Happy FEBRUARY, friends!
Yesterday morning, I headed up to Nantucket to handle a few little details here on the island. I am working from home here today as well as running a few errands, and I’m not going to lie, my heart is HAPPY to be bACK 🙂 . The Gray Lady is my favorite even in the dead of winter.
I had another post in mind for today, but after my fourth flight in about a week, I decided to punt and instead get all of my thoughts out about…my TOP FIVE, BOTTOM FIVE: TRAVELING BY PLANE.
Without a doubt, I would rather travel by plane than car, bus or train because there are many, many TOP FIVE moments…buuuuut there are also a few BOTTOM FIVE things to point out, and after pondering my own (and asking Andrew), I decided this would make a lively conversation today.
Don’t forget to also check out these other TOP FIVE, BOTTOM FIVE blog posts:
Okay, here we go…
Listen, I have read those health magazines for years and years where they often have little segments telling us how to be healthy when we travel and without fail, it says “not to eat the airplane food but instead bring your own”. Um, that’s not me. I don’t care if it’s a bag of peanuts or a full meal, when I see the American Airlines flight attendants walking my way with a cup of coffee and those little biscotti cookies, I am HAPPY. Skip the meal? Skip the snack? No way! First of all, I’m pretty bored and you handing me anything to eat and drink now counts as my inflight entertainment and two, it just makes that moment better. I’m not saying it’s Michelin Star stuff, but it’s sure the highlight of my time in the sky. Pass me the mixed nuts and a sparkling water, they pair perfectly with my book!
Hi, my name is Shay and as you know, when I am in most moving things (boats, cars, etc), I get motion sick. I can’t look at my phone, I can’t turn read a map or really even mess with a playlist and heaven forbid I read a book…no way is that possible. On road trips, I legit sit there and stare straight ahead. I can’t even really turn around and check on my kids often (while Andrew is driving) as that makes me sick too. I’m a hostage to the moving vehicle and facing forward. On a plane though, I can multitask! I can listen to music or watch a show on my phone while working on my computer, I can read, I can get up and go to the bathroom (a plus for me who has a very small bladder and thus makes a terrible car companion), I can nap, I can chit chat with my family. The plane ride feels like a deluxe vacation to me compared to being in the car. I can do so many things without getting sick! But I can also…
Yup. Get on the plane, turn my phone on airplane mode, open my Kindle and ignore all the things pulling me in a million directions for a few hours. That is bliss that’s pretty hard to find outside of 30,000 feet above the Earth.
And because time is clearly something I value on a plane…
I feel like when I’m in the air it’s “bonus” time. I can work, but I can also sit there and read. Even though WiFi is available on most flights, the expectation that you are reachable/working/doingdoingdoingdoing is at a minimum compared to any other time of the day. I watch more movies in a year on a plane than I do at home. For someone like me (high strung/Type A, Enneagram 8/multitasking over-achiever), it’s hard for me to shut off my brain, but when I’m on a flight…I can do that.
The best part. I’m either back at home (yay!) or somewhere new (yay!). Landing is without a doubt my favorite part about air travel.
Buuuuut few things in life are pure bliss, thus… the BOTTOM FIVE THINGS ABOUT TRAVELING BY PLANE…
#5: THE AIR.
I can be on a flight for 14 hours or 40 minutes and either way, I feel disgusting when I get off because of the recirculated cabin air. My skin feels icky, I’m 99% positive I smell bad, my hands and face are dry and listless…it’s the air. I can feel it seeping into my pores the whole time.
#4: FEET.
I’m not sure why people board a plane and immediately take off their shoes. I sit by people in various situations all the time and never see them remove their footwear (church, waiting rooms, school functions, meetings, the hair salon), but people board a flight and immediately start taking off their shoes. I’m not talking about an overnight flight where you need to sleep, I’m talking about any and all flights despite length. I mean, I see people do it before takeoff! Please keep your shoes on (or at least your socks). I do not know anyone who wants to see and/or SMELL a stranger’s feet in a closed space with recirculated air. This is maddening to me.
Listen, give me a flight delay at the airport any day. I’m okay with the pilot circling in the air. I cannot though STAND to have a delay on the ground. I don’t care if it’s weather related or mechanical, sitting on the ground in my seat and not moving in any direction at all makes me claustrophobic. It’s weird, I know. It’s not super logical that I would rather be strapped to my seat making circles in the air above the airport…but you guys, on the ground delays make me nutty. Listen, I get it…it’s better to be on the ground than in the air with an issue…I know, I know, but I would so much rather be inside the airport while you fix my issue than stuck on that plane.
I mean, do I even need to elaborate? You pay a large amount of money to get on a piece of advanced technology so brilliant our forefathers would have never believed it possible and yet…the lavatories are the size of a broom closet and appear to have been used by the entire 8th grade football team just prior to my entering.
And finally…
I can’t. I’m not one to be hypersensitive to scents, but for the love, FOR THE LOVE, between the feet, the lavatory, the dirty diapers, the overly sprayed cologne, that bag of Taco Bell someone has brought on, the hand sanitizer and the flight attendants heating up chicken parmesan in the galley, the smells are by far my least favorite part of traveling by plane.
On our way to Prague in November 🙂 .
It wouldn’t be a TOP FIVE, BOTTOM FIVE without Mr. Shull weighing in too.
5: I am pretty much the most loyal person you’re ever going to meet, and I’m super, super loyal to American Airlines. Because of that, I’ve earned status flying which makes me feel appreciated every time I fly. I love being loyal to a company and then that company thanking you for your business and acknowledging that you’re loyal. More companies should do this for repeat clients.
4: The airport. I love the airport. People watching, the excitement. My vacation starts there.
3: The hot fudge sundae on an American Airlines international flight’s. I am a hot fudge only fan. Shay does it wrong. She gets it with all the toppings.
2: I love how I am forced to sit still without a lot of distractions. On the way back from Prague, for instance, I watched Curb Your Enthusiasm and wrote a 29 page presentation for my CHFC. Amazing what you can do with uninterrupted time.
1: Excitement of the destination. When I step off that plane in January, July, or October in ACK, Prague, wherever and whenever I am giddy. Early morning, late at night. I love to travel.
5: Shoes off on a domestic flight….international is okay, unless you start walking around. Gross!
4: People who seem to be unaware of their personal hygiene.
3: People bringing smelly food on the plane…..fajitas, fresh onion sandwich, fish…..come on people!
2: People with no patience…..even if you are trying to make a connection BE NICE!
1: If I have my AirPods in, this does not mean I want to chat or to hear a confession or your entire life story. Sorry peeps, the only time I ever watch a movie is on a plane. Let me have my time, please, instead of talking to a stranger.
And those, my friends, are my TOP FIVE, BOTTOM FIVE: TRAVELING BY PLANE.
I cannot wait to read the comment section today as I imagine many of you have thoughts and opinions on this too 🙂 .
One more time, don’t forget to check out these other TOP FIVE, BOTTOM FIVE blog posts:
I hope you all have a wonderful start to your February, friends! I’ll see you back here tomorrow! xx
Elspeth says
I love love love these posts!! I love the excitement of travel and the uninterrupted work time. I don’t like the lack of space with seats or the drastic temperature changes!
Candice says
Andrew- my husband is the same way. Do not engage with anyone. For crying out loud he won’t even respond to me(his wife of 24 yrs). If he catches me making small talk with anyone I get the “look”😂
Becky Smith says
I’m a solo traveler. I typically choose a window seat but if the flight is over 4 hours I’ll choose an aisle. My biggest pet peeve is the person who chooses a window then has to get up every 30 minutes to stretch or use the restroom.
I get motion sickness even in the air, I cannot read look at my phone but I can watch movies.
I just completed my first international flight and it was maddening. I get the whole sitting on a plane not moving. We sat for 90 minutes while they fixed the problem. They ended up deplaning us after 90 minutes then 30 minutes after deplaning they reboarded us.
I cannot handle people who are served food and randomly hand me something off there plate they do not want. Seriously has happened multiple times. Stop 🛑
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh my gosh, the last sentence here…YES!! I understand they’re being very sweet and generous, but I also do not understand it at all.
Dana P says
This is hilarious! What?! I have never had anyone do that, but it makes me laugh thinking about it!
Erin says
Oh, definitely feet. I have smelled feet on planes and it’s enough to make a person want to throw up!!! Do people not know their feet reek?
Laurie Daigle says
I laughed out loud at 8th grade football team! You’re so right! Those restrooms require the best balance ever to avoid brushing up against anything unless it’s totally necessary. Can I add the worst part of flying is when every passenger flocks to the baggage conveyer…peering for their baggage while perched on the very edge of it instead of giving everyone a view by standing back five or so feet back. If everyone did that, we’d all be able to step in politely and grab our luggage and exit quickly. Instead, we have to elbow our way in while those aren’t budging while they’re likely also scrolling through their phones not paying attention lol.
Sharon says
The carry on situation has become ridiculous. Every flight I have been on in the last few years is a ” full flight and we are going to need some volunteers to gate check their baggage” No one moved. There is always that person whose carry on is wayyyyyy over the size limit and is mad that they need to check. They need to change it where it is $25 for a carry on and free to check your first bag. When boarding by zone…why? oh Why? Do people in zone 5 start to line-up and block the way for people trying to board in zones 1, 2, 3 and 4? And then when you ask then if they are in line, they roll their eyes at you?????
Mix and Match Mama says
Kim M Letteer says
Love this post. I would add that fully reclining the seat without consideration of the person behind you would be in my bottom 5.
Dana P says
Oh, man. We could write a novel with this topic and all of our travels with our traveling circus. The one that resonated most with me was when you mentioned the claustrophobia that ensues when you find out you’re stuck on board. One time we had a fire start over the Atlantic (one of the entertainment systems overheated) and we had to land in London, but couldn’t de-plane because it was too hot and there was no way to get us inside. We were stuck on the plane for 14 hours from an 8 hour flight and they ran out of water. We had a baby, toddlers, young kids, a dog, a cat…ahhhhh!!! My blood pressure is rising just thinking about it! 😂
The best part is the excitement of getting to go somewhere, the excitement of getting up early, grabbing some airport food…our third culture kids now love anytime they get to go on a plane! And you’re right-the excitement of landing is always so exciting!
polly pover says
I am so sensitive to fragrance! Those people on planes (well, just about everywhere) who overuse fragrance!! But the confined space is the worse…..Then they send daggers my way when I proceed to sneeze profusely! Just.take.a.shower.with.soap!!
Sarah says
Boarding a plane is like the wild west. Total madness. Why are you rushing to stand in the jetway?
Mix and Match Mama says
YES! Aren’t we all going to the same place?
Katie Compton says
It’s basically the same as when I tell my 2nd graders to line up for lunch.
Kristen says
I have to admit , I am one of the people that takes off their shoes. But in my defense, I always travel w/ my “travel socks”. As soon as I board the plane I do take off my shoes and put on my travel socks and when we land I take off my socks and change back into my shoes. I don’t know why but it makes it more comfy for me !! I need to have a travel blanket and neck pillow w/ me as well. On any domestic or international flight.
Mix and Match Mama says
I fully support travel socks. If they’re clean and covering your feet, I am fully supportive of this 🙂 .
SS says
I am opposite of you… we are car travelers. I have not traveled by plane in about 30 yrs…oh wait a little puddle jumper because we didn’t want to travel by 2 hour ferry to a small island north of us. It was a good decision because on our way back we saw the said ferry on the rough waters…we were all like this is a bumpy plane ride but it’s only 20 mins instead of being tossed for over 2 hrs on that ferry!
I like getting there quick in a plane, but all the other stuff that goes along with being in a plane …no thank you. I hate the take off and landing it makes me so nervous!!!
It is fun to stop in different locations on our travels. One that still makes me laugh is kiddo wanted Kentucky Fried Chicken in Kentucky…since we were traveling through we made it happen! We still all laugh about it and say we had KFC in Kentucky!
However, you choose it is fun to explore!!
Natasha says
We went to the first KFC in Kentucky (in Corbin) last year over our Spring Break! We were travelling through Kentucky and my kids wanted KFC and I thought that was so cliche. Five minutes later we saw a sign for the “first KFC” and we HAD TO stop! Such a fun place to vist!
Amy Heinl says
I love this top and bottom 5. My only additions would be these to the bottom
1 People who come on with full size suitcases instead of paying the fee and holding everyone up as they try to shove it in an overhead and taking up all the space. I think airlines should reverse it and not charge you for a checked bag but charge you to put your bags in the overhead.
2. Lack of alternate flights….as the industry has consolidated the number of airlines it is very hard to get another flight if yours gets canceled or missed for any reason. It’s not bad if you are at your home airport because you can always go home but getting stuck when connecting is horrible
Maryellen says
I thought I was the only one. I get motion sickness exactly like you do. Turn my head the wrong way in a car and I am finished. One time I some how focused on the crowd as I was watching the ice skating in the Olympics on TV. The skater swished past and Oh gosh was I sick. My whole family has it. I don’t know why. I always attribute it to weak ears LOL. I agree on a plane I do not get sick. I can read sleep do whatever. The only thing I can’t do is watch the ground approaching during landing. Yikes that one caused me to actually barf. TMI LOL Enjoyed your post ♥
Kay says
This is such a fun post! Unfortunately, I am a terrified flyer. I am really working on this but it’s so bad that I avoid flying as much as I can. I’d truly like to overcome this. In the meantime, my pet peeve (being a scaredy-cat) is when the pilot announces how high we are lol!!! I do NOT CARE! And now I’m terrified all over again when I was just finally relaxing with a book. And, and!, WHOOOO needs that info? Are people keeping track of how high they’ve flown? What use could this information possibly be to anyone outside the cockpit? Can we all just agree to pretend we’re on the ground?
I love that Andrew watches ‘Curb’ my #1 favorite show. Does he know it’s coming back this month? Cannot wait!!!!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Curb is so terrible and hysterical at the same time. We are so excited about this final season!! Thank you for sharing your lows, they made me lol!
Stacey Mazurek says
Shay, my neighbor had to fly back and forth to China for years. She would put Vaseline inside each nostril to ward off the terrible airplane smells( and the smell of yucky food) It also creates a barrier to prevent getting sick. Flight attendants use this trick all the time. You might try it
Mix and Match Mama says
What a clever idea?!
Allison says
My BIGGEST pet peeve of flying is how everyone stands up the VERY SECOND the plane stops. CALM DOWN, PEOPLE. There is literally nowhere to go for another 5-10 minutes at minimum. And all the rows in front of you have to get out first.
Carolyn Becker says
People who smell like smoke-either cigarette or lately pot. I get a horrible headache from either. I sit and pray , when there is an empty seat next to me, that no one that smells sits next to me. I literally chant this in my mind the whole time during boarding
Paige E says
This is so entertaining! Especially for someone who has only been on a plane 4 times (yes, I know. crazy) it is super interesting getting someone’s take who travels more frequently. I am not a fan of flying and get super claustrophobic, but I wouldn’t let it stop me from getting somewhere I want to be.
Michelle says
Can’t believe no one has mentioned turbulence. That freaks me out the most.
Mix and Match Mama says
I can’t either!!!
Susan Fitzpatrick says
I love this post! Thanks for the laughs! 🤣 I just got back from visiting family in Denver. I am thankful for the pretty uneventful flights to and from Denver with the exception of the people who ate Whataburger on the plane. The smell lasted the entire flight. Makes me gag! 🤢
Patty says
I hate having to pay a massive fee to travel with my 7 pound pup who fits into a carry-on sized pet carrier and it slides right into the space in front of me. The EXACT same size as any other carry-on, and he sleeps the whole way. I don’t even take him out of his carrier. Yet I pay anywhere from $50-$100 just to take him with us.
I was also stopped once while boarding because I had a tiny crossbody wallet, a small backpack, and I was holding an iced tea from Panera. Two many items and one of them had to go before they’d let me board. Yet I see people with HUGE carryons, blankets, neck pillows, large purses and travel bags all the time boarding with WAY more than 2 items. What the heck?
Paula R. says
Shay, What a fun post.
Like Andrew, I’m excited to have some “me” time on the plane to chill and not necessarily chit chat with fellow passengers. My father, however, was always up for making new friends on a plane. One time, he was bumped from his seat next to my mom and was moved elsewhere. He struck up a conversation with a gentleman that ended up changing his life. This gentleman-a pastor, GAVE my father, who was also a pastor, a two-year FREE Bible College curriculum and my Dad ended up using it all over the world in over 50 countries and the curriculum has been translated into over 47 languages and over 150,000 students have participated in the program and have graduated over the past 10 years. Amazing! Obviously this encounter was a “divine appointment” but you never know how the Lord will lead if you make yourself available. 😊
sandi says
Paula, that is a truly incredible story!
K.K. says
These are so “on point”!! 🙂 I love airports, similar to Andrew – for the peoplewatching! AND though I also hate the tiny restrooms on planes, for some reason, the bathrooms in most airports with all the extra room make me happy. I think it’s mostly because I am already excited about travel, but I feel like it’s a bit luxurious or something. I’ve been lucky, I guess, that I pick good times to go, because they are usually pristinely clean, fresh smelling, and I feel like I have so much space in that place! ha ha ha (it’s weird, isn’t it?! oh well…)
Jessica Belanger says
TSA pre-check is by far the best money we have ever spent…getting through security is no longer in my bottom 5!
Julie Long says
Aren’t you in first class? In the picture? I flew crammed between two sleeping men. Forget about even going to the bathroom 😩
Mix and Match Mama says
In that picture, I’m in some weird business class. See my response above in the comment section. It was the most bizarre set up I’ve ever seen on a plane.
Alison says
What a timely post. I just got in late last night from a work trip. Not the fun travel but still travel. Andrew’s #1 bottom. Yes! I immediately put my earbuds in even if I’m not playing anything yet. Universal code for please don’t talk to me. 😂
Kerry says
This is fun post! Here’s a few thoughts I have – I travel a lot, but only domestically, so have slightly different experiences. I also love Southwest and exclusively fly them
Price of drinks – $5/drink – cheapest drink you can get anywhere these days!
When the WiFi doesn’t work (but you can still stream movies) – it’s so nice to not have to feel like you should be online working
Southwest’s open seating policy – they have the most efficient boarding of any airline and I love that it takes the money/snobbiness out of seat assignments.
When it’s not a full plane and there’s 50 open seats and someone insists in sitting the middle seat on SW – like dude, go get your own row!
Loud talkers – hush! No one cares.
Alysha says
The air!!! I’m flying next weekend and already dreading how disgusting I will feel when I exit the plane.
Anne says
Are those actual plane seats that you’re sitting in? Something special for an international flight?
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes, that was on a British Airways flight from DFW to London in their business class section. HOW WEIRD WOULD IT HAVE BEEN IF WE WEREN’T SITING BY EACH OTHER?! What I the world, right? I kept saying to Andrew “if you were a stranger, this would be so weird.” You could legit recline back to a flat position but there was nothing but this tiny piece of plastic between my face and his. Who would want to lie flat right next to a stranger? I thought the whole thing was so odd.
Alaynah says
I envy you traveling by plane! Any tips for nervous flyers? I cried so hard one time sitting by a priest on my flight home from Boston. I swear he rolled his eyes at me when I asked why he wasn’t scared! 😂
Mix and Match Mama says
Ohhhhh! I’m sorry! I’m sure there are many nervous flyers out there that could share their tips and tricks with you. I love your story though. Hahahaha!
Anne says
Nervous Nellie here. I always HOPE that I get to sit next to a priest 🙂
Jessica Tribbett says
Bottom – when people do not understand the etiquette of de-boarding! If you are rushing to make a connection and communicate that, by all means. But if you bum rush the aisle just to be one of the first off the plane then I will give you the death stare and wish you the day you deserve.
Mix and Match Mama says
I just lol!
Angela says
Just got back from Southeast Asia last night. ( Singapore and Bali) and this post I can relate too so much. We flew Japan airlines for our long stretches and their bathrooms were the cleanest. Every time I went, everything was wiped down and they folded the toilet paper like the cleaning people normally do. They always walked down the aisle every 15 min offering different juices and snacks. Then on our way home we flew American and wow what a difference. I saw them walk down twice.
Lisa says
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this post! I 100% agree! I too, suffer from motion sickness 🙁 You nailed it! Thank you for sharing!
Emily says
It’s been SO long since I’ve flown, but my favorite was the discretionary time…a good book, journal, letter writing, movie, all so satisfying! My bottom was definitely the paper-thin blankets, do they still have those? I’d be so cold and they’d had me a tissue-like blanket 🥶
Jenny Rowars says
Bottom: Everything that comes before being completely through security checkpoint!!
It doesn’t matter if you have TSA-Pre check or Global Entry, I still do not breath a sigh of relief until I have my things through the scanner and my shoes back on. Yes even though we went through the hassle of getting Global Entry I still had to take my boots off last week when we flew because there was a buckle. I pointed it out to the agent but still had to remove them…and by the way the Pre-check line that we were in took longer than the “regular” line, that just seems wrong. I was watching people pass us by scratching my head. I kept thinking to myself, at least I don’t have to take my shoes off, WRONG!!!
While we are on that subject another pet-peeve is the lack of consistency depending on which security line you are in. We were in one line where people were getting yelled at for taking out their laptops and we were hearing people in the line next to us getting yelled at for not taking them out. Also, it should be more consistent which articles belong in bins and which don’t. Big lack of consistency which leads to confusion!
Having to run for connections because flights are delayed taking off because they overbook the flights and have to wait for 10 people to give up their seats before they will board the flight. Why do they do that??? Book as many passengers as you have seats on the plane, it’s not rocket science!
Trying to pack healthy snacks when I travel. I can fast for 16 hours when I’m at home but when I travel I’m afraid I’m going to starve to death once the plane takes off on my 4 hour flight.
Flying Business Class when we go on long flights 🙂 I love everything about that.
Planning the actual trip and going to new places (I’m actually working with Brooke now who is booking our cruise to Hawaii in June, shout out to Mix and Match Travel!!)
Katie Stewart says
Top 5:
5: Chilling after my bags have been checked and there’s time to kill. Love sitting at the gate just thinking about the trip ahead.
4: Trying to guess who the air Marshall is!
3: Coffee. Airport coffee hits different.
2: Taking off. Exhilarating.
1: Landing. Thank you Jesus, we made it.
Bottom 5:
5: Flight attendants who are visibly nervous. If Dan the flight attendant is buckling up, I’m next to him having a panic attack.
4: The food. Sorry! Chicken salad on plane? No thank you!
3: Wondering who on the plane might be out to hijack us. Everyone is suspect. 😅
2: Knowing I’m stuck in the air. Unless I go rogue and jump out.
1: Lavatory. Nope. I’ll have an accident in my pants before I darken the doors. Portapotties are bigger! 🤦🏼♀️
Mix and Match Mama says
I cracked up reading this list!
Becca says
Love and agree to all I will pee 10 times before getting on the plane. My biggest fear for flying to Italy was I knew there was no way I could not pee for the whole flight 😂. I found The Crown a great show when flying but couldn’t focus at home to watch it.
Kellie Bowers says
The two things I hate would be how bad my ears pop! Sometimes it takes days for me to get my hearing back. I was in Vegas once on a girls trip and spent half the time trying to figure out what anyone was saying!
I also can’t stand when everyone stands up as soon as the plane lands and then when people don’t let you out when you are seated in a row ahead them. Some people just don’t understand the rules of flying. Lol
Kacy M says
I hate airports (traffic, entitled people, the busyness, the confusion/chaos, the rushing everywhere, etc) and airplane bathrooms (self-explanatory).
Elizabeth says
On a long flight from Australia to California, the family in front of us immediately reclined their seats after takeoff, the WHOLE way back, for the entire flight! I swear their seats reclined more than any airplane seat I’ve ever been in…. but then again, I am always worried about the individual behind me and rarely recline. They even reclined the seat for their toddler, who was spread out across two seats. The screen was too close to enjoy watching a movie and the trays were jammed up in our laps. Fortunately, nobody else was in our row, so my sister and I could spread out sideways. But it was difficult to get out to even go to the bathroom. The flight attendants could see our frustration and would come by and ask them to please sit up, when they were serving food… but after a few minutes, they were right back in our laps. I’m generally a pretty easy-going person, but oh the rage I was feeling inside… it was an absolutely miserable flight. Hoping my flight to Hawaii in a few weeks in more enjoyable!
Callie says
We fly constantly and I’m absolutely terrified of flying. Turbulence, nooooooooooo!!
Multiple flights a month and hate every single one just the same. Help!!!!!
Sheila Lehmenkuler says
I’m hoping just once in my life I can sit in First Class, it looks so comfortable, but I’m 72 times running out. Still sitting
in the cheap seats in the back of the Frontier Plane, if I’m lucky I can find a cheap seat on Delta.