my kiddos.
It’s summertime and all four kids are at home, which means that’s where my heart is too. I’ve been really trying to do less stuff (whether it’s work related or just unnecessary stuff that I sometimes find myself committing to) and spend as much time as I can with these four people. I have three business trips this summer and other daily work, but I’m really trying to prioritize my time with my kids. We love spending our days by the pool, on the patio, riding bikes, reading books and checking off as much as we can from our Summer Bucket List. I just love these kids.
I’m going on a trip with this guy in July! As much as we love, love, love traveling with our kiddos…it’s nice to getaway with just each other too!
My June Book Review is coming up on Monday, but if you missed this one…
…my May Book Review, you can see it HERE. You can see all of the books and read my reviews HERE. This is such a great time of year to read!
I’m almost done binge watching this show…
I’m on season four right now and loving it! #teamcameron
Um, some days, I feel like I’m listening to a lot of:
I’m hungry.
I need a snack.
I’m bored.
Where are my goggles?
When does dad come home?
She’s in my room.
Ha! It’s summer and as much as I LOVE having my kids home…the dialog is quite different when they’re home for summer than the rest of the year. These phrases seem to be on repeat most days 🙂 .
I mean, in the summer, I wear swimsuits and pajamas mostly. I go from pjs to swimsuits to pjs again at the end of the day. Speaking of which, did you see that my favorite pjs are now 40% off…
Yes! I wear them every night! The material is very light, so I do not get hot. To see all of the patterns and prints, click HERE. If you’re someone who stocks up on Christmas presents early, these would make excellent gifts!
And then I wore several cute tops on our trip that I really, really loved. If you live somewhere that gets a little cooler at times during the summer (or you’re traveling to such a place), these were all so cozy and soft for our Alaskan vacation…
I loved this knotted top HERE. I bought it in soft blue but it comes in so many other colors. Here is a full picture of it…
Love it and that boy of mine!
Pineapple sweatshirt for the win this summer!
Cozy fleece for the win too 🙂 .
And this top was just so cute!! I bought the striped version but it comes in a wide variety of solids too!
This guy turns ONE!!! We are celebrating Samuel Thomas’ first birthday this weekend! How is he already one?!
Summer with my family.
That’s it for now!
Bonus question this month: WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE JULY 4TH TRADITION?
Our town always has a July 4th parade that morning and it is without a doubt our favorite tradition!
Okay! That’s What’s Up Wednesday today! If you blogged too, make sure you link up below.
Have a wonderful Wednesday! I will see you again on FRIDAY!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog says
The packaging of Living Proof’s humidity shield looks really, really good… it totally caught my eye and judging by what it does, it’d be perfect for the hot and humid weather in Hong Kong. Thank you for the recommendation – hopefully it can at least tame my wild, wild hair a little!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Desiree | Beautifully Seaside says
I love that! What I’m wearing- pjs! Me too! Now that I’m home for the summerI can literally wear them all day unless I’m going to swim, then I put on my swimsuit! LOL! By the way, those spicy chicken tacos look amazing! And I really need to try the shrimp risotto! Have a great Wednesday! Loved watching you on the Today show yesterday Shay! XO
B-Spontaneous says
Hi Shay, been following for a while now and noticed this year your blog turns TEN this year!!! I hope you have big plans to celebrate that 🙂 Congratulations. Thanks for a lovely daily reading.
Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams says
Can’t wait to hear about your trip with Andrew next month! I haven’t gotten into the tassel earrings trend yet, but those do look cute, especially if they have different colors. I can’t live without the Living proof humidity spray in the summer either. Thanks for hosting!
Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams
Nicole says
I always wear the same size as you – so would S in the pjs be way too big? Thanks!
Mix and Match Mama says
No! I don’t think so!
Erika Slaughter says
The LAUNDRY!!! It never stops!!!! And sweet Samuel is already turning one! I feel like he was just born.
Bethany says
I’ve got to make those chicken tacos! My kid was in the clothes basket nonstop today and I am reading the Crazy Rich Asian now……hoping it gets better.
Rebecca Jo says
That pineapple sweatshirt is just the CUTEST!!!
You two deserve a little get away with just the two of you. Momma & daddy always need to keep that relationship priorities for the kiddos!
Narci Dreffs says
That picture of Madeley in the laundry basket! It gets me every single time!! Also, those tacos look amazing! Hopping over to check them out now! Yum!
Britt says
Several things: have the ship/hotel do laundry before you leave town: game changer! I love all the tops you linked & ive been waiting for the rose gold to come back in stock. I may just get another color in meantime, though ? And have you ever thought of letting others guest post? I’d love to read what your mom, Andrew, Catherine, etc. has to say about a certain topic, like their faith, raising kids, or year one in motherhood wrap up from Catherine (or anything they wanted to write) & please do more live ig stories! I feel like I get to know bloggers better when they go live on normal stuff (but not nonstop crazy like Andrea or kelly stamps ?)
Emily K says
Would love a post from you, your friends and Catherine on must have baby gear for first time moms!!
Jessica says
Where are you binge watching southern charm?! Is it on Netflix? I’ve been wanting to get caught up on that, seems so good!
Mix and Match Mama says
The Bravo app!
Megan says
Looking forward to your book review on Monday! Why is catching up from a trip or vacation so hard?!?!
Alexis deZayas says
Living in Louisiana, I need to try that humidity shield!! And I’m already looking forward to your book review 🙂
Heather S says
Living proof products are my jam! Minus the Moroccanoil its pretty much all I use now. The overnight cap line is amazing for color treated (read:damaged) hair like mine! Loved watching you and sweet K on the Today show!
Sarah Shaneyfelt says
I love that pineapple sweatshirt! How thick (or thin) is it? And I love vacations so much but the laundry when you return is THE WORST!!!
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s kind of perfect. Not too thin at all, but not heavy and thick either.
Carley says
You have the cutest messy bun! You should do a tutorial on how you do it so cute! 🙂
Kaylee Doherty says
Your closet is amazing! Would you please do a closer tour?
Renee says
Yes I agree, a closet tour would be amazing. I noticed the upper level for jackets and the ladder. How high are the ceilings? Wowzers! I would like to have a closet redo in the near future to maximize space. I feel my closet does a good job of not taking advantage of usable space.
Angela Ellingson says
You and Kensington did so good on Today! My kids and I watched and now we’re planning on making that strawberry pie together!
Kristy says
Need a babysitter while you and Andrew are away? this teacher charges next to nothing! ?
Erin Port says
I just listened to your Jamie Ivey Happy Half Hour the other day and loved that you said you are trying to do less. I am trying to do the same and I can’t remember if you or Jamie said it but I loved it when you said, when you say yes to something you say no to something else so make sure you are saying YES to the stuff you really want! Such a great reminder :). xoxo ERIN
Laci says
I’ve come to realize anything from Living Proof works and smells amazing! Love all the tops you linked, and how in the world is Samuel already one?? 🙂
Amanda @ That Inspired Chick says
Yay for Southern Charm!!! Just don’t go near Southern Charm Savannah! I can’t figure out how Bravo ever thought that cast would be a hit. They are way too normal (except for one). 😉 I can’t remember if you were there when I was telling Erika that Cameran used to be on the Real World. Did you know that? She was exactly the same back then too! Love her!!
That Inspired Chick
Jamie says
Have you seen or tried Nickel and Suede earrings? You’d love how light they are!
Mix and Match Mama says
Going to check them out NOW!
Alys says
I second that! Nickel and suede earrings are AMAZING!
Amy Rae DeVito says
Your menu for the week looks yummy especially those tacos!
Great photos! I hope you have a wonderful time celebrating your nephew’s 1st birthday! I have 10 nieces & nephews and I love them with all of my heart and soul. Being an aunt is my pride and joy!
The Fourth of July parade your town puts on every year looks so fun and special! I hope you all have a fabulous time attending it this year.
PS: I’m so excited for your June book post! 🙂
Lindsay @ Lindsay's Sweet World says
I haven’t seen the LP humidity shield yet… thanks for the PSA! I live in GA and the humidity is OUTRAGEOUS here year round!
Emily K says
See my comment waiting to be published, but I also live in GA (southeast part) and then I frizz nourishing cream is a winner!! You can buy at Ulta or online many places.
Bre Lozier says
Hi, Shay! How do you keep your house so clean with 4 kiddos and a super busy schedule??
Mix and Match Mama says
Clean or tidy? Andrew and I are both neat freaks, so we’re constantly picking stuff up (having our kids pick up when they’re done playing and such) and cleaning up after ourselves. We have a lady come in and do the dusting/mopping/vacuuming and such though too. That being said, I just woke up and headed to my favorite little spot to read my Bible and a fort was there in its, it’s not always picked up 😉 .
Hallie says
I love this blog! Just wondering what gray tennis shoes that you are wearing in all the Alaskan cruise pictures?! Super cute! Thank you!
Mix and Match Mama says
They’re Nikes!! 🙂
Michelle says
Hi Shay ! I just love reading your blog ! You share the best tips and products ! I have purchased many of your recommendations and have loved them all. I also am a huge fan of Southern Charm. One of my friends just told me about Hart of Dixie on Netflix. I binge watched the first season this weekend. It’s such a cute show. Thought it may be one that you would enjoy !
jamie says
just picked up {behind closed doors} earlier today from the library and i cannot put it down. ??? i read the part that happened after their wedding to my husband and daughter aka the part where things got real weird. i never read books like this.
Emily K says
I got the LP humidity shield last summer and think it helped, but I just tried their no frizz nourishing styling cream and let me tell you. It is a miracle worker!! I live on an island in southern Georgia with high humidity and heat and my hair stayed frizz free for THREE days after using that sample. I did top it off with the spray but really think the cream is the winner. I am buying a full size pronto!
Kristin Tate says
I’m so glad I finally (a year later) took your advice on letting your hair do what it does. I have very straight hair, I would get up and spiral curl it every morning before heading to the office, by the time I was in my seat with a cup of coffee, my hair was as flat as a flitter. I started just washing before bed, brushing and mild teasing it the morning. My hair has never looked better!
Kirsten Juenke says
Love that laundry basket picture! I have the same shot of my baby girl…who is now 17 and 5’10”. I JUST discovered Southern Charm. Can’t. Stop. Watching. I’m mid season 2 – yes Cameron!
Cori Baird says
Where are you going for your couples get away, or is there somewhere you’ve been in the past that you loved? We are starting to plan a trip for the winter/spring! I love trip planning…gives me something to look forward to. Anticipation is one of the best parts I think. 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
I was going to suggest Nantucket until you said winter/spring, I don’t think that’s the best time of year to visit. Have you been to San Diego? We’ve done that as a trip before just the two of us and it’s beautiful! The weather is so lovely too!
Kaylee Doherty says
I second Nantucket!! I live in MA and Nantucket is the best! Newport Rhode Island is amazing too!
Jaren says
Kensington and you did great on Today! That pie looked so yummy and SO EASY!
Excited for your book review! I read one of those too, and another one is on my “to read soon” list!!
Kate says
You look so great in your photos! I can’t stand it 🙂
Lyssa says
LP Humidity Shield is amazing. I live in Houston and it actually keeps my hair tame when it’s 115 degrees with humidity here