Happy happy Thursday, friends!
It’s my annual HOLIDAY HOME TOUR!
I always love sharing this post because this is our home. This is where we live our lives as a family, and it’s always an honor to “invite” you inside each holiday season.
I thought this year, I’d give this little post a slight update. Per usual, I’m just going to post all my pics and let them speak for themselves, but to start, I’m going to share my tips, tricks and ideas for holiday decorating through the years. Then, when you’re looking through the pics below, you can see how I’m putting my tips into practice. Just an extra layer of merry for our Thursday 🙂 .
Ready, set, here we go…
1: Reuse, repurpose, re-gift or get rid.
I’ve had to hone this skill over the years, but one day, I realized that I was tired of pulling out things we no longer wanted to display in our home only to pack it back away, store it and then pull it back out the next year. No matter how sentimental an item might be, if I’m done displaying it and instead, it’s just living in my attic/storage and never seeing the light of day, I ask myself:
-Can I reuse this in a different area in my house to give it new life? Maybe put it in a new room? or…
-Can I repurpose this and instead of using this Christmas plate as an actual plate, can I use it as a trivet for my candles? or…
-Should I ask my mom or sister-in-law if they would like it? So many of the seasonal items in my house are things my grandmother and/or mom have passed down to me when they were done enjoying them. Or…
-Is this of no value and instead of continuing to allow it to take up space in my life, should I get rid of it?
When I’m finished decorating my house each November, any remaining items that I decided not to display that year are gathered up and placed in one storage bin. If I don’t use them again the following year (so two years in a row), I do one of the things above. I just got tired of keeping things that we were not actually enjoying.
2: When in doubt, add a string of lights or ornaments.
Seriously, it’s the easiest way to jazz up any old spot. You will see below lots of pics of just groupings of ornaments in place of an actual “Christmas decoration”. A strand of lights or a few ornaments instantly makes things merry in a home.
3: Frame holiday pics…in cheap frames you don’t mind getting damaged.
I display many of the kids’ pictures over the years with Santa, but I don’t want to store those 11 months out of the year in my home (taking up storage space) just because the frames are nice, and I don’t want them to get damaged. Instead, I put those photos in inexpensive frames from Walmart or Amazon so if by chance one cracks or gets damaged, I legit bought it for like $3, so it’s not a huge loss. Spoiler alert: I think I’ve only ever had one actually get damaged over the years of storing them away. For peace of mind though, I like keeping them in frames that aren’t precious and fragile.
4: Swap out the pillow covers and not the whole pillow.
Instead of buying and storing a lot of seasonal pillows, just buy the pillow covers (so many places just sell the covers…like Pottery Barn!). Not only does this save you money, it’s SO MUCH EASIER to store the covers than big old pillows. I like to store mine in a drawer. They stack up quite nicely!
5: Bring out holiday books (or magazines!) and then put them away.
You know me, I love festive books and magazines, but I don’t necessarily need a holiday book out in my house in July. Instead, I add these items to my storage bins and then bring them out with my decor. Not only does this inspire me to display them, but it makes them always feel new, fresh and special since I only see them one season a year. I truly enjoy sitting down with them and reading them every time I pull them out.
6: Invest in pieces you’ll always treasure.
There are certain items (like the plates with my kids’ hands and feet on them) that I absolutely do not mind investing in. Those seasonal plates will go with me to the retirement home one day. I love investing in things like this (by the way, my friend Lori makes them, and she ships!), but I also fill my home with loads of seasonal items that are super affordable…
7: Fill in with items that are super affordable.
Notice the new sign in my library? The littles and I found that at Michael’s on sale for like $14. I’m a big fan of festive decor from places like Target, Hobby Lobby, Home Goods, etc. I don’t think when it comes to seasonal decorating that festive has to mean expensive. Which is why I like to…
8: Mix inexpensive, sentimental, traditional and whimsical.
I have a big mix. I have pillow covers that are 10+ years old from Pottery Barn mixed with signs that were made for the home we lived in 17 years ago, I have pottery my grandmother painted BEFORE I WAS BORN, I have whimsical little trees in my foyer and traditional colors in my library. You know what makes the holiday season beautiful? When you decorate it the way that gives your heart joy. I like a mix of all the feels.
9: Festive sheets are magical.
Everyone in our house sleeps on holiday sheets. Not everyone allowed me to take pics of their room this year (which is totally fine, I respect my kiddos’ spaces), but believe me when I say, every single one of us loves a holiday sheet. It’s such an easy way to add a touch of magic to your season, and even if no one else knows they’re under that comforter, you do each and every night when you slip into bed, and it’s worth it for your own Christmas joy.
10: Swap napkins, soaps and candles.
Easy peasy. I swap out all of those things we use any way for festive versions this time of year and a basic bathroom now feels merry and bright.
Okay, these last two are my TOP TIPS!!
11: Make a list and check it twice.
When I am taking down my Christmas decorations, I open a note on my phone and title it “Christmas 2024” (or whatever the next year will be) and then, I start writing out what I will need to buy/change/do differently for the next year. Not to brag, but you guys, this might be the smartest thing I do all year 😉 . Every October, I open that note and check to see what I’ll need to do differently this next year. For instance, this year, my list said things like “Smith needs new colored lights for his room”, it also said “Ashby’s tree broke, needs new one”. I had a note that said “need new garland for stairs, lights no longer working” and “need new garland for both mantles”. If things worked well/didn’t work well, I’ll note it. Any and all things I think about when I’m taking down my decorations goes on that list to help me the following year. This way, I don’t remember that Ashby tree was broken and tossed the day I’m trying to decorate. I know this in advance and can plan/purchase accordingly.
12: Count your blessings on your boxes.
Andrew and I started doing this the year we had Kensington. I can’t show you pics of our storage boxes really any more because they are so covered with blessings. Each year, when we put away our Christmas decorations, Andrew and I take Sharpies and write things we’re grateful for that year and/or hopes for the following year along with the date. There are so many blessings on those boxes. There are YEARS when we prayed over adoptions and now, there are two little girls in our house. There are also MANY things we’ve prayed over and written on those boxes that either didn’t come to fruition or the Lord closed the door in a way that was not expected. It doesn’t matter. They were still blessings because on those days when we wrote those things, we had hope in something greater than ourselves. Friends, if you only take one thing from today’s post, I hope it’s that when you pull your holiday decor down after Christmas, you pull out a Sharpie and write some blessings on those boxes. It’s such a sobering and humbling reminder that as much as we love the holiday season, all we have came from the Lord and as much as we’d love to have control over the upcoming new year, it’s truly not in our hands.
Okay, let’s do this!
Get cozy, snuggle down with coffee and Michael Buble Holiday on Pandora in the background and come on inside.
Merry Christmas! We are so happy you have come to visit!
There’s Frenchie relaxing up front, but do you spy Poppy too?
Thank you for stopping by! If you were here in person, you would hear Karen Carpenter playing over my sound system, and the whole house would smell like pine…and I would be so happy to greet you 🙂 .
Now, where do we store all of this seasonal decor? You can check all the deets RIGHT HERE!
Don’t forget that we’ve updated so many rooms in our house! If you’re looking for specific sources from specific rooms, these posts here will be the best bet for you to find that information:
That wraps up our Thursday!
I hope you all have a wonderful, wonderful day! xx
Elspeth says
I love your home tours and tips, especially the blessings box! So sweet! Have a great Thursday!
Dana P says
Beautiful! Those carolers are my favorite every single year. I wonder if we could still find them somewhere? 🧐
Mix and Match Mama says
My Grandmother painted those at a pottery studio back in 1980 🙂 .
Dana P says
I know, I think that’s why I love them! I did find some on Etsy, but the colors are nearly as pretty…
Sara says
Gorgeous as always. Twinkle lights sure are magical! Do your kids still go visit Santa and get their picture taken? We took my 10,8, 3 year old the other day (all still Santa believers) and it dawned on me that our years visiting Santa could be numbered. 🥺
Mix and Match Mama says
We haven’t been since 2019. The following year (because of COVID), we couldn’t go and then in 2021, they didn’t ask, so we didn’t go. They haven’t asked about it since then, so it just kind of stopped being one of our traditions. “Our Santa” retired (the one they’re photographed with the most), so it was a good time to stop.
Nanci says
Can you share where you purchased your outdoor Christmas pillows? Love them
Mix and Match Mama says
Of course! My cousin makes those 🙂 . She has an Etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PatiogirlPillows?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1525210819&from_page=listing
Lyssy in the City says
This is always my favorite post and inspires me to have the most decorated apartment in NYC! People always wonder how I store all my things, but I get creative. I like to buy new things in January when it’s all on sale, and by the time November comes around, I forget what I bought and it’s a Christmas surprise to myself 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
I bet your apartment is SO CUTE!!!
Lisa D says
I love, love, love what you wrote about counting our blessings! Everything we have is truly from God’s big heart. The birth of Jesus is what Christmas is all about.
Libby says
Love, love, love the blessing idea. Wishing you & yours a blessed Christmas.
Nicole Wiley says
I love all your tips. I have a not on my phone of everyone I buy for with what I purchased or the idea I have to get them. I put a check next to the item when it’s ordered or bought and a gift emoji when it’s wrapped. At a moments notice I can check the status. Best part, in October 2024 I just copy my note from 2023 and start adding to it. I don’t have to think if I forgot anyone. It’s all in one place.
Mix and Match Mama says
I love, love, love this!
Susan McKain says
I do the same, and I list the price next to the gift for those groups of people I am trying to keep the spending equal for. Merry Christmas to all! Enjoy this weekend as well.
Grace says
It all looks so beautiful! But tip 12: Count your blessings on your boxes. Seriously, that’s the best tip ever. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! A new tradition starting here this season. Amen.
Judy says
Beautiful decorations! Do you have any nativity scenes?
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you! Years and years ago, we had a beautiful one that didn’t make a move in one piece, and I’ve never replaced it.
Kay says
‘Tis my favorite blog post of the year!!! Thanks, as always, for sharing your beautiful home. It looks amazing! And totally gets me in the holiday spirit. It makes me so happy to see others’ decorations. I wonder if you’d ever consider creating a # so those of us on Instagram can share our own decor photos from within this amazing community? Happy Holidays to you and yours!
Mix and Match Mama says
What a great idea?! I love it, Kay!
Martha says
Hi Shay, not really decorating related, but house related. What type of flooring do you have on your cozy office balcony? I’m curious how the rain drains from that…Thanks!
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s tile! The balcony was built with just a titch of a slope so that the rain doesn’t accumulate.
Emily Taylor says
Beautiful & cozy! Where did you get your “it’s beginning to look like cocktails” towel? so cute!
Mix and Match Mama says
Home Goods!
Elizabeth says
Your house looks beautiful – thank you for sharing. Random question – have you ever attended the parade of lights in McKinney? I have lived here for 20+ years and have never been (gasp) and want to take the kids this year. Looking for some pointers if you have been – like how early do you have to get there to get a spot? And do the stores typically stay open later that evening or should we walk around before the parade? Sorry I know this is totally off topic from your post just thought you may have some pointers.
Mix and Match Mama says
I attend EVERY SINGLE YEAR!! Parking is the hardest part, so I would plan on arriving about an hour early. The stores do not stay open longer for the event but the restaurants are all still open (so go even earlier if you want to shop). You will love it! It is my #1 favorite McKinney, TX event each year 🙂 .
Ramona Puckett says
Love love love your Christmas home! It’s so cozy and cheery and writing your blessings on the boxes is a great idea that I’m going to start. Thank you, Shay and family ❤️ Oh almost forgot! Poppy is adorable under the tree 🌲
Mix and Match Mama says
Sweet Poppy 🙂 .
Gale says
Everything Ramona said is exactly what I was going to comment!
Angela says
Poppy under the tree may be my favorite part of this post! She loves to remind you what a gift she is to the family!
Mix and Match Mama says
I love that dog so very much. She just follows me around all day long. She is such a gift!
Lori says
I love the count your blessings idea. I’m definitely sharing with family & friends. What happened to the home button on the website? Yesterday & today, I noticed it’s not there🤷♀️
Mix and Match Mama says
I’m working on getting it back on! Sorry about that, Lori!
Heather Green says
Thank you for sharing tip #12. The best tip of all!! Love your beautifully decorated home
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you, Heather! Merry Christmas!
Patty says
I look forward to this post every year! You and Andrew do a beautiful job from year to year! I love the idea of putting what you don’t gravitate towards in a box from a year or two to decide to part with it. You buy with intention (I do the same) but it can all add up!
I have to take pictures on my phone of how I display my seasonal decor or I can’t always recall from year to year! I must say it helps my aging brain! 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
Patty, I have to look back at my own blog posts every year to see my own pictures too 😉 . Merry Christmas!
Desiree Leone says
Love all of your Christmas decor Shay! It’s so cozy and festive! Cheers to a very happy season for you and your family! XOXO
Mix and Match Mama says
Merry Christmas, friend!! xx
MelanieL says
So beautiful as always! Two of my favorite pieces are your gold reindeer on your sofa table, love those!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you!! Those are from a boutique on our town square.
Jen says
Your home is so beautiful and your holiday decorations are amazing – I love how you embrace the season! LOVE Tip #12 as well. I was wondering about a Nativity scene, maybe that’s more of a Midwest thing – they are in all our stores and churches this time of year. I made a rule for myself years ago, if I put a tree up in a room, I must have a Nativity scene in that room too – some are very small (my kitchen windowsill) some are larger – but I love the little visual reminder in each room of the true meaning behind all the beautiful decorations. Have a very Merry Christmas and enjoy all your blessings!
Mix and Match Mama says
I don’t know, maybe it is more of a midwest thing (although I’m not sure my mother-in-law has one)? I don’t know? My mom doesn’t put one out either, so I guess it’s just off my radar??
Salvatore Vella says
We have several, even an inflatable nativity in the yard. Not midwest, Erie, Pa
Kristen A LeVangie says
I grew up in NJ and live in Boston now and all my friends/family also display a nativity as well 🙂
Shelby says
Hi Shay!! We literally built our entire home in 2019 based on your kitchen!! I am going to email you pictures. 🙂 Anyway, to this day I am so grateful for my dream kitchen that was completely inspired by yours! My question is since we have the same stone area around our stove like you, how do you hang the giant velvet bow?! We have tried so many ways the last couple of years to no success lol! We need your trick! 🙂 Thanks again for inspiring literally our entire new home build!!
Mix and Match Mama says
I am looking at your photos in my inbox now, Shelby! Your kitchen is GORGEOUS!!!! Stunning! Okay, Andrew put a nail in the stone that stays there year around. It blends in and is so high that you don’t see it/notice it, but that’s how it’s hung. Merry Christmas! xx
Rachel says
Love the white light trees in your foyer!
Erika Slaughter says
Your house looks so festive and cozy! Absolutely gorgeous!
Amy St. Hilaire says
Did you paint your kitchen island blue, or am I seeing things? 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s always been blue!
Anonymous says
How fun! Your house is beautiful!! When I packed up Christmas decorations last year, I labeled each plastic bin by room. The decorations I put in that room go in the coordinating bin. Also, I took pictures of all of the decor before I took it all down, and saved in an album on my phone, so I could easily see where each little trinket goes (uhmmm we have a lot!). The pictures and the “labeled by room” bins made it sooo much easier/more efficient to put up the decor this year.
Mix and Match Mama says
You are a girl after my own heart. xx
Alexa says
I always look forward to this post each year! I’m very jealous that you can display your Spode plates on your bar cart, at the bottom of it, no less. I have toddlers running rampant in my house! Fun inspiration ideas for me down the road when I don’t have to put all of my things up so high all the time! The trees in your foyer are gorgeous!
Mix and Match Mama says
Enjoy those toddlers while you can! Enjoy ever chaotic moment 🙂 .
Linda says
Your house is beautiful! Love the white trees in your foyer, where did you find those?
Mix and Match Mama says
Pottery Barn last year!
Stacy says
Love all of your trees! Ready to make the switch to artificial…any recommendations? I prefer unlit.
Mix and Match Mama says
We do too!! We like to add our own lights as often as we can. Our tree in our great room is 11 years old. We bought it here: https://www.treesntrends.com/
Sarah Shaneyfelt says
I always look forward to this post! Love your Christmas decor and how cozy and welcoming your home feels! Merry Christmas, friend!!
Amy says
Love this post. Would you share where you got your coffee table in your family room?
(Room with Christmas stockings)
Did you post a video once of how you make your primary bed. If so, would you share the link? If not, could you do one?
Mix and Match Mama says
I bought that at a store in Dallas called Weir’s a million years ago. I’ve posted a video on making my bed. It should be in my IG highlights. I have a blog post too: https://mixandmatchmama.com/2020/03/bed-making-routine/
Laura Holmes says
So festive and pretty! My favorite part is what you wrote about the blessings on your storage boxes! What an amazing idea. I just love what that represents about the hope of the season and the new year. Merry Christmas!
Heather S says
What are the cookbooks on the shelf in your office?
Mix and Match Mama says
I collect cookbooks! I have so, so, so many. Those in that photo are the Gooseberry Patch brand. I love them!
Melissa says
I want to hear about the moose! Did Andrew get to go moose hunting?
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh yes, he did!
Kacy M says
Christmas decor always makes me so happy. I love how your dogs follow you around for all the pics!